

This day was getting more and more…strange. There hadn’t been this much activity since…ever. I had heard that David had gotten beaten up by Fred. That surprised me. I thought that David was part of the in group. Maybe he wasn’t. Then again, what did it matter? I did feel immensely bad for David, but now I feared going home. Since the teachers stopped the fight, and Fred was in huge trouble, he was probably in a bad mood. Which may equal him throwing me over the fence instead of just my backpack. Deep in thought, I nearly ran into Victoria standing there.

What was up with running into people today?

I mentally scolded myself for it and looked at her. I felt my mouth go dry. Maybe this was my chance? “H-hi.” I stuttered quietly before nearly slapping myself. What was I thinking? All of this fear was making me reckless. I decided to go get some food, just because it was something to do. I passed up Mary in the hallway. She looked at me through narrowed eyes.

“Hey, you’re techno nerd, right?”

Wow. No one had ever called me that to my face. Well, unless that popular people counted.

“Yeah.” I sighed in response.

“Good. I need help on a project.”

“Well, I have time now.”

She nodded and then walked towards the library. I assumed that I was supposed to follow, and I did so. She was very intimidating. Then again I was very easily intimidated. I jumped out of the way of trouble, not into trouble.

After school I walked home. I could have taken the bus, but I had to help out in the technology room after school. Plus the guidance counselor wouldn’t let me go. I had to sneak away while she was taking a phone call. That woman would be the death of me. I sighed as Fred came into view, standing in his normal spot.

“Hey nerd boy.” He said with a smirk. I sighed a deep sigh. He walked forward quickly, trying to grab my shirt. I did something then that would surprise me for a long time. I dodged his hand and backed away. “Now you’ve done it.” He snarled. “This time you’re going over the fence with your pack.”

“Yes I am.” I replied, grabbing the fence and climbing over as usual.
“Are you insane?” He looked at me like I was crazy. I ignored him though, and jumped over the side. I landed, and smiled, happy to be away from him. Then I slipped on something, a stick perhaps? And I landed head first on a rock, causing my world to go black.
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