

David was picked up and taken home. I, however, stayed at school until it was time to go home. As soon as the bell rang, I followed the flood of students outside. It took awhile for my bus to get there, but it took me home pretty quickly. I was still a loner on the bus, but at least I had one friend. Unfortunately, Victoria told me that she had to mainly hang around with the other populars. Maybe I could talk to David?

As soon as the bus pulled up in front of my house, I almost jumped off. Mum was waiting for me at the door, she was smiling. I hugged her when I reached her, “How was your day, Jamie?” she asked politely, thinking she knew what the answer was.

“It was surprisingly good, I made a friend.” mum looked at me with surprise, then smiled even wider.

“That’s great, Jamie!” I walked inside and pulled out my books. First I was going to do my English homework, because that should be interesting. I looked at what I was supposed to do and moaned. This looked confusing and it was all to do with Shakespeare. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Victoria. ‘Hey do you know anyone who can help with my homework?’

It wasn’t long before I got a reply, ‘Hey, I do. The only problem is I don’t have his number. I’ll see if I can get it from someone.’ I sat there for awhile, waiting for her next text. There was a little beeping sound to signal that I had a text. It was from Victoria, she had sent me a number, “Derek” was written after it. I remembered Derek from my technology studies class.

I saved Derek’s number into my contacts then texted him. He didn’t reply, so I sighed and tried my best to do my homework on my own. It took me awhile, but eventually I finished. I looked outside the window and saw that night had swarmed over the town.

There was a knock at the door, “Jamie? Dinner’s ready,” my mum’s voice called out. I sighed, then opened the door. I walked down the hall and to the kitchen. It was roast, I smiled then took and plate and carried it to the living room. I switched on the TV and flipped through the channels until something interesting came on.

After dinner, there was a knock on the door. I walked over and opened it, Victoria stood there smiling, “Um, hey… H-how do you know where I live?” I asked her.

“You told me… Did you want to come out to town with me?” I didn’t remember telling her my address. Then I realized that of course she knew, my address was written on my school bag. I nodded.

“I’ll just get changed first.” I ran up to my room and changed into a nice little outfit. I ran back down the hall and wandered outside, “Let’s go.” Victoria and I walked down the street, I hoped mum wouldn’t mind. I wouldn’t be able to stay out long, I would get screamed at if I got home past ten.

“Do you mind if we go over to the park?” Victoria asked, I smiled and nodded. Luckily, the park wasn’t far away. Once we reached it, she turned around to face me, “Talk to him.” She smiled and pointed towards a teenage boy who was sitting near a tree. I stared at him for a few seconds, when I realized who he was I nodded.

I walked towards David, he looked up at me, “Umm, hey,” I nervously greeted. He nodded slightly, I shone my phone’s light at him and suppressed a gasp. There was a nasty looking bruise just on the side of his chin and one of his cheeks was red, “Are you okay?”

“Do I look okay?” he snapped, then looked away from me.
“I’m sorry…”
“Why are you apologizing?”
“I upset you.”
“Oh? You really think so?” David scoffed.
“You’re confusing.” the words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them. I hoped he wouldn’t be offended.
“Thanks, I guess,” he sighed, “Why are you here?”
“Because… Uh…” I struggled to find a reason.
“Exactly… Follow me.” he grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

David led me to the little playground. He reached a wall with a chain attached to it. He climbed up and reached the top of the playground. He reached out his hand and I took it. He pulled me up so I could reach him. I watched him as he leaned against one of the small walls, “You don’t seem the social type,” he commented.

“Um, thanks, I guess.” was it just my imagination or did he smile a little?
“It was a compliment.”
“In art today, you complimented my painting… I forgot to tell you yours was pretty good, too.”
“Thank you.” I had no idea where this conversation was heading.
“Also, thanks for helping me out today, most people would have made me walk to the sick bay myself.”
“I couldn’t just let you suffer, you were hurt.”
“Is that the only reason?” my mind seemed to freeze, what did he mean?
“Yeah… At least… I think so…” the small hint of a smile vanished from his face.
“Oh… Okay, well I have to go now, anyway.” he turned around and jumped off the playground. I saw him walk off and I felt horrible.

I used the chain to help me climb down. I searched around for Victoria and saw her where I left her, “Wow, I thought you had left me!” she hugged me and smiled, “So… Where did you guys go?” she asked. I explained what had happened, “Do you like him?”

“What? Victoria, I’ve only just met the guy!” I blushed and bit my bottom lip.
“So? Doesn’t mean you can’t like him, silly.”
“Okay… Maybe a little…”
“I knew it. You guys would be so cute together, just saying.” we both began to walk around. We didn’t have much time until I had to head home, so we bought some ice creams and ate them in the park. Once we finished those, we said our goodbyes and headed home.