Status: Active! This is my beautiful side project. I will be returning the Disciples shortly.

There Was A Queen


“What’s the deal, Finn?” Vivian asked him softly, placing her palm on his left shoulder, her expression concerned. He looked a little shaken up, a reaction in which good news never followed.

“We can’t go home tonight.”

Kurt looked at him in disbelief. “Um….what?”

“Burt and Carole need some time to….sort through their dirty laundry.”

“Dirty laundry? Finn, what the hell? Stop speaking in codes.” Kurt scoffed.

Finn looked to Vivian, and then turned his gaze to the floor. “You know what I mean Kurt…..don’t make me say it…”

Adam looked puzzled for a moment, but then recognition hit his eyes. “Ohhh, you mean their fucking!!!

Silence hung in the air for a few seconds before they all busted into laughter, aside from
Finn, whose face turned a deep red.

Vivian jabbed Adam with her elbow, “Dude!”

“Well it’s not my fault you guys had me playing like 21 questions.”

“Nobody even asked you. What are you talking about?”

Adam huffed and rolled his eyes. “Whatever. So, what’s the plan, V?”

She quickly gathered her thoughts, considering her options. They are waited quietly for her response. She could take the boys to the rave. That way she could ask Adam to keep an eye out for them. She didn’t feel like babysitting, but where else could they go? It wouldn’t be too bad; she could just down some Monster around three in the morning so she could drive them home.

Adam wrapped his arms around her waist, digging in her pockets for her keys. He raced off to her car, unlocking it so he could get into the driver’s seat. “Times a’ wastin. Let’s go!”

She rubbed the corners of her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose, releasing a deep breath. Finn suddenly appeared by her side, his soft eyes looking down on her.

“It’ll be fine, Vivi. Come on.”


Finn, Kurt and Blaine stood inside the Campus Center waiting for Adam and Vivian to finish getting ready. Well, technically, Blaine and Kurt were sitting and chatting while Finn was losing his shit.


You might as well have cut off his circulation then and there.

It’s not like he wasn’t used to a couple of beers and a good time, but this was a rave. He’d watched the MTV show Skins, and he surely wasn’t ready for that.

Kurt got up and shook Finn. “You’ve gotta relax, Finn. It’s not that big of a deal. Loud music, loud colors, big whoop. You’ll survive.”

“How do you know I won’t end up in a ditch somewhere?”

“There are no ditches nearby?” Blaine interjected.

Through the hall, Adam emerged, wearing a neon green hoodie with the words “Own it” painted on the back in glow in the dark paint. He tugged on his big black headphones.

“Are you ladies….and Finn…ready to party?!”

Blaine cheered enthusiastically while Kurt half-assed it. Finn shrugged his shoulders.

“Motherfuckers….I can’t hear you!!!”

They raised their octaves just a tad.

“Okay, whatever, I’ll accept that! Introducing the lovely Lady V, hottest rave queen in all of Ohio!!”

And there she was. Finn gaped in awe. It was like she turned into a superhero. Her hair was no longer a rich deep red, but a bubblegum pink. (He prayed it was a wig.) She had thousands of thin multicolored bracelets trailing up her arms. Her eyes popped with loud green eye shadow adorning them. The finishing touch was her dress, which seemed to be just as loud as the rest of her was.

They all paled in compassion to her. He was feeling downright boring in his striped T-shirt and blue jeans.

“Okay….you guys ready to go!”

“Oh, yeah!” Blaine shouted out, tossing his uniform jacket to the side, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. Kurt raised an eyebrow, incredulously taking in his friend’s obvious need to cut loose. “What’s got into you?” he asked.

Blaine shook his head. “If you can't beat them, join them, right? All work and no play, makes me go crazy, babe.”

Kurt flushed a light tint of pink as Finn raised his hand to ask a question. “So, where is this place?”

Vivian grinned eerily. “It’s in an empty warehouse on the West Side of Columbus. We call it the Clearing. Don’t worry though; I’ll make sure you get home. Not without a little bit of fun in between though. “

For some reason, that didn’t console him one bit.
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Sorry, it's been a while, but hopefully this will suffice.