My 'Cool' Grandpa

Rosie Cool

Hi. I'm Rosita. I'm 13, I live in Oakland, California and I have the best Grandpa EVER. My name's kind of weird, I know. It's all my parents fault. My Dad gets his weirdness from Grandpa.

Anyway, my mom's called Rose, hence the name Rosita (little Rose, the Spanish equivalent of Rose Jr.) and my dad is Frankito. He's named after Grandpa, Frank Edwin Wright III. He calls himself Tre Cool, but its odd to call a 70-something-year-old balding guy with a beer belly, Tre, or, Mr Cool. It's weirder when we go out and people call him Mr Cool, or when fans of his band, Green Day, run up to him screaming and ask for his autograph.

I also have Aunt Ramona and her family. They're the last of my blood family (that I have met and know of).

I also have my dads friends, Uncles Joey and Jake, and Aunt Estelle. Of course, I know Grandpa's friends, Uncles Mike and Billie Joe.

My favourite though, is Aunt Adie. She's really cool for a little old lady. I went to see her when I was about ten and I heard really loud music coming from their house. I walked in and assumed that it was Joey or Jake, but then I saw Aunt Adie, dancing to Operation Ivy with Uncle Billie .

Anyways, if I tell you any more, you're head will probably explode from all of it, I know it sure as Hell confuses me!

Mom, Dad and I are driving down to see Grandpa later today. Grandpa is kind of cool. I remember sleeping over at his house one night. I woke up in the morning and I heard weird noises coming from his room. I went in and Grandpa was jumping up and down on his bed.

After the initial shock (and after I stopped laughing), I looked closer and I realised he was jumping up and down on a soft toy, a monkey. I went in and asked him what he was doing. His exact words were, "Mr. Whirly bit me and stole all my ice cream and then he said that I wasn't a good drummer anymore and that I sucked and he was going to take my place in the band 'cause Mike and Billie hate me but I said that he couldn't 'cause he doesn't have thumbs and he said he'll use his mouth or his feet to hold the sticks but that's MY job and I don't like him anymore!!! He will be punished! He will he will he will!!"

He ran downstairs and threw the monkey in the fire place and started giggling. He got a bowl of ice cream and sat down. Then Dad came down and stole his ice cream so Grandpa chased him round the garden with the hose.

Dad just came up to my room. We're leaving now. Aunt Adie and Uncle Billie will be there, with Uncle Joey and his wife, Sarah, and kid, my best friend, Jack.


We're in the car now. Dad drives really fast. It's cool, but sort of scary at the same time. There's a really sharp corner coming up, I wish he'd slow down. It's really freaking me out, Mom too. He should slow down, he can't see round the corner, something could be...