My 'Cool' Grandpa

Good Riddance to Green Day

Rosie's POV
Jake woke up. He looked around. "Where the fuck is Emma?!"

"What?!" Uncle Billie yelled, jumping up.

"I asked you guys to watch Emma! Where the fuck is she?" Jake yelled.

Aunt Adie got up. "Sweetie, she can't have gone far. We'll look for her. She probably just fell asleep somewhere."

"But where Mom?" Jake yelled. "How the fuck would you feel if you lost one of us when we were in a fucking aeroplane at 3000 feet?"

"Young man you stop yelling!" Adie yelled. "You have every right to be angry but don't you DARE yell at me! Now, everyone, let's calm down and look for Emma."

Jack and I went towards the cupboard and looked in there. We found a little teething ring and a dummy. Nope. We looked in the overhead lockers (hey, you don't know Emma like WE know Emma. Once she got on the roof) and under the seats. We asked the captain if he'd seen her but he hadn't. Now we began to worry.

We found Jake, Billie and Adie, They hadn't found her either.

"Oh my God!" Jake yelled. "Can you open windows on aeroplanes?"

"No, Jake, trust me. I speak from about 50 years of experience. Those things won't budge." Billie replied.

"Are you sure?" Jake asked. He started biting his nails and his ears went all red, like Jack when he's worried. He walked to the cockpit to speak to the captain.

I went and sat down on one of the bunks. Where else would she be? I needed the bathroom. I walked over and opened the door. That's weird. It was locked. Everyone was out there, except...

"Emma!" I yelled. I ran out and found Jake, Jack, Billie and Adie. Everyone else was still asleep, how I have no idea.

"What? What's wrong?" asked Adie.

"I think I might have found Emma," I said.

"Where?" yelled Jake. "Where is my daughter?!"

"I think she locked herself in the bathroom back there," I replied.

"Oh God," Billie said. "The bathroom with the tricky lock?"

"I'm guessing so," I replied.

"Jake, if she's in there, we can't get her for another hour, until we land," Billie said.

"WHAT?!" Jake yelled. "We've got to make an emergency landing! LAND THE FUCKING PLANE!!"

"Jakob Danger Armstrong!" Adie yelled. "Do NOT take that tone with us! Apologise to your father and I will talk to the captain. NOW young man!" She marched off.

I looked around. Everyone was still asleep.

"Unbelievable," I muttered, as Jake apologized and hugged Billie.

Adie came back in and Billie and Jake sprung apart. "Well?" Jake asked.

"We're right over the English Channel," Aunt Adie said. "We'll be in London/Luton airport in about an hour."

"WHAT?!" Jake yelled. "Where's that dickhead cu... "

"Young man watch your language!" Aunt Adie snapped.

"For God's sake, Mom! My two year old daughter is locked in an aeroplane toilet and we can't fucking get her out! I don't give a fuck what I'm saying!"

"Jakob, don't speak to your Mother like," Billie began. Jake gave him a look. "Or talk to her like that all the time, y'know, whatever." Billie wandered off as Adie glared at him.

Jake sat down. "This is going to be fun."

Jack and I glanced at each other. He turned red and walked off. What the fuck was that about?

Oh well. I put on my headphones. Jake glowered at everyone. He was right. This WAS fun.
"I sit alone in my bedroom, staring at the walls...."

After an action-packed hour (involving Ellie waking up and going into hysterics when Jake told her what happened, therefore waking up everyone) we landed at London/Luton airport. Jake and Ellie rushed straight to the bathroom and, with Mike and Billie's help, busted the door open.

Emma was lying asleep on the floor, holding Mr Whirly tightly. As Jake picked Emma up, Mike turned to him.

"Dude," Mike warned. "Whatever you do, don't let Tre see that monkey."

He walked out and left a very puzzled Jake behind.

We all got off the plane into a private little room where we would wait for our tour buses. Billie donned his hat and sunglasses.

"Alright," Billie yelled. "After what happened on the plane, every where we go, Mike is doing a head count before we leave."

"Billie Joe, Adie, Joey, Sarah, Jack, Jake, Ellie, Emma, Estelle, Tre and Rosie. Yup, everyone's here." Mike said.

"Fantastic," Billie grinned.

A steward entered the room. "Mr Armstrong, Mr Dirnt, Mr Cool, and families," he added, nodding in our direction. "Your buses are ready."

"Don't you just love their accents?!" gushed Grandpa, smiling.

We walked out. Six buses were standing there. Billie and Adie went in the first; Joey, Sarah and Jack filed into the second; then Jake, Ellie and Emma got into the third; then Mike and Estelle in the fourth, and finally Grandpa, and I went into the last.

Grandpa went straight to the fridge. "FUCK YEAH! They remembered! Ben and Jerry's and some beer! FUCK YEAH!"

He threw me a can of lemonade and a chocolate bar.

"Hey, how come I don't get ice cream?" I demanded.

"Because, number 1, I'M the oldest," he began. "Number 2; I pay for it and number 3; I am the sexiest drummer in the world."

"EWWW!" I squealed. "Don't be disgusting! You're 74 years old!"

Grandpa gasped. "I am 73!"

"Eh, what's the difference?" I smirked.

Half an hour later, the buses stopped at Milton Keynes Bowl. It wasn't being used for the next two days, so we were staying there until Green Day played.

We got off the buses and went into the tents. Jack, Emma and I had a tent of our own (basically because kids rule), Billie and Adie were sharing, Estelle, Sarah and Ellie were sharing so it'd be like a long sleepover, Jake and Joey were sharing and Mike and Tre were sharing. The two Jason's and Ronnie won't get here until tomorrow.

Jack and I put on a glove puppet show for Emma. She fell asleep, so we watched some movies.

Two days later (the day of the concert)

Grandpa, Billie and Mike were getting ready to go on stage. We saw classic Bullet in a Bible moments that we thought they had only done for the camera; turns out Grandpa really is SO BEAUTIFUL! Billie really does walk around, humming weirdly and Mike just goofs around to hide his nerves.

Billie called Mike and Tre over. I heard what he said to them.
"OK, guys, we've had a good run, 56 years, more than most. I just want to say." Billie got all choked up and a tear rolled down his face.
"I...I just want to say that... that there's NO ONE I could have done this with, apart from you guys. I wouldn't be anything without you, you've been here for me for over 60 years and I hope I've been as good a friend to you guys as you guys have to me. You guys fucking rule, you're the best friends I've ever had and I fucking love you guys."

All three of them were crying at this point. Billie pulled them both into a group hug.

"Come on guys, time to go," a stagehand said.

"Treat it as if it's the last time you're ever going to play," I smiled weakly.

Billie, Mike and Tre smiled equally as weakly in return. "Come on guys, let's go."

Billie grabbed his replica of Blue, this time he was playing it for the whole concert, as a mark of respect; Mike grabbed his bass and Tre grabbed his drumsticks.

"Hey-ho, LET'S GO!"

Jack's POV

I watched as Grandpa, Mike, Tre, Jason, Jason and Ronnie walked on stage for the very last time. Tears were rolling down my face, a quick glance round told me everyone else was crying too. The audience wouldn't know until tomorrow evening that they had been at the last ever Green Day gig.

Everyone walked down to stand with security and watch the show. Some of the fans looked at us weirdly, they didn't understand why we were crying. Then I saw her, a girl standing in the mosh pit; she had dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. She looked straight at me. I glanced away and felt myself blush. When I was sure she wasn't looking, I glanced towards her again. She had a backstage pass. I would get to meet her. My tears dried up after that.

Rosie's POV

I was hugging Aunt Adie all through the concert. We were both sobbing our hearts out. I couldn't believe it. I'd had such a great birthday so far, now I was crying as if it was a funeral.

Billie spoke up and I looked towards the stage.

"I would like to ask Miss Rosie Cool up onto the stage; she's Tre's granddaughter and today is her fourteenth birthday."

Security lifted me up onto the stage. Billie gave me a tissue.

"Will everybody join in and sing Happy Birthday to Rosie please," Billie asked. The whole stadium sang Happy Birthday for me.

But I wasn't happy.

I looked into the audience. Jack was looking at a girl in the audience. She was looking right back at him. Jealousy twisted in my stomach, but I didn't know why. I looked up at Uncle Billie and hugged him. "Thank you Uncle Billie, this is the best birthday ever."

Billie smiled and handed me Blue. "Now, Miss Cool is going to help us play our last song, Good Riddance!"

The stadium erupted with cheers. I couldn't believe what Billie had just done. This really was the best birthday ever.

Well, I thought as I glanced towards Jack, almost...