It's Not a Butterfly

Chapter Ten - Motherlove

When Danny and Sandy arrived at Sandy's house in the evening hours, the atmosphere around them felt weird. Sandy still was shocked about her decision to go to Germany with Danny and Danny couldn't believe his luck. Whatever rode Sandy into this, it must have been something strong. Danny wanted to walk her to the door and wish her a good night, but Sandy just kissed him on the cheek, said “We'll phone later!” and got out of the car and to the door on her own. Danny didn't know what to do. He just drove away, because he was a little sad. He and Sandy had such a great day together and she had not even thought that she would react like that. Sandy hat no idea why she had been so harsh to Danny. But first things first. She had to tell her mother about her “little” trip. Her mum sat in the living room and watched her favorite TV show. Sandy didn't want to disturb, but she had to.


“Oh honey, how was your day with the good looking German guy?”, she asked.

“Uhm... good. Actually mom, I need to tell you something.”

“What is it? Don't tell me you did something stupid. Wait! You aren't pregnant, are you?”

Her mother overreacted in every case. Sandy heard her mum blabbering. Gosh. How awkward that was.

“Shut up mom! It isn't any pregnancy thing. It's just, that... Uhm... Well Danny wants to take me with him to Germany tomorrow and even though I hate the thought of going back to Germany, I really wanna go. I need to get to know him better and if that means I have to go to Germany, I'll do it. It won't be any day longer than 2 weeks, I promise! ”

Her mom just sat there, her mouth wide open and she stared at Sandy, like she just woke up from the dead. She didn't know what to say. Speechless she sat there and there were so many things in her head. Her little girl wanted to go back to Germany, because of a guy. Sandy's mom always thought she had made it clear, that no guy in the world would be worth such a journey. To her, men weren't even worth a thought. It somehow broke her heart to see, that Sandy just made her first huge decision. But on the other hand, she was proud. Sandy had listened to her heart and that showed her mom, that she was grown up now. Tears filled her eyes.

“Honey, I'm so proud of you. Go pack your bags and if you don't call or mail every night, I'll kill you!”

They hugged each other and Sandy immediately ran up the stairs to her room. She had a huge pink suitcase, in witch she threw every little peace of clothes in her closet. Skirts, pants, shirts, tank tops. Everything she could find, was good enough. When she was finally ready, she fell onto her bed. Sandy had accomplished a thing she never thought she would do ever. Pack bags to go back to Germany. To pack her bags for everything that was left behind a few years ago. But she did it and that made her proud of herself. Then she remembered that she had left Danny in confusion an hour ago. Sandy felt guilty for not saying a word and just leaving him in the car. She took her BlackBerry and searched for his contact. She wasn't sure wether to call him, or just send a short message. On the one hand she knew only writing wouldn't be that cool. She had probably hurt him deeply. Calling him would be the only way, to clear the situation. She dialed his number. Danny didn't answer, so she just left a message on his mailbox.

"Hey Danny, listen I am very sorry that I left you in a hurry earlier tonight. I was just so confused and didn't know what to do. Anywho, I'm just calling to ask when the flight is leaving tomorrow. Hope you get that message. Would love to hear from you! Bye"

Sandy hung up. She just hoped, Danny would call her back. She laied herself on her bed and watched the sealing. Questions came up in her head. Questions she didn't have an aswer to. What would wait for her in Germany? What would her grandmother say? And what would her former friends say? And suddenly Sandy felt tired. She had a hard day. She probably needed sleep. Sandy sunk into a dream. But the dream wasn't meant to be, because she woke up out of it when her BlackBerry suddenly rang. DANNY!

“Hey, I got your voicemail!”

“Oh, okay.”

“No worries. Of course I was a little disappointed, but I can totally understand that this situation is difficult for you.”

“Really? But you know I wanna come with you, yes?”

“Sure! And I appreciate your choice and I'm really lucky that you'll come with me.”

For a moment there was silence between the two. Sandy was happy, that Danny understood the case. That meant a lot to her!

“Well, when will you pick me up?”

“Uhm, let me say somewhen around half past ten. Our flight leaves at 12:15 pm so that'll do.”

“Great. So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?”

“Yes, you will! Sweet dreams. Good night.”

“Good Night Danny.”

Now Sandy was really euphoric. In a few hours she would be on her way back to Germany. But the excitement of the day, really got her exhausted in some kind and she fell asleep only moments after the phone call with Danny.

On the next day, Sandy's mom woke her up at 9 a.m. With a fresh made cup of coffee, that she placed right under Sandy's nose. Sandy couldn't believe it. Her mother never did something like that ever. Sandy just mumbled a short “Thank You” in her mothers direction, took the cup and got out of bed. Her suitcase was already brought downstairs and the only stuff she needed to do, was get dressed and wait. Sandy's mother had made breakfast. Sandy could smell it in her room. She took on the jeans from the day before and pulled a blue shirt out of her wardrobe and went down to the kitchen. The moment she went into the kitchen, her smile got brighter than a car. Danny sat on the breakfast table.

“good morning!”, he chuckled, smiling, offering her the chair right next to him.

“Hey. What are you doing here?”, Sandy asked, because she had no idea why.

“Your mother invited me over. I tried to call you an hour ago and you mom answered the phone.”

Oh god. Awkward silence made it's way through the room. Sandy felt ashamed for her mother, but on the other hand she was really happy to see Danny. She sat right next to him, gave him a short hug, just to not let her mother know, how deep that connection was they had. Her mom sat down on the chair on the head of the table.

“So, are we having breakfast, or do I need to leave you alone for a few minutes?”, she asked.

Sandy's face turned red and she just started with cutting her toast in half. Danny started with his breakfast right after, so that Sandy's mother had no chance to ask questions. During the breakfast it happened, that Danny's and Sandy's hands touched accidentally. Their faces turned red immediately and they shyly looked at each other.

After the breakfast it was almost time to go. Sandy went to her room to see if she really got everything she needed. Then she brushed her teeth and got downstairs again. Her mother already waited for her in the hallway. She held a little present in her hands.

“Sandy, I would like to give you this.”, she said and gave her the little box.

Sandy opened it and inside she found a little guardian angel in it. It was made out of metal and you could easily hang it on your keys. Sandy hugged her mother. She would miss her really much. Even though it was only 2 weeks. That would be a really long time for her.

“I will miss you mom!”, Sandy almost cried into her mothers ear.

“Oh I will miss you too. Be careful. You know how the people are!”

“Yeah mum. I know. I'm sure Danny will keep an eye on me.”

Danny smiled in their direction and took a look on his watch to symbolize that it was time to go. Sandy put her guardian angel in her pocket. Danny took her suitcase and brought it to the car. Sandy pulled her mother into a hug one last time, turned away and walked to the car. Her mother stood at the door and watched as Danny and Sandy got in the car. Sandy waved one last time and hoped her mother would stay save in the next weeks. Then they left Sandy's street and she left everything behind.
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Next chapter online :)
Hope you liked it!

I just noticed, that Danny and Sandy could also be characters out of "Grease" xDD