

The wind flew past me caressing every part of myself. I opened my ice snowy wings and closed them around me, they were changing silken colors. My eyes fascinated soft white to ebony black. My midnight plumes were soft against my bare arms and face. Gently flowing with the wind, the white from my toe length dress bled out, falling into the sky making the ever so white clouds winter. With a glow of gold my feathers left me, one by one, the shadowy soft quills burst into vivid embry blinding flames. Again, came the rushing of the air through my golden hair. I watched the ground come closer, and I knew it was time. Time for my transformation, in which would behold a new life; different from the heavens that were now above me. I held my hands out in the praying state interlocking my fingers I pulled them close to my chest and closed my gleaming jade eyes. Fingers still interlocked I took them away from my chest and opened them like a book. I opened my orbs and in my hands held a radiant gold heart; the light shined and danced catching the sun on my ivory skin. The heart melted into a golden liquid, staring at it. I put it up to my crimson lips drinking it. The feeling of life rushed past me and that warm beating in my chest started again. My lips turned up in the slightest of a smile. I was finally here, a messenger of god, who am I? Ezekiel I am an arch angel of death and transformation. And what is my purpose? I helped them cross-over to find troubled souls peace. Gracefully landing on hard cement, I looked around. I saw a man with chocolate brown hair and dull Grey eyes walk past me. He seemed to be older than thirty.
“Excuse me sir?” I questioned him, my voice sweeter than honey. He faltered stopped, turned and faced me.
“Yes?” He answered. I smiled, making my emeralds glow greener.
“My name is Rayna” I lied.
“Beautiful name Miss.”
“Thank you, would you mind telling me where I am?” I questioned.
“The pleasure is all mine!” He exclaimed.
“Seattle, how’d you get here?” I ignored what he had to say after that, it just seemed to trail off. “Thanks that will be all sir.” I skipped past him like a rock on crystal clear water. Once the man was out of sight I swiftly looked around. Peering at a bus stop I heard a voice. My eyes averted from the pole as I found a small child with strawberry blond hair and piercing green eyes, like my own. Her hands covered he face as did her tears that rapidly fell from her eyes. I touched her shoulder. She was completely cold. The tiny girl whimpered.
“Mhm” I knelt down to her level, she was ghostly her eyes had sunken into her head of something- if she was living- would be called sleep deprivation. Yet she was still beautiful as ever. Her death must have been traumatizing. She looked up at me.
“Who are you?” Her voice lingered.
“Rayna” I fibbed again.
“Liar.” She said.
“I watched you fall from the sky!”
I smiled, “You did, did you?” She nodded.
“Well it’s fair enough to tell you my name. I am Ezekiel” I replied to her.
“I,” She said
“am Blair.” I gave her a warm smile.
“Blair why are you here?” Her head dropped and she whimpered again.
“We were driving and I, wouldn’t listen to mommy…I wasn’t buckled and we… the deer and…” She broke down Blair’s tears flew freely now. I held her in my arms.
“Shh, what do you see?” She needed to be in the arms of god, she is keeping herself on earth.
“Do you see a light? Like sunshine?”
“No, everything’s dark...like when I don’t have my nightlight turned on...all I can see is you!” I knew I needed to help her before something else did.