‹ Prequel: Keep Me Together

Love Your Enemy

Preface: Weakened.

Jasper lay in his and his lover’s bed, with the love of his life in his arms. Alice had her eyes closed, happier than ever. Jasper wondered again, as he did so very often, what he’d done to deserve her love and devotion. He didn’t know the answer to that question, only that he would never deny the gift she was too him.

Alice stood by his side through all his problems; she was by his side every time he had a relapse on his diet. She forgave him for killing all those humans. She even forgave him for wanting to kill her best friend. Many wondered how she did it, how she cleaned up the mess after him without making the same mistakes.

Alice knew why; she loved him beyond everything. She loved him more than her own life, more than her family. She would forgive him anything. She saw past his faults, she only saw the beautiful man he was. She was blinded by love.

But Alice wasn’t aware of the one thing she couldn’t look past or forgive, simply because the thought of it to happen had never even grazed her mind. And it never would have either, at least not for a long while, if it hadn’t been for her extraordinary gift.

She froze in Jasper’s arms, her eyes suddenly wide open. She wanted to close them and remove the horrible vision from her sight, but she knew that it would be burned into her mind for the rest of her existence.

“Alice, my love,” Jasper murmured into her ear and held her closer. “What did you see?”
Alice opened her mouth, but she didn’t find the words to speak. An earsplitting scream of agony left her lips instead. Alice cried her pain out.
“Alice, Alice, what’s wrong, what did you see?” Jasper pleaded and held her up by her shoulders. “Alice, please tell me!”

She stared into his golden orbs with broken eyes, but as she stared into his, her own golden orbs turned black as the night sky outside their home; filled with betrayal and hate.
“How could you?” She screamed at him. “How could you do this to me?”
Jasper furrowed his brows at her words in confusion. “What are you talking about Alice?”

“I thought you loved me!” she yelled at him.
“I do! I do love you!” he said with pleading eyes. “How can you believe anything else?”
Alice looked away from him and tried to remove his arms when she felt her anger subside and be replaced with a calming ease.
“Don’t,” she said to him and stepped of the bed. “I saw you. I saw you with her, you cheating bastard.”

“What did you see?” Jasper grabbed her wrists in a tight hold.
“I saw you with her, a girl,” Alice said before she stared into his eyes yet again, throwing all her hate filled emotions at him as she spoke. “But I won’t hang around to see you cheat on me.”

“Alice,” he was weakened by her words as well as her emotions. “I have no other girl; I don’t want anyone but you!”
She snorted at him and got dressed. “You say that now.”

“I don’t want to lose you,” Jasper pleaded as he grabbed her arm.
Alice sighed and brushed her small hand over his cheek. “You already have lost me, Jasper, I’ve already left.”

And with that, Alice walked out on the love of her life. She left her home without even considering a goodbye to her family. No, Alice had a broken heart, and the place where Jasper’s love once had been stored started to fill with a hate blacker than her eyes.

“Alice,” he cried after her. “Stay with me!”
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First chapter! I hope you liked it and will stick around for the next :)

I'll update when I have two new comments !

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~ BreeVixen