‹ Prequel: Keep Me Together

Love Your Enemy


Dad led us to a big, fancy looking car outside the airport. A shiny black hummer – big enough to fit the five of us plus our luggage. A man stepped out of the driver’s seat when we walked up to the car. He was tall and muscled, blond hair, but pale as snow, golden eyes and pearly white teeth and in his early twenties.

Any girl would drool over his good looks, but I didn’t because I knew he could snap my neck and drink my blood in the blink of an eye. I glared at the man, already forgotten about the silent promise to play good girl I made to myself.

“Jasper,” my father said and shook hands with him. “Good to see you again.”
“You too, Seth,” Jasper said with a strained smile.
I knew it was because of what my father is. His smell and his burning skin.
“I heard about Alice. I’m sorry,” a saddened look came over dad’s face. I love my dad with all my heart, but his affection towards the leeches disgusts me.

Jasper merely nodded and loaded our heavy suitcases into the trunk of the car. He didn’t bother to introduce himself to me or my sisters, he only said hello to my mother.

“Nice manners for an old guy,” I whispered to my sisters as we climbed into the backseat.
“Olive,” dad scolded. “And where are your manners?”
I kept quiet the rest of the ride.


The house was enormous, but beautiful, no denying that. It looked like the whole family was lined up in front of the mansion when Jasper pulled the car to a stop in the long driveway. Four men and four women stood there with welcoming smiles.

I only recognized two of them, Jacob and Nessie. They came to visit us back home in Parghelia last year. I didn’t particularly have anything against Nessie, but she was a little too strange. Jacob is a great man, and I know he’s close to my father, but again, he is a leech lover.

This time, dad took his time to introduce us all. I didn’t catch any of their names, because of my own distant head. Nor did I really bother. I’m sure they will tell them to me again, on multiple occasions.

I held onto Elizabeth and Sophia’s hands; to protect them.
I breathed in the air around me, hoping to catch the sickening scent my uncles have told me about so many times. I couldn’t smell anything other than fresh air, to my own despair.

I’ve wanted to phase ever since I was a little girl. Ollie phased two years ago and my second cousin, a girl, phased earlier this month. I believe it’s highly unfair.

Sophia had a silly smile on her face; she has been exiting for this trip ever since mom and dad told us last month. She’s been impatient as well. It’s all because of Nessie. Some vampires are gifted, and Nessie’s gift gives Soph a chance to see clearly. I’m glad Sophia is happy; it just bugs me how close she is with Nessie.

“Do you want to see your bedrooms now or later?” the eldest looking of the vampires asked me and my sisters.
I burst out in laughter. “I thought we would have to sleep in coffins.”
“Olive!” my mother said and shook her head. “Esme, I’m so sorry. Just ignore her.”
Esme smiled at my mother. “It’s is okay. We hide the coffins in the basement, Olive, the beds are to keep up the charade. I’m sure you’ll get the chance to see them as well.”

I tried really hard to suppress the smile that threatened to make its way onto my sarcastic lips, but failed miserably. It was something about her, Esme, she was so… human. But still a leech; kind off.

“Come on, follow me girls and I’ll show you around. Jasper, will you help me with their suitcases, dear?”
“Soph,” Nessie called after my sister. “Find me after wards.”
Sophia giggled. “I will.”

Esme took one of our suitcases and Jasper the other two and our bags. The first floor was mainly the living room (I couldn’t hold back my jokes at that one), kitchen and winter garden. We were led upstairs and down a long corridor. Esme pushed open a door and led us into a gigantic room. Three twin-sized beds were placed around, with nightstands.

An on-suite bathroom and walk in closet were also included. I couldn’t deny the comfort. This was better than any hotel.
“I’ll hope you’ll settle in here,” Esme said and stood in the doorway. “And let me know if you want any changes. Your mother told me on phone that you preferred to stay in the same room.”

“Thank you Esme, I’m sure it’s beautiful,” Sophia smiled absentmindedly and pushed her glasses on place again.
Elizabeth was running around like a fool, exploring it whole.
“This is really awesome, I’ll admit that,” I told her.


I thought I would spend all my time with my sisters, but that didn’t happen. Sophia was off with Nessie somewhere and Elizabeth had fallen in love with the vampires, especially Rosalie. They were just as vain, both of them, in my eyes. Rosalie used Lizza as a dress up-doll.

Elizabeth came running into our room times on times again, with Rosalie in her heels, showing off all the dresses Rosalie gave her. I ignored her. I felt betrayed by them.

I didn’t join my family or ‘the Cullen’s’ for dinner either. My lack of appetite was the main reason, and I felt sick. I ate salt crackers in my room as I read a book about medicine. Sophia called me a nerd when she and Nessie asked me to come with them and I declined their offer.

I wouldn’t call me a nerd. Just smart; a prodigy. I’m supposed to be a freshman, but I’m starting my junior year after the summer. Photographic memory makes school easy.


”This is great,” Sophia mumbled into the dark.
The clock was way past midnight, but my sister had been to wound up after their day to fall asleep earlier.
“Sure it is,” I grumbled back to her and kept my eyes closed.

I heard light feet move across the floor and I saw Lizza stand at the end of my bed when I opened my tired eyes.
“I’m a little scared, Liv,” she whispered.
I sighed, but smiled at her. I scooted over and made space for her under my covers.
“Do you really think they’ll kill us in our sleep?” she asked me.

I stared back at her with the same seriousness I had when I first told her that, two weeks ago. “Yes I do, Lizza, but I’ll keep you safe.”
“Thank you. I love you Liv.”
“Love you too, Lizza. You too Soph,” I said and closed my eyes yet again.
“Ti amo, sorelle,” Sophia whispered to us.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sick, again, really badly this time also. I find it hard to write, but I managed this one, hope you like :)

Big and many thank yous for the comments till:
hold me tight;
Rachel Helen;
Hello Fascination.
They mean a lot to me!

I promise there will be more between Olive and Jasper in the next chapter ; ]

I'll update when I have ten new comments !

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~ BreeVixen