Status: I'm going to try and get the next chapter complete and get it up soon.


Waking Up

“Dad, when should she wake up?” I heard a girl. I slowly opened my eyes and found a light in my eyes. I lifted my hand and blacked the light from my eyes.

“She’s awake!” I heard another girl say. I closed my eyes again and sat up slowly. I felt aches all down my body as I heard feet run to me.

“Here, sit up for a while.” I heard one of the girls say. I heard pillows being fluffed and movement around both sides of my bed.

“Are you hungry?” I heard a quiet voice ask. I opened my eyes. They were heavy and I felt like going to sleep. I spotted the edge of a hospital bed and the floor. I looked up at the pale green walls. I spotted a girl with short light brown hair with bangs. Her dark brown eyes were looking at me. “Do you want something to eat?” she asked me. I had to think. My stomach was empty but the thought of food made me feel sick.

“Not right now.” I muttered as I heard more footsteps coming my way. I looked towards the sound and found a tall man with black spiky hair and hair on his face.

“Well, it’s nice to finally see you awake.” He said coming closer to me. “Mind if I do a quick check up?” he said holding the chest piece of his stethoscope. I nodded and he put earpieces in his ears. He told me to breath and I did as he asked. I noticed as a girl the same size as the brunette came into view. She had the same height as the other girl. She had dark brown eyes and black hair that stopped around her chin. “I’m Dr. Kurosaki. These are my daughters Yuzu and Karin.” He said referring to the girls behind him. “Can you tell me your name?” he asked pulling the earpieces out of his ears and putting them behind his neck. He pulled out a light and checked my pupils.
I thought for a moment. My name? What was my name? I tried to think but nothing came to mind.

“Do you know where you’re from?” he asked me another question. He looked into my eyes as he fished something out of his pocket. I tried to think of where I was from then a question popped in my head.

“Where am I?” I asked. The brunette covered her mouth with her hands. She muttered something behind her hands. The man pulled out a stick.

“Open” he said holding the stick up to my mouth. I opened and he placed the stick on my tongue. “You are in my private clinic in Karakura Town, Japan.” He said examining my throat with his light. He pulled the stick out and dropped it in the trash can. I watched as he grabbed the tool to look in my ears.
Karakura Town, I knew were that was. I knew the name but I couldn’t think of any memories there. I tried to remember anything, but I couldn’t think of anything. No name, no family, no memories.

“Can you remember anything?” he asked me putting the light in his pocket and his tools away. I shook my head. “No personal information or any pictures of people?” he asked resting his hand down on the end of the bed.

“Nothing personal.” I said trying to think. I heard him sigh.

“Well, I’m not going to send you off like this. You’re staying here until your amnesia wears off.” He said standing up straight.

“How do you know its short term?” the dark headed one asked following the man out of the door.

“Because there’s no major brain damage, if she did have it, she wouldn’t be here.” He said talking to his daughter but looking at me. “You have nothing to worry about, your memories should slowly start coming back soon.” He said to me. “Now I’m going to go into the living room. You can rest in here and when you feel better you can come visit us in here.” He said leaving the room. The dark headed girl followed behind him. I turned to the brunette still beside my bed. She gave me a smile.

“Are you Yuzu or Karin?” I asked sitting back onto the pile of pillows the dark headed girl gave me.

“I’m Yuzu.” She said taking a seat in a chair by my bed. “My dad said you’re probably about Ichigo’s age.” She said swinging her feet. Before I could ask she answered. “Ichigo is my older brother.” She said her hands under her legs. She leaned forward. “Is there anything you can remember at all?” she asked. I sighed and told her what I remembered.

Yuzu stayed and talked with me for a long time. She had told me I was hit by a car and flew into the windshield. She told me how her dad, Karin, and she tried to get all of the glass out of my hair, but when I could actually brush it out, I might find some. She stayed until she said she needed to go fix dinner. I sat in the bed for a little bit in silence looking at my hospital gown. I noticed a small scar on my wrist. I traced it with my index finger and noticed one on the back of my hand. I lifted my hands and studied the scars on them. They were all small and scattered up my arm, so I assumed they were from the accident. I looked up and noticed a bathroom in the corner of the room. I slid out of the bed my feet hitting the cold floor. Shivers shot up my spine. I took a step and managed to wobble my way to the wall. I managed to get to the bathroom and I got a look at myself. I looked pale, I had turquoise eyes. I looked into them getting close to the mirror, noticing scars on my face. I had dark brown hair. I pulled my knotted hair over my shoulder and looked at the length. It reached my hips, even though it was a knotted nightmare. I heard a knock and I saw Yuzu in the mirror at the door.

“I can help you brush your hair after I finish with dinner.” She said to me holding a pile of clothes. “You can change into these.” She said as I turned to face her. I thanked her taking the clothes. “We saved your jeans and most of the things you had, but your shirt was ruined so I gave you one of Ichigo’s shirts.” She said as I laid them on the counter. “When you’re feeling better, we can go get you some clothes.” She said with a smile.

“That sounds fun.” I said smiling back at her. She seemed happy.

“Okay, I need to go finish dinner.” She said before leaving. I looked at the shirt. It was a black polo shirt that looked very big. I shrugged and got dressed.
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Don't forget to tell me what you think. I'm still decided on if I want to continue this story.