Status: I'm going to try and get the next chapter complete and get it up soon.


Urahara The Boss

Amnesia should wear off in a week according to Dr. Kurosaki. But mine didn’t. Dr. Kurosaki began to worry, even though he was trying to hide it from me. He insisted I start calling his Isshin, seeing as I was staying longer than planned.

It was the night before school started and I was lying on the couch, my temporary bed. I had gotten home from work, eaten dinner and crashed on the couch. Seeing as it was late anyway. I was lying there thinking. My boss was a really nice guy, and he often took me to the side and tried to help me with my memory. I felt like I could tell him anything, but I wasn’t sure I should tell him about the things I had been seeing though. I had slipped up and called them “Hollows” once, and Boss had a cow.

I had closed my eyes and was ready to drift off into sleep when I heard the door open. I flipped and fell into the floor. I peered around the corner and spotted a tall muscular guy with short orange hair. He had a smile on his face.

“Yuzu, Karin, Dad I’m home!” he said hollering up to the stairs. I heard footsteps running and I saw Yuzu come down the stairs first.

“Ichigo! You’re back!” she said hugging what I assumed was her older brother. Isshin and Karin were down quickly too.

“Where did Reina go?” Isshin asked looking around.

“I’m down here.” I raised my hand and he looked down at the tangled mess of me in the sheets.

“Why are you in the floor?” Karin asked as Yuzu helped me up. I stood up and glanced at Ichigo, who, may I add, looked very good. I scratched the back of my head.

“Well, um, I thought someone was breaking in.” I looked over and noticed the shocked look on Ichigo’s face. I noticed he was tanned and had lots of muscles, I blushed.

“So you fell in the floor?” Karin asked.

“I didn’t fall!” I yelped. “I just hid…” I said realizing that made me sound even more like a chicken.

“This is Reina Kurosaki.” Isshin said introducing me, ignoring Karin and my conversation. “Reina this is my son Ichigo.”

“You adopted someone because I left!” he shouted annoyed. “Why didn’t you get a dog?” I stifled a laugh.

“She has amnesia Ichigo! She’s staying until she gets her memory back.” Karin said ignoring the annoyance in his voice.

“Oh, well, um, nice to meet you.” He said blushing. “Well, I’m going to bed now. I’ll see everyone in the morning.” He said heading up the stairs.

“Don’t mind him. I’m sure he just doesn’t know what to do with a pretty girl around.” Isshin laughed giving me a quick hug and heading back to bed.

The next morning I got up early and got ready for school. I smiled at myself in the mirror. My long hair spiraled down my chest and stopped at the tail of my shirt. I had to admit, I was hot. I set my bag by the kitchen table and helped Yuzu with breakfast. Ichigo came down and stopped in his tracks.

“Why is she in my school’s uniform?” he asked pointing out the uniform I was wearing.

“She’s 15 Ichigo, she’s got to go to school!” Karin said as Yuzu grabbed her bowl and brought it to the table. I brought over Ichigo’s bowl and Isshin’s. Ichigo and his sisters continued to talk about me like I wasn’t even there.

“I am right here ya know.” I said waving at Ichigo. Isshin came in and took his seat.

“So she’s going to my school?” he asked looking at his dad.

“She’s in you’re class.” Isshin said eating his rice. Ichigo looked annoyed at that.

“I thought she has amnesia?” he asked looking at his dad.

“Yeah but” I started but I was drowned out.

“She does, she still doesn’t know her name.” Isshin said defended me.

“Can’t you put a picture of her out or something?” he asked grabbing his spoon.

“Hey! Stop talking like I’m not here!” I said getting louder waving my arms over my head.

“I’m not talking to you!” Ichigo said looking at me.

“You’re talking about me close enough!” I said gesturing to myself. He huffed and started eating again. I turned to my food. It was quiet for a moment.

“Oh by the way Ichigo have you been working out lately?” Karin asked her brother. “I noticed you got a few muscles.” Ichigo looked panicked for a minute then turned to his other sister and changed the subject. His dad got up.

“Think fast!” he said before kicking him in the head.

At school Ichigo seemed cheerful as he greeted his friends. I met up with Tatsuki. She was with a really tall tan guy and an orange headed girl.

“Oh hey Reina! This is Orihime and Chad.” She said pointing to the two beside her. I offered my hand and Orihime took it.

“It’s really nice to meet you! Tatsuki told me about you.” She said smiling at me. I gave her a smile back. I looked over to the tall guy. He didn’t do much he just told me hi. Ichigo walked in and greeted everyone. Mizuiro greeted everyone as Keigo walked in. Mizuiro pointed out that Chad and Ichigo had gotten tans when Keigo popped up and made an accusation about what Chad and Ichigo did over break.

“Try to keep your imagination in check.” Ichigo said to Keigo. I hid my laughter. He ran off and came to me.

“Reina, how could you let him be so mean to me?” he said reaching for me. I stretched out my arm and caught him by his chest.

“Because I thought it was funny.” I said laughing at him. The teacher walked in and we all took seats. I sat next to Ryo and Mahana.

“Where are you hiding! Come on out here!” Everyone turned to the window. “Ichigo Kurisaki. I know you’re up there! Don’t pretend you’re not!” Keigo opened the window and Ichigo jumped up and looked out. I just sat and watched as everyone started talking about him. Ichigo ran out of the room. I just sat amused. He was a very strange guy.

I was trying to pay attention to class when I saw a huge monster outside. A memory flashed and I saw a different monster in front of me. It was pouring down ran and I was walking. I turned to run as the monster growled. I had run around a corner and slipped. As I crashed into the puddle and I heard it cry out. I turned to see how close the monster was and it was gone.

The current monster was right up on the window and I noticed Orihime and another boy were looking right at it. Even Chad in the back turned to it. I started to panic. Was it going to smash the glass with everyone sitting in class? Then I saw Ichigo come flying by in black robes and a huge sword. I wasn’t sure what to do. It was when Orihime stood up and cheered when everyone looked at her. She had just laughed and the rest of the class laughed with her.

At lunch I made off to talk to Ichigo. He and a group of guys were walking away. I turned and told Ryo I’d join her outside later. I marched up to them.

“Hey Ichigo!” I said reaching his group. He looked at me with wide eyes. The group stopped walking, “Can I talk to you?” I asked. He looked back to his group.

“I’ll meet you on the roof.” He said waving them off. He waited until his friends were gone before looking back to me. “What do you need Reina?” he said calmly.

“I saw the monster.” I said bluntly.

“You saw the hollow?” he asked his eyes wide. I shrugged.

“I guess.” I said. Well, that explained why I called it a hollow once. Ichigo looked at me.

“I need to take you to Urahara’s shop after…” he started. I grinned.

“I work there!” I interrupted a little excited to hear about my boss. “I was going there after school anyways, I think I remembered something and I was going to tell him about it.” I explained.

“WHAT!” Ichigo yelled, making the teacher pop her head out of the class room. I put my hands on the sides of his face and made him look at me. “Why didn’t you tell me you worked there?” he asked. I just laughed as the teacher shook her head and went back into the class room.

“Because you didn’t ask” I grinned at my smartass comment. “Now let’s go have lunch. We’ll go see Boss after work.” I said lightly slapping his face and walking away.

After school Ichigo and I went to visit my boss. We made it to the shop and Urahara was waiting at the door.

“Reina, I told you to take the week off because of school.” He said with a smile on his face. “Couldn’t stay away could you?” he grinned as Ichigo and I walked up.

“Of course not Boss.” I said reaching the porch. Ichigo looked at me with his brown eyes large. “I’m joking Ichigo.” I muttered to him. He blushed.

“Reina, call me Kisuke.” He grinned as we stopped on the porch, and Ichigo grew angry for a moment.

“She remembered something today.” Ichigo started. Urahara smiled and put his arm around my shoulders.

“Oh good, come in and tell me all about it.” He said pulling me inside. Ichigo stepped inside behind us.

“She saw a hollow too.” He said urgently. Urahara stopped glancing between me and Ichigo.

“Well, since you’re back, maybe we should clear a little of the dust then.” He said offering me a seat at the table.

Urahara told me all about hollows and soul reapers. I found out where Ichigo really went during the summer. We spent the afternoon there teaching me about the things that they were hiding. Urahara told me that I had a powerful amount of spirit energy, so hollows would be drawn to me. He also told Ichigo that he needed to take care of me.

“I’m not a baby” I argued.

“And I’m not a babysitter.” Ichigo said. “I need to keep an eye out for hollows. I can’t keep an eye on her too.”

“I don’t need you to keep an eye on me.” I said to Ichigo. “I can handle myself.” I said annoyed at Ichigo’s attitude.

“And what if a hollow shows up?” Ichigo and Urahara both asked at the same time. I sighed and got up.

“It’s almost dinner time. We should go.” I said grabbing my school bag. Urahara had a smile on his face as Ichigo got up.

“Reina, can you skip school tomorrow and come here so I can finish telling you about everything.” He asked as Ichigo slid the door open. I shrugged.

“I guess” putting my bag’s strap over my shoulder, he just nodded. “Well, see you in the morning I guess.” I said following Ichigo out.
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Hm, I'm not so confident about this. I'm not one to follow story lines of shows or such. Plz let me know if you like it. I'm also not sure where it's going.