Status: Progress is happening!

For the Love of Music!

I feel like Im flying

The wind blows through her hair as she breathes in the smell of the city air. Eva closes her eyes for a second and all she hears are the sounds of thousands of bicycle wheels catching the breeze in their spokes Evan smiles to her self. She opens her eyes and sees the city lights passing above. She looks over at Jared and can’t help but grin. She glances at her hand and sees the sparkling ring he gave her she couldn’t ask for anything else in this world at this moment. Jared and Evan break off from the rest of the cycles and ride up to his house.
“Jared I am sorry I ever doubted you” she looks at her feet.
“Hey its okay I understand that stuff like this gets blown out of proportion sometimes” He grabs her hands and she looks into his eyes.
“Every time I look into your eyes I feel like I am floating” she giggles and turns red.
“That’s okay I don’t mind making you feel amazing” He laughs playfully.
“I hope you know that I am stiff iffy about giving you my heart Jared Leto” she glances at her feet again.
He lifts her chin with one of his hands. “I will do everything and anything to have your love Ev I hope you know that” they go inside of his house and she runs into the living room. She stands on his couch and starts jumping.
“Whoa some one is hyper tonight… what’s gotten into you?” Jared laughs.
“I am just happy is all” Eva smiles at him.
“Come on I want to show you something now.” She jumps off his couch and snags his keys from his hand. Eva runs through the house and into the garage she hears him running behind her. She gets into his black BMW and starts it up.
“Get in” She rolls the window back up. Evan backs out of the garage and drives for about two hours.
“Close your eyes” Eva giggles.
“Your not going to kill me are you” Ev hits his arm and he covers his eyes.
She opens the door and he gets out. She pulls him into the field.
“Okay now open your eyes.” She smiles looking at the sky.
“Wow” was all that Jared could say. They watched the colors dance across the sky as the stars looked like they were falling.
“Is this even possible?” Jared looked at her.
“No silly don’t you know you’re dreaming” Jared looked at her confused.
“Watch out behind you” Ev says.
I sit up in my bed sweat covering my bare chest.
“Fuck!” I slam my fists on my bed.
I run my hands over my face and through my Mohawk. It has been three years since I last saw Evalynne and I have missed her every day. She moved to some foreign country and I can’t find her to explain myself. Every night I have a dream about her and they always seem so real. I lie back down and stare at my ceiling. I look at the clock and the red numbers flash 5:23 back at me. I throw my covers off and get into the shower. Today we are going on another tour and I need to get up soon any ways. This tour is going to be like no other. I am excited for it because we are going around the world again! And we are going to be filming a new music video. I hope I can find her.