Status: Progress is happening!

For the Love of Music!

Smart ass

“Jared we are just friends so our hugs are just friend hugs okay?” I look at him his eyes twinkling in the moonlight.
“Yeah that’s okay... do you want me to walk you home so you can get your stuff for the tour?”
I stand there for a second thinking about the move I am going to make next.
“Jared I don’t know if I want to leave here things here are good and I have a nice flat I love it here”
“Ha, just kidding I totally had you thinking I wasn’t gonna go with you!” I giggle.
“Hop on” Jared scoots down in front of me. I jump on his back and he starts running down the street with me spinning around.
“Jared I live the other way!” I laugh.
“He stops and starts running the other way”
“You’re getting sweaty and gross” I laugh trying to push away from his back.
“I’m gonna drop you” Jared holds on tighter.
All of a sudden I feel myself falling a little bit. I yelp and grab on to him tighter.
“I wasn’t really gonna drop you” he laughs pushing me up his back.
“This is my complex” I point to the one we were currently walking by.
“Oh you mean this one” Jared points to the next building.
“No that one back there” He keeps walking.
“Jared we are almost a block away from my house” I laugh.
“Why didn’t you tell me where it was” He grins.
“Smart ass put me down” I let him go.
“I don’t think I heard a please in that sentence so no”
“Jared you smart ass please put me down”
“That’s better” He places me on the ground.
“Race you” I smirk at him reminding of the time he ran away from me while I had heels on.
I pull my hood over my head and run the other way. I hear Jared’s feet crashing against the ground behind me then I hear people start to say oh my god that’s Jared Leto.
“Quick put it on and run with me” I say as he attempts to put the hoodie on.
“I cant Evan you’re smaller than I am” he laughs and throws it back.
“Well then run faster we are almost there”
I unlock my door and walk into my flat.
“Welcome to my humble abode” I twirl around with my hands out.
“Wow I guess you weren’t lying when you said that you had a nice home” Jared studies all of my things.
“Yeah well make yourself at home and I am gonna go pack. Warning it may take me awhile” I giggle going into my room.
Jared’s POV
I get Evan back and I couldn’t ask for a better tour. I can’t believe that she has changed so much she has an amazing house here and I feel like I am taking her away from it all. I hear a voice and it sounds amazing. Eva is singing I lean against the doorframe and listen to her voice. I hear her stop and I walk away quickly. I sit on her couch and lean my head back I feel my eyes droop and fight it soon it envelopes me.
Eva’s POV
A couple of hours later I am done and I walk out of my room my duffel bag over my shoulder and my Nike bag on my back. I see Jared sleeping on my couch arms resting on the back head leaned back mouth open slightly snoring.
I slip his phone out of his pocket and call Shannon.
“Hello” hear Shannon’s deep voice. “Hey Shan will you bring the bus to my apartment Jared fell asleep and I don’t want to wake him”
“Yeah just be outside so we know where it is”
“Just go down Rothen road” I hear the phone click and I look at it for a second.
“Okay bye Shan” I say to myself.
I put my stuff on the floor and walk outside I zip my hoodie up further. It’s getting chilly outside. I see someone hovering around on the other side of the street and it’s really sketching me out I see a bus rounding the corner and I am hoping and praying that it’s the tour bus. I see him pull something out and then a flash. Paparazzi I groan and see the bus pull up.
“Hey Shan, Tomo monster” I laugh as Shannon hugs me.
“There’s a razzi over there so watch yourselves” they pull their hoods up and walk into my complex.
“Okay so I was thinking one of you could carry Jared and the other could help me with my stuff?” I ask looking at a sleeping Jared.
“Yeah I got Jared” Shannon lifts him up of the couch with ease.
Tomo grabs my duffel bag and I grab my other bags and descend the stairs with the boys. I put a sweatshirt over Jared and lock my apartment.
“You guys are lucky that I paid my bills up to the next six months” I laugh.
“Holy bill master” Tomo flashes me a grin.
The boys climb on the bus and I run on after them I see a couple of flashes but I close the door quickly.
“I can’t wait to see the tabloids tomorrow” I groan. I fall back onto the couch and lean my head back.
“Tomo drag me to my bunk” I lie on the floor and put my arms in the air.
“Night Shan” I look at him with the straightest face I could pull while Tomo drags me.
Shannon is hysterical and he is trying to hold it in so he doesn’t wake Jared.
“Tomorrow we go shopping” I say putting one leg in the air dramatically throwing my head back.
“Thanks for pulling my ass to my bunk Tomo monster you’re the bestest” I laugh as I get up off the floor.
Jared’s POV
I wake up in my bunk? I hear Shannon talking and Tomo snoring. I get up scratching my head and stretching out.
“Shan who are you talking to” I rub my eyes.
“Me silly Jared”
Evas POV
“Well I am gonna go wake Tomo up so we can go to the store” I say getting up.
“To the store seriously can it wait till tonight?” Jared asks rubbing his eyes more.
“But but….. Fine” I sit on the floor going back to my pastel drawing.
>> FFWD till six.
“Off to the store!” I yell through the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys.... just to let you know I will be updating every weekend now!
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