Status: Progress is happening!

For the Love of Music!

Calls it as she sees it

I walk down the street with the hooded men next to me we look like a bunch of punks with our hoods on. I look over at Shannon and he crosses his eyes and almost falls over and I laugh. Shannon throws me over his shoulder and spins around really fast.
“Shano stop it, your gonna make me sick” I laugh.
“What I am sorry I can’t hear you over the wind rushing in my ears” he laughs and stops twirling.
“Okay down now” I breathe.
“What I think I am deaf from all the concerts I have played”
I look at Jared and he looks jealous.
“Shano pleeeease” I whine.
“Oh god she’s whining its awful” Shannon places my feet on the ground.
“Look the store” I run inside and Shannon and I grab a cart and Tomo just waltzes in and starts walking through the isles while Jared grabs a mart cart. I flip my camera open and start recording up shopping. I get in front of Jared and he is so serious driving that mart cart around.
“Look dancing with the stars” I hold back a laugh he puts his hand out and goes around in circles. Shannon grabs some candy and sniffs it. He shrugs and throws it in the cart. Tomo begins to run down the isle and he clicks his heals together.
“Hey Shan give that back!” I laugh.
He turns the camera towards me and waits. I see Jared coming around the isle and I sit in the little basket on the front of his cart.
“Hey don’t squish my candy” he whines. I pull it out and sit it on my lap.
“Hi ho silver… away!” I point forwards and the cart zooms past Shannon and he laughs hysterically.
“Tomo come here quick” I wave to him while Jared and Shannon are getting cereal.
“What” He whispers.
“I’m stuck please help me?” I look at the ground my cheeks tinted pink. He grabs my hands and puts his foot on the cart. He pulls me out and I stretch my back cracking a bunch of times.
“Thanks Monster” I hug him.
“No problem…. What should I call you? I mean you call me Tomo monster… I shall call you Eva Rawr!” Tomo smiles and gets into the line at the registers.
“Jared Shan are you guys coming we have to get back to the bus so we can get going” I ask walking around the store looking for them. I see Jared down one isle standing looking at the chips. He looks so gorgeous his white tank top loosely hanging off of his shoulders his black skinny jeans with the silver stripe hugging him so well. I look at his pink mow hawk then I notice he sees me staring. I look at the ground and hear him walking towards me then his breath on my ear.
“If you’re going to stare I don’t mind just don’t get freaked out when you catch me doing the same” He whispers.
“We…We have to get going the bus has to leave soon so we can get headed to the next tour spot” I swallow hard my voice still soft.
“Ill go find Shan” he brushes past me. I feel goose bumps rise on my skin and my breath flows out of my body. No Evalynne you can not start to like him again you don’t want to have to go through all of the things you did when you were with him. All the tabloids being afraid of him cheating I mean he is Jared Leto for crying out loud! Who am I...? I am a soccer player… I used to sing in a band… I don’t look special in any way shape or form. I don’t get what sucked him in. I get lost in my thoughts for a moment.
“Eva Rawr!” Tomo jumps next to me I emit a small scream and hit him in the arm.
“I was deep in thought you butt” I feel my heart racing against my chest.
“Let’s go” He smiles like nothing happened. I follow closely behind him and listen to the guys mess around and act like idiots.
“Eva halloo” Shannon waves his hand in front of my face.
“What’s up Shan” I say coming out of my daze.
“Walk with me” He holds his arm out.
“What’s up?” I ask looking up at him.
“I just felt like spending some time with you I haven’t seen you in awhile” He flashes a grin at me.
“How dare you” I hear some one yell.