Status: Finished, one shot.



Everywhere I look, they are standing there, mocking me. That silly smirk plastered across their faces. It's weird, creepy, just straight-up terrifying. It doesn't matter where I go, they're always there. Following me... mocking me... watching me. It's like they can look into me and see everything that ever was and ever will be. It terrifies me... Them knowing. They're just little kids! How can they know so much? How can it be that something so little possesses so much power? So much control?

I ran around the corner trying to escape the little monsters. What was I thinking when I stepped out into the world? I slid down the wall I had stopped against. The bricks rough on my back. My breathing quickened, my head was pounding, puke was rising in my throat, and I had to move. I tapped my feet, my hands, cracked my knuckles; all to no avail. I couldn't get a good breath, I was panicking. Breath in... Breath out... I chanted. I opened my eyes. What I saw scared the living hell out of me. I scrambled to my feet and half stumbled, half ran away.

EVERYWHERE! They are everywhere! I tried to catch my breath as I ran. I had to get out of there... here... everywhere. Home, get home I told myself. Breathing got harder, almost impossible. I collapsed into the pavement gasping for air. I felt like I was dying. A little girl with her mother in tow, wandered over to me. My eyes widened and I stopped breathing, my eyes locked on the little girl. I couldn't will my body to take a breath, no matter how bad it hurt. The edges of my reality acquired a fuzzy fading affect; blackness slowly took over the scene in front of my face.

I slowly opened my eyes. At first everything was white; there was a slow, faint, rhythmic beeping of a heart monitor in the distance. Far in the distance. I blinked my eyes a couple of times until ceiling tiles came into view. The sound of the heart monitor was no longer far off but, instead, right next to me. I was in a hospital. "How did I get here?" I wondered aloud. Nobody answered. I turned my head from right to left seeing nobody in my makeshift room. The curtain at the end of my bed was pulled open ever so slightly. I leaned my head back and waited for a nurse or doctor, as I tried to recount the events that landed me here. The curtain was pushed open even further. I turned my attention towards the intruder.

"No! No! No! Get away!" I shouted, frantically pushing myself up the bed. It all became crystal clear. I had suffered a panic attack again... because of them. "No! Go! Please, just go!" I screamed. Nurses and doctors ran into my room.

"What's going on in here?" A doctor questioned, irritated.

"Her! Get her out! Please!" I gasped, "Please." I couldn't breath, I tried to will my diaphragm to slow.

The nurses ushered the small child and her mother out of the room. Breathing got increasingly more difficult.

"Somebody get me one milligram of Ativan STAT!" A doctor yelled before the darkness consumed me.