Status: Finished.

Once in a Blue Moon


Michelle was skipping down a brick path in the garden. I watched her, intently. Such a lively little girl with so much joy. I longed to be like her, to have her view on the world. It hasn't yet been tainted by the cruelty running rampant through the streets. How, I dreaded the day that her innocence would be exposed to this cruelty. Her carefree take on life will be no more. Just the thought makes me weep.

Michelle... My poor, little, innocent Michelle. I wish I could protect her from this, I wish that I could put her in a magical bubble where she would never feel the pain brought on by this wretched disease she has. My heart is aching, just thinking about what I can never do for her.


"Mommy! Look!" She's running straight towards me, a delicate flower firmly grasped in her hand. "It's pretty mommy!"

"I know, sweetheart. Very beautiful... just like you." I reply with a smile, trying not to let her see my tears.

I watch her turn on her heal and run off. I cannot help but to smile. Her joy just bubbles over and infects everyone.

I'm sorry to have to tell you this Mrs. Whitmen... What your daughter has Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophy. It may progress rapidly or very slowly, there is no way of knowing until it happens.She can lead a normal life with the right treatment, but it will be very difficult. Again, I'm sorry.

I remember that day, I wanted so much to suck the disease out of her and into me. I wanted to take it all away. No parent wants their child to struggle or suffer in life. I felt like this was my fault. I felt that I could have prevented this somehow...As to how exactly, I haven't got a clue. But, I would try! Just tell me a solution and I'll try!

"Michelle, honey. Time to make lunch." I call. Not with a harsh voice, but just loud enough for her to hear. She runs towards me, a huge smile on her delicate little face.

"Okay, Mommy! I want P, B, and J! Please."

"Of course, darling. Whatever you want." She grabs my hand and pulls me towards the kitchen. As I start to gather the things needed to make the sandwich, Michelle blurts out a heart wrenching question.

"Mommy, will I ever get better?"

"I'm not sure, but we're working on keeping you from getting worse. That's why you have to go to physical therapy." I reply. I cannot bring myself to tell her the truth. There is no cure, and by the looks of it a cure is still far off.

"I like physical therapy, mommy."

"You do? That's great!" I say as I spread the peanut butter on a slice of bread.

"Yes, the people are really nice. They remind me of you." She says with a smile.

"Well, I shall have to thank them for being so nice to my little angle."

"Do they ever find cures, mommy?" I can feel the cracks in my heart grow larger.

"Of course, once in a Blue Moon they do find a cure."

"That's funny! What's that mean?"

"A Blue Moon only happens every so often. So, the phrase means that every once-in-a-while they something happens. In this case, cures are found every so often."

"Oh... Is my food done?" She asks, hungrily eying the plate. I cut off the crust and side it over to her.

She takes a big bite, getting peanut butter and jam all over her face, before smiling up at me.

No, Mrs. Whitmen, there is nothing more we can do. Just the leg braces and physical therapy. I promise you, I will inform you if anything comes up.


"Michelle, I have some big news for you!" My mom yelled from the first floor. I came rushing down the stairs. "Big envelope! You know what that means!" She smiled, handing me a crisp envelope.

I ran to the couch and plopped down, waiting for mom, to sit next to me before I tore it open.

"Dear Michelle Whitmen,

I am proud to inform you that you have been accepted to the University of Florida."

I read aloud, receiving a squeal and a warm hug from my mom.

"See, mom, once in a Blue Moon something good does happen." I stated.

Her face fell. We knew all too well what I was talking about. I looked down at my leg braces... The reason Daddy left. The reason Mommy had no friends.

"Promise me that you'll call me everyday. And at least write me a real letter in a Blue
Moon." She smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not exactly happy with it, I was planning on going the whole other direction. But yeahhh