Train Ticket


As soon as the train left the station, I knew I was never going to see him again. Ryan always said that once he left this town he would never come back, and as much as I might have wished he didn’t, I knew he meant it with all his heart. As I walked slowly back to my car, I wished with all my heart that I had told him how I felt. He’d been my best friend for eight long years, since we were ten, and not once had I told him that I loved him in more than a friendly way.

I reached my car and pulled on the handle weakly. Tears had begun to make their way down my face. I loved the small town of Cayucos, California. It was right by the beach and everybody knew everybody. But for some reason, Ryan hated it. He wanted the rush of the big city and the feel of concrete under his feet. He never was one to like having people in his business at all, excluding me.

I sank to the ground next to my small red convertible, the late afternoon sun blistering down on my shoulders. The tears ran harder as I realized I would never look into those sparkling green eyes again. I’d never see that cocky smirk that never completely left his face. I’d never run my fingers through his medium length light brown hair. I’d never hear the strum of his guitar when I couldn’t get to sleep at night.

When the sun began lowering in the sky, I picked myself up and dried my eyes. I got into my car and began the half hour drive home. I sighed as I thought of the love of my life probably halfway to the airport that would bring him to New York and out of my life forever. I had been crying next to the car for about an hour and a half, exactly half of the three hour train ride to the nearest airport.

When I finally reached home, half an hour later, I was so tired I was afraid to drive anymore. But, of course, my mom had set up a huge supper for us to eat as soon as that was through it was our family game night. I didn’t feel like pretending to laugh while we played Apples to Apples, then Bananagrams and finally catch phrase. By the time I actually got to my bed, it was eight, two hours after I had originally arrived home. I almost immediately fell asleep.

What seemed like minutes later, I awoke again, to the sound of a doorbell. I looked over at my alarm clock. 11:11. I decided to make a ridiculous wish.

Please, God let it be Ryan. I know there’s no way, but let it be him.

I slowly got out of bed and shuffled down the steps. I opened the door slowly, and looked up to meet the most beautiful pair of sparkling green eyes I had ever seen. I stood there for a few moments, not daring to believe that he was standing in front of me again.

“Avery, I know you’re probably really confu-“ I talked him, nearly knocking him over. I could already feel the tears making their way back into my eyes, this time, from happiness. I felt his arms go around me and hold on as tight as they could.

“Before you say anything else, Ryan I love you. And I’m not talking about how a girl loves her best friend, I mean I love you and I want a relationship with you. You leaving today made me realize that I really can’t live without you, and if that means leaving this town, then let’s do it. I’ll follow you to the end of the world if I have to.”

Ryan stared at me in shock and amazement. Then, to my surprise, he quickly pressed his lips to mine. Once I got over the shock, I began to kiss back. It was the best kiss I had ever received. It felt like fireworks.

When we finally pulled away, he had that signature smirk on his lips. He reached down and searched through his bag until he finally pulled out two scraps of paper.

“I guess it’s a good thing I bought two train tickets then.”
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hope you enjoyed:)