Killing Me Slowly

Working With Demons...Again

It was dark out and we pulled up in front of the meeting spot where Crowley told us to go. Brit and I got out and walked over to the guys as Dean was man-handling an alpha that we caught. Three demons came over to us. “Your late” one said.

I crossed my arms and glared. “Sorry hon, traffic was a bitch” I said smugly and smirked sarcastically.

“One rougaroo” Dean said, handing him over to the other two demons with the sac still on the rougaroo’s head as they took him away. “Where’s Crowley?” Brittney demanded.

“Banging a hooker in a sweet spot called none of your business”

“Oh look at that guys, the demon’s trying to make a funny” I quipped, putting my hands on my hips. “Is that what just happened?” Sam played along.

“Night girls” he said and started to walk away. “Hold up. Are we ever gonna see Crowley again or is he just gonna keep sending his demon extras to pick up his laundry?” Dean asked.

“I’m sorry, I know your speaking and see your lips moving but I cant understand you because I don’t speak little bitch” he ended the conversation.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I pouted out my lips a little. Then, he got in the car with the other demons and the rougaroo and they all drove off. “Remember when we used to gank demons?” I sighed and just turned around to get back in the truck.

Brit got in as well as the guys got in the Impala. “Ya know, you cant just wear a big sweatshirt the whole time and hope he wont notice your bloating stomach” she said to me.

I rolled up the sleeves on my sweatshirt so my hands could breath and feel the steering wheel. It wasn’t even mine, it was Dean’s. It was one of the many that I got him to buy and I used to love wearing around the house on a lazy day…which was rare. I took in his scent as I just ignored her and drove off. It’s only been a few days since I’ve taken the test and I still wasn’t showing yet but I was afraid I was going to start to. Even though it was impossible since I knew I was only at least 5 weeks along, nothing more…don’t ask me how I knew, I just knew. I also thought about it really hard. The weird feelings I was getting and the throwing up that I was doing back then was because somehow my body was like trying to warn me or something, giving me a headstart on the whole morning sickness bit...and somehow I knew something big was going to happen…and that was Sam and Brittney showing up again after a year.

Then, when Dean and I moved the family into the new house after the run-in with our soulless siblings, Dean and I got ‘comfortable’ in our new room, on the bed…in the living room…in the kitchen…if you get the jist. So from the time we had our fun…to five weeks ago…it makes sense that I would be pregnant I guess because I haven’t felt the need to get more birth control because usually Dean is more careful than that…that’ll show me.

We all got back to the small, old shack that we were staying in for the night and walked in. “That’s it, I’m done” Dean started. “Hold on…” Sam said.

“I mean we’ve been going on these friggin Crowley runs and not getting us anywhere. It almost gets Mel killed and ya know what, I’m not too fond of the idea” he said.

I just shook my head and rolled my eyes as I took a sip of my coffee and got comfortable sitting on my knees on the chair while Brit disappeared into the other room, I figured she was going to the bathroom. Soulless people pee, right? I don’t know. I never actually paid attention to weather or not her and Sam have used the bathroom.


“The only thing that’s really changed is that now I need daily rape shower”

“Hey, ya know what? We should go with plan B! Oh wait, yea, we don’t have one” I voiced.

Dean gave me the shut up glare. I just smirked and drank some more coffee. “Exactly. So until we do, stoke up on soup on a rope…” Sam said. Dean chuckled without humor. “Dean, if we want to get mine and Brit’s souls back, it’s what we gotta do”

“Do you even want it back?”

“I’m working for Crowley, aren’t I?”

“Yea, well, who says gonna hold up his end? It is Crowley. Right?” Dean said as I watched him walk over to the fire mantle to get his own coffee.

When there was no response, I looked back at Sam…but Sam wasn’t there anymore. “So, I guess the moment’s over, is that what you’re saying?” he asked, aloud. No response…but there was noise.

“Awe man, come on. We cant have one small break, now, can we?” I muttered, annoyed. “Mel? Do you hear something?” he asked as he followed.

I didn’t answer though. We walked into the other room…just to find Brit one end of the room and Sam was on the other. Then, something hit me in the back of the head and I was out cold…. Like I said…no breaks.


I started to come to. But, when I did, I saw all four of us were tied up to chairs, facing one another so we kind of formed a diamond. I looked around and saw three guys standing in the corners of the room.

“Well…what now?” Dean asked. “I think I know who you can ask” Sam said, venomously.

Then…Meg came out of the dark and closer to us as she was swinging Ruby‘s knife around. “Evil bitch!” Dean spat. “Keep sweet talking me, this could go a whole new direction” she spoke into his ear.

“Bitch, do you ever die?” I narrowed my eyes at her. “Ya know, death doesn’t really agree with me” she came walking over to me and around the chair I was in.

“I’ve been dying to see you again, Meg” Dean said, sarcastically.

“Well here I am big boy, so what now?”

“How bout I rip you to shreds?”

“Kinky. I like…but how bout some Q&A first if you don’t mind. Now where’s your boss?” Sam scoffed so she spun to look at him.

"You think we work for somebody?" Brit inquired. "I know for a fact that you’ve been juggling Crowley’s orphans. Now where is he?" she asked smoothly with a clenched jaw.

"Don’t know, don't care" I said simply.

"But you’ve been working his feet for weeks, months even"

"Doesn’t mean we get face time" I narrowed my eyes, smirking smugly.

I could see how she was getting irritated with all of us but she smirked and then sat on Deans lap and he shifted in his spot, uncomfortably. "First, you take all those things you snatch up for him. I bet u an all day sucker that’s where his plea is hold up…" she said.

He didn't respond though. "Okay I’m officially over the foreplay, satisfy me or I please myself" she said, tracing the knife along his neck as I tensed up. Sam started laughing. "Something funny, Sam?" Dean asked, stiffly.

"Yea. Meg"

"Really? Not from where I’m sitting"

"Its fine. She cant do jack squat. She’s totally screwed"

"Sam, you’re not helping" I hissed. "He’s right. Guys look at her. She's furious. If she could kill you, Dean, she would’ve done it by now...she's running" Brit said.

She craned her head to look at them. "Oh Am I?"

"Judging by the level of flop sweater in all of you, yea"

"Which means you’re running from Crowley. Which makes sense. Crowley would wanna hunt for all Lucifer’s loyalists, now that hes the big man on campus" Sam said.

"How would you know?" she asked as she stood up.

"Its what I’d do. She cant kill us. She needs us to get her to Crowley so she can stick that knife in his neck. Its him or her"

"Well, I hope you both lose, but good luck" Dean said. "You know what ya gotta do now right?" Brit asked her. "I bet you’re going to tell me" she crossed her arms. "Work with us" Sam said.

My eyes widened. "Whoa, what?" Dean snapped. "Hold on a minute..." I added.

"We’ll hand you Crowley on a bow…on one condition. We go with you and you help us ring something out of him before you hack him to bits"

"What?" she asked, curiously with an amused look. "Doesn’t matter, the question is, can us get us what we need?" Brit said.

"I apprenticed under Alastair in hell just like your brother…” she said, using air quotes to gesture to Dean. “, Dean, can I make Crowley do whatever I want?"

His jaw was still clenched as I saw his eyes kind of went cold at the memory of Hell. "Yea, she can" he answered. "It's a deal then. Hugs and puppies all around!" she grinned.

"You gonna untie us?"

"Please. Don't pretend you don't enjoy it" she said, seductively.

Then, her and her three henchmen headed for the door as one of them was just staring me and Dean down as he got close to Deans chair. "You gonna kiss me?" he quipped as he leaned to the side slightly to look up at him.

"We could make it a three-some" I suggested, shrugging. He just glared at us. "Come on" Meg said and they all walked out.

We got out of the ropes ourselves and then started to get ready to head out but Dean and I were definitely not happy about this, so we approached Sam and Brit while they were packing a bag. "What are you guys doing?" I asked, honestly curious as I crossed my arms.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked. "She means what are you guys doing?" Dean snapped.

"Guys, you wanted to screw over Crowley, Merry Christmas" But, we just kept staring at them. "What?" Brit sighed.

"You want to work with demons again?"

"We’re working with demons now" Sam said.

"That whore killed Ellen and Jo!" I flung my arm up to point to the door where Meg left as I reminded them all because they seemed to have forgotten. Deans eyes glanced a me but I ignored him as I kept my eyes on Sam and Brit.

"We know, Mel but you cant look at this emotionally. We need her" Brit said, gently but I still felt fired up by the thought. "That little bitch is gonna screw us over so fast" Dean said.

"Of course. which is why we screw her first. Meg and her little posse are dead the second we’re done with them" Sam said. "Yea if they don’t kill us" I muttered and crossed my arms again.

"Thy wont...because we’re bringing insurance"


While Sam went out to try and call to Cas to get him to help...I rushed to the bathroom. This morning sickness was killing me...not literally of course, but with my luck, ya never know. Once I finished, I wiped my mouth, rinsed and then went for the chips that I hid under the sink. It was definitely unsanitary, yes, but my hunger was worse than ever.

“Hey, what you doing in there?” Brit asked, knocking. “Nothing. Come in” I said as I hopped onto the counter. She did and shut the door.

“What are you doing?” she asked again and laughed. “I’m starving” I said as she put the lid on the toilet down and sat on it.

“So…what don’t you eat out there like a normal person?”

“Because Dean will get suspicious of how much I’m eating” I said with a mouth full. “You’re a pig even without being prego” she pointed out, stealing a chip.

“Yea, but he’ll question it since I’m eating Tostitos and he knows I don’t eat them without salsa…plus why leave the bathroom if I’m just gonna throw up everything again…I do have a reason for my madness”

“You’re funny, Prego”

“Stop calling me Prego” I glared as I threw a chip at her.

“Hey, what are you girls doing in there?” Dean asked and I quickly hid the chips again. “If there’s girl-on-girl action going on and I’m missing it, I’m going to be really pissed” he cracked.

I just opened the door and rolled my eyes at him. “We were just talking”

“In the bathroom…?”

“Is it illegal?”

“Even if it was, you’d do it anyway”

“Very true” I said, simply and then Sam and Cas came walking in. “Huh, actually showed up” I said, impressed with however Sam got him to come.

“Wow. Sam, I owe you a chicken dinner. What happened?” Dean asked. “No big. This is what friends do for each other” Sam said, simply but I could hear the sarcasm and jokingness in his tone.

Cas got down to business and started doing some kind of spell to try and find Crowley but he was hidden from Cas’ radar…so we had a plan B…which was find out our own information by snooping around the compound. We headed right for the office where Samuel, George and Katherine always were…but lucky for us, they weren’t there at the moment…

“Can we help you?” George’s voice asked.

We all spun to see the three of them standing there with their weapons. I spoke too soon… They calmed down a little when they saw it was us. “What do you want?” Katherine asked with an attitude as she crossed her arms.

“We want to know where Crowley is” I said, mimicking her, crossing my arms as well. “Even if we did know, why would we tell you?” she glared at me.

Dean took a step forward so she would take her eyes off me and go to him. “Because you’re her mother and you two are our grandfathers” he reminded them. “Guys, we’re gonna get our souls back” Sam said.

“Who says you can get them back?” Samuel asked. “We do” Sam and Brit both replied.

“I’d like to help but I’m sorry”

“It’s your grandson’s soul…” Dean narrowed his eyes.

“I cant!” Dean looked to Katherine and George. “We cant either, Dean” George sighed.

“What’s wrong with all of you? You want to work for Crowley?” I asked, annoyed. Then, I looked at Cas. “Cas, can you please give us a minute?” I requested.

He nodded and then disappeared. “We’re your blood. But if you don’t want to help, we cant make you…but I have to know why. What’s Crowley holding over you? You all owe us that much” Dean said.

Then, Katherine just hung her head as George took a picture out of his pocket. It was of Mary and my father when they were teenagers.

“Mom and Will?”

“He’s going to give them back to us” Katherine spoke as she looked up at me.

She wasn’t the soulless one in the room but I didn’t know she could even look like she cared about something. “Crowley is going to bring dad and Mary back from the dead?” I inquired, skeptically as I cocked an eyebrow.

“Tell me that none of you want them back! That’s difference between us…you know how to live without them” Samuel said with a lot of emotion as Katherine hung her head again and George seemed like he was in pain.

“Look, I know how you feel…” Dean started.

“No you don’t. She’s my daughter, Will’s always been like a son to me…they’re dead and we can do something about it” Samuel stressed.

“You really think he’s gonna bring them back here?”

“Why not? He brought the three of us and Sam and Brittney back” Katherine reminded.

“Trust me, don’t go down that road”

“What are you saying?” George asked.

“He’s saying stop trying…you were wrong before, I still don’t know how to live without my dad…but I do…this is going to go nowhere good…” I paused and made eye contact with Katherine.

“I know we’ve had our differences…and I know that’s an understatement…and I also know you’re doing this because Will was your husband or whatever at one point and you feel like you need him back with you, I get that…” I said, moving my eyes to the side to gesture to Dean nonchalantly.

“And as much as I hate to say this…I am your daughter and I’m telling you that this is so wrong for so many reasons” I tried to reason with her.

“You’re a hypocrite” George shook his head at me. It wasn’t fair that I was kind of being outnumbered here…and it was like Dean read my mind….

“Look! We’re your blood and we’re asking you all to learn from our mistakes! This? This is how the bad guy gets us every time! It's our Achilles' heel! Apparently, it runs in the family…” he said.

“We’ll figure out something else” I added.

They didn’t respond at first. “I’m sorry, kids, but I…”

“Fine…bring them back. But what are you going to tell them? That you made a deal with a demon? That you wont help out their kids? That you’re on the same side as the cheating bitch your son fell for…?” I looked at George.

“That you cant even be a mother for a split second?” I looked at Katherine. “That is enough, Melissa!” she snapped but I have to admit, she did have that mother-like tone.

“I think you all should leave, now” George said, sternly. We didn’t budge. “Get out!” Samuel grunted. Without another word, we all just piled out of the room.

We got back to the shack where Cas met back with us and me, Brit, Sam and Dean sat at the table, doing research for whatever could help us find Crowley as Cas planted himself in front of the TV and turned it on. I was kind of in my own place as I was leaning back in my chair, staring down at the cubix in my hands as I kept twisting the squares. I got it perfectly in a matter of seconds and I just stared at it. I felt eyes on me so I looked up to meet my eyes with Deans and I attempted a smile but it was lame. He just kept staring at me so my smile disappeared as I just stared back.

“It's very complex” Cas spoke, never taking his eyes away from the TV. It snapped us out of our small trance and I looked over at him. “Mmmhmm” Dean replied as he looked back down at his research.

I shook my head and smiled in amusement. “If the pizza man truly loves this babysitter, why does he keep slapping her rear? Perhaps she's done something wrong” he said.

That made my amused smile drop as we all looked at each other with wide eyes. Brit and I couldn’t help but laugh a little though as we all just looked over at him and he kept watching.

“You're watching porn? Why?” Dean asked.

“It was there"

“You don't watch porn in a room full of dudes and espcially not when you have two perfectly real girls right next to you. And you certainly don't talk about it. Just turn it off” he shook his head.

But, then Cas looked down at his lap. “Well, now he's got a boner” Dean said, throwing his arm up, looking at Sam.

That made me and Brit laugh even more. Then, there was a knock at the door. I was about to get up. “I got it” Dean said, so I sat back down.

He got his gun and loaded it as he slowly walked over to the door. He opened it…and then just stepped to the side so we could see it was Samuel, George and Katherine. They all walked in as we all stood up…except for Cas.

“Is this what you kids do? Sit around watching pornos with angels?” Samuel asked. “We're not supposed to talk about it” Cas said.

Well, why talk when you can just do?” Katherine said, winking at Dean. He just smiled sarcastically at her. “You all really need to get some sense of humor” she shook her head.

I just walked over to Cas to shut off the TV. He looked up at me and I gave him a look so he sighed as he got to his feet but we just stood there, side by side, staring at the others.

“I know about the fetus” he suddenly whispered to me. I snapped my head at him. “You aren’t planning on telling Dean?”

“I don’t know…yea I will…just not yet…” I whispered back as my stomach churned just talking about it in front of Dean.

“Why not?”

“Because we have too much going on…Cas, please, I cant talk about this right now…not here where he can almost hear us”

He just nodded. “Congratulations are still an order though”

“Thank you, I guess…” I said, slowly.

He continued to stare at me, in my eyes so I stared back. “Is there something you two lovebirds want to share with the class?” Dean quipped. “No” we both grunted.

They all just gave us weird looks. Cas’ sudden conversation threw me off my game so I didn’t even know what anyone said. “You three should come with us” Brit suggested.

“We might be soft but we’re not suicidal” Samuel said and walked out. Then, so did George…and then Katherine stared at me for a long moment and then she followed Samuel and George.

Apparently we knew where Crowley went to torture or interrogate or whatever he does to the alphas. Nothing gets in that Crowley doesn’t want in and nothing gets out. We met with Meg and her three goons outside. Meg started to smirk right away as Cas was glaring at her. They all started talking but I was eyeing one of the demons. I nudged Sam since he was closest to me and he looked down at me, then he saw what I was eyeing. He agreed. I just kept my eyes on the demon, trying not to make it too noticeable. For some reason though, I was in this protective mode…like the baby growing inside me made me become even more aware of my surroundings because it was like it knew this demon wanted more than anything to kill us.

Sam managed to get the knife from Meg, surprisingly, and he offered it to me. I shifted my eyes up to him and nodded as I took it, acting like I was just analyzing it. Then, in a quick second, I spun and stabbed the demon with it. He fell to the ground, dead as everyone looked at me in slight shock and Sam stepped in front of me, protectively almost, to stop the other demons from trying to attack me.

“You saw it, he was more interested in killing us then getting the job done. She just did all of us a favor” he said. I handed it back to him. He started to walk away with it.

“Hey, you just gonna keep that?!” Meg called after him.

“You took this from us. I’m taking it back”

“We leave in one hour” Brit added and followed Sam back inside.

I looked up at Dean but then I saw Meg was giving Cas a flirty look and he just stared back. I cocked an eyebrow and looked back up at Dean. He just shrugged as meg and her demons walked off.

Dean, Cas and I all walked back inside to pack up and get ready to leave. I was still a little distracted and my eyes glanced up at Cas a few times as he would always look back at me.

“Is there something going on between you two that I should know about?” Dean chuckled.

“Yea, we hooked up in the living room before, don’t sit on the couch” I cracked.

He just shook his head and chuckled again as I cracked a smile. “Well, Cas, if you have time to get some action, I think you might have some time to help some”

“I’m ambivalent bout what we're attempting” he spoke.

“Well, we’re breaking into monster giptmo. It isn’t exactly two for one in the champagne room”

“I’m not sure retrieving Sam and Brittney’s souls is wise”

“What? Why do you say that?” I asked him.

“I want them to survive"

“What are you talking about?”

“Sam and Brittney’s souls have been locked in the cage with Michael and Lucifer for more than a year. And they have nothing to do but take their frustrations out on him. Do you understand? If we try to force that mutilated thing down Sam and Brittney’s gullets, we have no idea what will happen. It could be catastrophic”

“You mean they die” Dean assumed.

“I mean they don’t. Paralysis. Insanity. Psychic pain so profound that he's locked inside himself for the rest of their life”

“But you’re saying, you don’t know anything for sure. They could be fine”

“Could be, yes”

“Okay then” I said, simply, throwing some salt into the bag.

“But I sincerely doubt it”

“Okay if not then you fix them” Dean said.

“Dean, I wouldn’t no where to begin”

“Then you figure it out Cas!” I lost my temper slightly as I banged my hands on the table, staring him down with a clenched jaw. He just stared back at me.

“Come on, Cas…their friggin replicates and they need their souls. Look, we get them back and if there are complications then we’ll figure out a way to deal with those too”

“Of course…” Cas nodded as I lightened up slightly as Dean shut the bag and slung it over his shoulder. “Or we fail and Sam and Brittney will suffer horrifically” Well, that’s not exactly a soothing thought….
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