Killing Me Slowly

Then There Were None...

What do you do when the life of someone you love is on the line? What do you do when they’re a danger to you…your brother…your best friend…do you do whatever it takes to protect yourself and everyone else? Or do you still try to help them? Will you be able to actually put a bullet through their head? Will you be able to live with the fact that you killed the only one you’ll ever love? Not many people say they have the guts to do it…not many people say they don’t have the guts to do it…I guess you really don’t know until it comes down to it. You don’t know what you have until it’s gone…and you don’t know what you’re capable of until you’re put in a situation that drives you to a point where you have to make a choice: To kill a loved one or To be killed by that loved one.


Remember when I said I was thinking about what was going to happen to us next? After that whole thing with Abbey and Jesse went down? Well…friggin angels started interfering again and Sam, Brit, Dean and I were sent to a friggin alternate universe. Balthazar popped up out of nowhere, babbling something about weapons or whatever and how some angel named Virgil was working for Raphael and they were on our asses. So, Balthazar sent us to this alternate universe where the four of us were actors on this show called Supernatural that people hardly even watched and we had all of this money and Sam was friggin married to Ruby…well, Genevieve…Brit was hooking up with Cas…well, Misha…and just seeing that was disturbing. As for me and Dean? Well, we were this crazy couple that everyone worried about because they never knew when we were going to break up or get back together…yea, shocker, I know. Nothing new, there. Apparently none of us even liked or talked to each other…well, besides me and Dean. But, anyway, we actually had to act on this god forsaken TV show and in this universe there were actually no demons…no angels…no supernatural stuff…no hunters…everything was normal…and it did cross my mind that maybe it wouldn’t be a bad thing if we stayed. But, our friends are back home…and here, Sam and Dean weren’t even brothers…Brit and I never grew up together…hell, we were enemies in this universe. But, anyway, we kicked Virgil’s ass, tricked Raphael to bring us home and Balthazar and Cas met us there…apparently we were just friggin decoys though to distract Raphael while Cas was hiding the weapons of Heaven. Whatever the hell that meant.

Now, we were at Bobby’s place and I woke up in Bobby’s bed with a stuffed up nose and I felt like I was sweating bullets. I looked around for a moment and tried to move but my bones just ached like crazy. I forced myself out of bed though and headed downstairs to see the others in the study, discussing something. The light that was seeping in was hurting my eyes so I was squinting but I saw them all look up at me and Dean was the one who met me at the bottom of the stairs.

“Hey, sleeping beauty” Bobby commented. “What’s going on?” I questioned, still groggy. “Just talking about some just some weird monster mash down I-80…” Dean shrugged off.

“And you thought I shouldn’t be a part of it because…”

“No reason. You were just exhausted last night, we figured we’d let you sleep in a little bit longer…”

“You don’t look too good, Mel” Sam pointed out. “You sure know how to charm a girl, Sammy” I joked a cracked a smirk so he did too.

“He’s right, Mel, though…you feeling okay?” Brit asked. Dean put a hand to my forehead. “You’re burning up” he pointed out. “I’m fine” I said, pushing his hand away, lightly.

But, then, I put a hand on his chest to push him away a little more as I sneezed into my arm and I noticed I vanished from my spot. “Mel?” I heard Dean call out.

I looked around and saw I was behind the door, leading down to the basement. I opened the door and tripped up the step and I just stared at everyone as they stared back at me.

“You should probably sit this one out, Melissa” Bobby suggested. “What? No way” I said. “Mel, you are in no condition to go out and solve a case” Dean said.

“He’s right, Mel. When you get sick, you get sick and now that you’re older, who knows where you’ll end up” Brit said. “We promise to keep you updated” Sam added.

They all stood their ground. “You guys are serious?” I pouted a little. “Yes. Now sneeze yourself upstairs” Dean said.

“But…” I started, but, then, I sneezed and I did end up upstairs, back in Bobby’s room. I groaned.

“Good girl!” Dean called up to me. This was so not fair.

I got into the bed and sighed. Dean chuckled as he walked in with his clothes. He started to change into his FBI uniform. “You cant seriously expect me to just sit here the whole time while you guys are out kicking ass” I said.

"That’s exactly what I expect you to do” he replied as he slipped on his pants. Then, he slipped on his shirt as well. “Maybe I should stay…the others would understand…and I do owe you for taking care of me that one time…” he smirked as he crawled onto the bed and collapsed next to me.

I sighed. “No, they need all the help they could get”

“You’re sure?”


He nodded and got up on all fours and he straddled me. I turned my head before he could kiss me. “Dean, I’m sick” I laughed.

He just rolled his eyes, grabbed my face with hand and kissed my lips. Then, he smiled, got up and walked out. I smiled and just laid there for a moment. Then, Brit walked in. “We’ll be back as soon as we can” she promised.

I sighed. “I know…I still hate you all for not letting me come”

“Yea, yea, you love us” she said and winked before she walked out.

Sam’s POV

All four of us got to the police station and talked to Rick in t he interrogation room. He told us he was driving his regular route, then he woke up and he was in his truck at work, at Starlight Cannery. He called home, no one picked up, he went there and found the dead bodies. Then, he said he was giving some kid a ride home but she took off…or he thought she did. That’s all we got out of him though so we went to the security tapes. I sat down in front of one of the computers and got right to work.

“So, demon possession or ghosts? I thought this was a monster thing” Dean said.

“All right, here we go. Truck stop, night of the murders” I said and they all gathered around as we watched the video.

“That's him. Hmm hello” Dean said, being himself as he noticed a girl appear in the video.

He received a smack upside the head from Brit. I swear he can be the best kind of boyfriend to Mel and then one flip of a switch and he’s this man-whore again…even with Mel around…but she doesn’t seem to mind so I guess it’s okay…they’re both just too confusing.

“Wait…” Brit said and leaned over me to pause the video.

I was kind of distracted because Brit was so close…I was distracted by her scent…her features…how she was so beautiful and so smart at the same time…. Dean noticed me staring at her and he nudged me and started giving me a look with a smirk as he was gesturing to her and I shoved him away. He chuckled. Bobby shook his head and Brit gave us weird looks but just looked back at the screen as she rewound it a little as the girl was facing the camera. Her face was completely grotesque.

“Freakish nightmare. What the hell was that?” Dean commented.

“Bobby?” I asked.

“I've never seen that in my life. All those vamps and ghouls out on I-80...maybe they're coming in for Mother's Day”

Dean straightened his posture and took a few feet away. “Um...okay, well, if that is big mama…whatever she is, we got zero on ganking her. So what are we gonna do if we run into her? Throw salt and hope?” he asked.

“No, we're gonna turn tail and run, because we're in over our heads”

“We better get some real info on this bitch before we do run into her” Brit said.

I just stared up at her for a moment and she stared back at me…but then some officers were whirling around in a rush. “What's the ruckus?” Bobby asked one.

“A guy just went postal down at the Cannery” he answered and ran out. “Okay, I'll go. You finish here” he said and rushed out as well.

Then, Dean’s phone started to ring…the ring tone was Cant Fight This Feeling Anymore by REO. Brit and I exchanged a look and then just stared at Dean as his face flushed.

“It’s uhh it’s so I know when it’s Mel calling…” We both started to smirk. “Shut up” he said to us and then leaned on the desk that we were sitting at. “Hey, babe” he said into the phone and his tone changed…and he smiled a little.

Brit and I leaned forward a little so we could listen in…plus the speaker on his phone sucked so it projected Mel’s voice. “Hey, did you find anything out about the guy who smashed his family’s heads in?” she asked, lightly.

He looked up at us as if asking us for something to tell her but we were curious as to what he was going to come up with. “Uhh yea we talked to him…we think there’s some kind of massive ghost possession here” he said, staring down the floor.

His eyes glanced up at us as we gave him disapproving looks. “Again?” she asked.

“Yea…you know…angry spirits and all…more and more every day…”

“You think it has anything to do with that mother of all thing?” she asked and I gave him a pointed look. She wasn’t stupid.

“No…no, we don’t think so. Just some restless spirits. We should have this case wrapped up soon, though and then we’ll be back…”

I heard her sigh. “Okay, fine…”

“Okay, Mel, love you”

“Yea, yea, love you, too” she muttered, which caused me to smile a little as he chuckled and hung up the phone.

But, then we gave him looks again. “What?” he asked.

“Why did you lie to her?” I asked.

“I don’t want to worry her. She’s home, sick and if she knew we were working something that had to do with this mother of all thing then it’d kill her to know she wasn’t here to help…you guys know that. Now, come on, finish up, I’ll meet you both outside” he said and walked out.

“You know Mel will find a way to us , right?” Brit asked me.

I sighed. “Yea, I know…he knows, too…”

“He’s just hoping that she doesn’t”

“Right” I nodded.

She smiled at me and it made me smile back at her and then she kissed me…it was quick and sweet and I loved it…then she went back to closing up shop and we left.

We got to Dean in the Impala and I had a noticeable smile on my face as I got in the passenger seat and Brit got in the back. I noticed Dean was smiling a little at us but we ignored him as he started up the car and I could tell he was missing Mel. I loved that my brother was in love and cared so much…I never thought he would’ve had it in him before Melissa…and I never thought I could love anyone after Jessica. Back at Bobby's, seing Dean show concern for Mel and her fever was really something…this past year must have really done something to them. It really turned them into a power couple. These girls came into our lives and changed us completely. And to know they’ve been in our lives since we were born…it really takes a toll on us. I cant picture us with anyone else…I cant picture myself with anyone but Brittney…I cant picture having a sister that isn’t anyone but Melissa…and I cant picture Dean being happy with anyone but her. I could only hope that someday we’ll be out of this mess in one piece…together…not needing to worry about anything else for the rest of our lives…but we all know that cant happen…not for us.


“Okay, screw this noise” I muttered as I slammed my phone shut and tossed it onto the bed.

I changed out of my sick clothes and into a pair of jean short shorts, a tank top and a blouse that had a sleeve hang off one of my shoulders. I made my hair look presentable and applied some makeup so I didn’t look so pale. I put my gun in the back of my shorts and a knife in the back of my boot.

“Okay…bring me to Dean…?” I tried as I put a hand on my locket that was around my neck.

I saw I was still in Bobby’s room. I sighed and then groaned. Why couldn’t I control it? “God damn it!” I cursed but then I sneezed.

Then, when I opened my eyes, I was in the front seat of the Impala. I grinned as I looked around, seeing it work. I turned and saw it was getting dark and I saw the guys and Brit were at the trunk, facing Bobby and Rufus, greeting them. But, then, Bobby had this look on his face when he saw me and I opened the door and got out. They all spun around.

“Well, I’ll be damned” Rufus said.

“Hey there, Rufus” I said, happily and walked right over to him and gave him a hug.

Then, I turned and saw they were all giving me a look. “Don’t look at me like that. It wasn’t my fault!” I claimed.

Dean sighed and shook his head but a smile still crept on his face. “Well, I’m here, now. What do we got? Why we here?” I asked.

“Well, we found out all those things along I-80 are due to the mother of all…” Bobby started and I sent a glare at Dean as he shifted in his spot. Bobby noticed my glare but kept going so I looked back at him.

“Then, there was a guy who opened fire on a ship and the only thing him and the truck driver had in common was that they both worked here. You’re caught up” he summed it up. “Great. Lets see what we can see” I said and I was about to head in.

But, then, I sneezed and ended up on the roof of the Impala. I groaned as Dean and Sam got to me to help me down. “She do that a lot?” I heard Rufus asked Bobby. “No, only on Fridays” he replied, jokingly.

“I’m sick” I told Rufus. “Don’t give it to me” was his response and I chuckled under my breath as we all headed in.

“Mel, you’re still not feeling yourself…” Dean started. “Yea, maybe you should just wait in the car” Sam added.

I glared at them both and growled. Then, I hooked an arm around Brit’s and she smirked as we all continued forward through the cannery. It was an old, dark, rusted factory and I heard some creaks, assuming it was just rats…but then I heard footsteps.

“Wait…” I said and stopped all of them as I whipped out my gun.

But, then, Gwen came stepping through the swinging doors. “Gwen?” Dean and I both spoke. “Dean. Melissa” she said, shocked.

Then, we saw Samuel behind her in the room and Dean rushed in, raising his gun. “Welcome to next time” he said and was full on ready to just shoot the bastard.

But, then, Sam ran to him to lower his arm. “No, no, no, no! Hold on!”

“I said I'd kill him!”

“Look, just a second…”

Then, I turned and saw George and Katherine walk in. “Bitch” I spat and whipped out my gun and I actually got a shot out.

But, Brit moved my arm so the bullet missed her by an inch. “You hold on a second, too” she said but I kept daggers on the bitch-whore and bastard #2 right beside her.

“I take it you all know each other” Rufus said.

“Grandfathers…” Dean pointed to George and Samuel. “Whore of a mother” I pointed to Katherine but handed my gun to Brit.

Honestly, I wanted more than anything to have this bitch dead but I didn’t want to be the one to do it, cold blood…maybe this was the sickness talking, though. I think some of them were giving me weird looks for doing that, too.

"Somebody needs a hug” Rufus quipped. “Why are you here?” Bobby asked. “We’re working” George answered. “You?” Samuel asked.

“None of your damn business!” Dean snapped.

“Sam, take Dean for a walk” Bobby said.

“You got to be kidding me”

“Mel” Bobby said.

“Come on” I said and put my hands on his chest as Sam and Brit helped me get him out of the room.

“What is wrong with all of you?” he asked. “Look, maybe they know something” Brit said.

“You don't remember what they did. I do. You do, too, Mel! You remember what happened on that day, too?”

Yes, of course, I remember…but Brit’s right, maybe they do know something…you know I want them dead more than anything…”

“We’re not saying don’t. We’re just saying, not yet” Sam finished.

Sam groaned and sighed. “Go for a walk and cool off” I suggested.

He nodded and turned to walk off. I sighed as we all headed back in. “So…you’re Samuel, George and Katherine” Bobby stated. “You must be the guy pretending to be their father” Katherine spat.

“Well, somebody ought to”

“Sam. Brittney. You're looking well” Samuel said. “Save the small talk, all right?” Sam glared. “You both seem different” George pointed out.

“Got our souls back. No thanks to you three, I hear” Brit said. “You hear? You don't remember?” Katherine asked. “We remember enough” they both said.

The whole time, I had daggers on Katherine…and then something in me snapped and I just punched her right in the face. She grunted and stumbled to the side. I didn’t say anything though. George made sure she was okay as she straightened up and Sam and Brit were at my side but they weren’t trying to hold me back…they were backing me up. I just crossed my arms as Gwen, Samuel, George and Katherine all gave me are you crazy looks.

“I uhh really hate to break up this little circle of love, but why don't we talk shop, huh? How about you tell us what it is you're hunting?” Rufus suggested.

“A creature from Purgatory. She calls herself Eve” George said.

“Eve?” Sam questioned.

“Yep. They call her mother. She was here about 10,000 years ago. Every freak that walks the face of the earth can be traced back to her. And she's back” Samuel said.

“How the hell do you know all that?” Bobby said.

“You don't know half the things that I know, kid. Hell, until recently, you didn't even know about us”

“I now know that you'd throw your own kin to hungry ghouls. I think I know enough”

“You what?” Gwen asked, incredulous.

“Dean and Melissa lied to the man” George said.

“We what?!” I snapped and lunged at him but that time Brit was holding me back. I calmed down a little.

“I’m going to go check on Dean” I said venomously as I ripped my arm away from Brit. “I’ll go with you” Gwen said, glaring at the others. I stormed out as she followed.

“Is it true? Did they really try to…”

“Kill us? Yea. Didn’t even blink. Those are the guys you’re rolling with” I spat.

“They didn't tell me anything about that. I didn't know” she said.

I looked at her and analyzed her. “I believe you” I nodded.

She nodded too and stared down in a really sad kind of way. She did just find out her ‘family’ is a bunch of crocks. We found Dean pacing.

“Hey…you okay?” I asked. “Yea…” he said and eyed Gwen.

“Dean…I had no idea they tried to have you killed…really…” “I know…honestly, there's something I need to tell you” he said and I eyed him. “What?” she asked.

Then, just like that, he pulled out a gun and shot Gwen right in the heart. My eyes widened as I stared at her in shocked as she fell to the ground and I looked back at Dean and he pointed the gun at me.

“Holy shit!” I spat as he shot a few times but I dodged all the bullets,anylizing their movements. Then, we both heard the others rushing to us and Dean took off.
♠ ♠ ♠