Killing Me Slowly

Vampires? No. Douche-bags

A little bit after that, I got a phone call…from Jesse’s principal. After I had a small panic attack about whether Jesse was alright or not, she informed me that Jesse has been ‘acting up’ and that no matter how many times she has talked to Abbey and Chris about it, nothing has changed…so she called me when I was in the middle of fighting off a killer ghost. Afterwards, I called Abbey and she told me there wasn’t anything they could do because they didn’t know what to do since Jesse’s ‘acting up’ was coming from his powers. So, I had the others drop me off back at home so I could try and help and keep Jesse grounded and this is where I’ve been the past couple days, living the normal life I had before I found out Sam and Brit were still alive.

Then, there was this thing with Bobby and Dean called me because he was trying to vent to Bobby but he was somewhere else and he was complaining about how the four of us take him for granted sometimes or something like that. So, after I got off the phone with Dean…after we discussed Sam and Brit…I called Bobby to see what was up. I got nothing but an attitude at first but I broke him down and made him tell me what was up. Hes been trying to friggin soul back from Crowley all this time with not much luck. So, I did some research, called Dean back and even though Dean and I dreaded the idea, the four of us went international by getting on a plane to head to Scotland. It was a nine hour flight and Dean and I were going through barf bags like no tomorrow, all the while, making our hands turn snow white from clenching the arm rests the whole time. We got there and called Bobby back to get Crowley on the line. We found Crowley’s bones and apparently if we burn a demon’s original bones, where they were really buried, then they die forever. So, we threatened him with the bones to give Bobby’s soul back…and after some convincing, he finally did. Bobby was right though, we do take him for granted and he has been cleaning up our messes for years…if he needed help, all he had to do was say so.

But, that night, we drove in this incredibly small car, hit an Olive Garden and got back on a plane to head back to the U.S. and ever since, I’ve been back home, helping Jesse get by and try to control his powers. He got in trouble at school because they claim he pulled the fire alarm but he didn’t, he simply walked by it and his powers made it go off…and the principal blamed it on me and Dean being absent from his life. As nights passed, I think my sleeping habits have gotten worse and worse. I hug a pillow to my chest and try to pretend it’s Dean, I cuddle with Maya, hoping the void will fill, I even try just walking around the house until I get tired but that doesn’t even work. Usually, it works if I go and sleep with Jesse on his bed or get him to come and sleep in my room with me but I cant just do that every night. I miss Dean more than I thought I would.

I haven’t taken the pregnancy test yet, either. I’m scared, I guess. But, I haven’t thrown up in a while...and I didn't look like I was gaining I decided to just ignore it. Right now, I was in the kitchen, just playing with the dough in front of me, using the wooden spoon. Jesse was at school and Abbey and Chris were at work. Maya was laying at my feet like the good dog she is and I saw my cell phone was vibrating and I smiled at the caller ID but I let it ring once…twice…three times…and then I answered. I can't let him think I’m bored and clingy and desperate for him to come home.

“Hey stranger” I said lightly.

“Hey, I was about to start worrying. I wasn’t sure if you were going to answer or not”

“Well...ya know…I’m a very busy woman, Dean Winchester”

“You’re standing over an over mixed batter, aren’t you” he assumed and chuckled.

No…it’s just a cookie dough”

“Sweetheart, no offence but your cookies suck”

“Yea, yea I know…”

“You’re bored aren’t you”

“So bored” I whimpered.

He laughed. “How’s Jess doing?”

“He’s doing better…nothing too out of the ordinary”

“Well, that’s good…but uh, we’re actually not far…it’ll be about a nights drive”

“Oh yea?” I grinned.

“Yea…” I could hear him grin too. “But I have some things I have to do here first"


“But when I’m done…I’ll have to make sure I’m not followed…and I’ll have to come at night…”

“Dean, would you just shut up and get your ass home? I miss you. This phone thing is overrated and expensive”

He laughed. “Yea…how are you sleeping?” I didn’t answer right away. “That good huh?” he commented with a sigh.

“I just need you home, soon” I whispered.

“I know…”

“Call when you’re close?” I requested.

“Will do”

“And be careful alright?”

“Always am”

“Yea, okay” I rolled my eyes.

“I’ll call you later when I get the chance” I heard his smile.

“Alright. I love you”

“Love you too” he replied and we hung up.

I just stared down at the dough in the bowl and noticed I couldn’t get the smile off my face. I’ve changed a lot the passed year…hell, I’ve changed a lot the past years…and I truly think it’s partially because of Dean. Ever since him…even though he doesn’t know this and he might not agree with me…I’ve been different since we’ve met up again six years ago after having a lost childhood together. I really cant imagine myself being anywhere else to be really honest….

My thoughts were interrupted by Jesse coming through the door. Maya raced to greet him. “Hey, Jess, how was school?” I asked.

He walked over to me and sat on a stool at the counter and Maya returned to her spot, at my feet. “Fine…nothing major to report”

“Well, that’s a really good thing”

“I know…”

I analyzed his look. “But…?”

“But, sometimes, I just feel like it’s not fair. I never asked for these powers…”

“I know kiddo…but you adjust to it and learn to use them to your advantage”

“I wish I didn’t have to learn to use them at all”

I gave him a sad look as he looked down and used his finger to scoop some dough into his mouth. He made a face. “You’re making cookies again?”

I laughed lightly. “Shut up…come on. Lets go for a walk” I said, grabbing Maya’s leash. I hooked it onto her collar and we all walked out.

We headed down the street, just walking in silence and I enjoyed the breeze and the scenery. We got to a park where little kids were running around, having fun and Jesse and I sat down on a bench nearby and Maya got comfortable in her spot in the grass.

"Ya never really did tell me what happened last year with the whole God/devil/angel/apocalypse thing"

"That’s because that thing never concerned you and it isn't exactly a good memory for me...I told you what you needed to know"

"That uncle Sam and aunt Brittney really saved everyone’s ass, I know..." I kind of smiled at him calling them their aunt and uncle. "But can I ask you something?"

"Of course"

"Why did God...or whoever or whatever...give me these powers if I couldn't use them to help. I mean, Yellow Eyes couldn't have known you were going to have me so he couldn't have infected Kathrine for that purpose as, couldn't it be very possible that God caused your specific gene to transfer into me and make me really powerful so I could help?"

For the most part he seemed to just be talking to himself and try to figure it all out but he ended by looking at me. "I can't tell you much about God, Jesse..."

"Do you believe there’s a God?"

"My dad did...Cas certainly does...Dean thinks he does...I definitely want to..."

"But you don’t..."

"I didn't say that...but if I didn't then it shouldn't influence what you believe. You have the right to believe in whatever you want to"

"I believe you and Dean are going to get married"

I laughed. "Oh really" I inquired.


"Well, I can't argue on your belief…”

“Will you promise me?”

“Promise you what?”

“Promise me that you’ll marry Dean”

“Jesse, I feel like we’re already married”

“Well, promise me that you’ll do it for real…it‘s important to me

I just stared at him. “We’ll see…” I smiled a reassuring smile at him. “Come on, I'll get you some ice cream on the way home" I promised and we stood to our feet and started walking home.

Brittney’s POV

Sam, Dean and I got a lead on a case where teenage girls have been going missing, all of them had similar profiles so we picked one out and visited her father. He explained to us how it’s hard to raise a teenage girl and blah, blah, blah. He directed up to her room and I wasn’t sure what was so difficult about raising this girl…until we walked into her room. There were vampire posters on her wall, vampire pillows and blankets, skull lamps, dark curtains…she definitely had the Goth/vampire chick thing going on.

“Vampires?” Sam questioned. “These aren’t vampires, man…” Dean said and then shut the door to see a life size cardboard cutout of Edward Cullen in the corner. “These are douche bags” he finished. “Yea” I agreed, completely freaked out as I looked around.

Then, I saw her laptop, grabbed it and put it on her desk. Sam sat down in front of it and opened it, put it on and there was a picture of a vampire as her desktop. “That’s just uncomfortable” he commented. “What’s he so bummed out about?” Dean quipped slightly. Then, he picked up a book. “Look at this, he’s watching her sleep, how is that not rapey?” he showed me the book cover and I saw what he was talking about.

“I have to focus here, Dean”

He walked a few feet away and started reading. “He could hear the blood rushing through her, almost taste it, he tried to control himself. Romero knew their love was impossible…Romero, really?”

“Dean, shut up” Sam said.

I snickered as I leaned against the desk, beside Sam, crossing my arms. “This was a national best seller…how is that possible?” Dean muttered, tossing the book onto the bed. “Hey try umm Lautner” he suggested, looking around.

“He’s a werewolf” I pointed out. “Yea…and how do you even know who he is?” Sam asked.

“Are you kidding me? He’s everywhere. It’s a friggin nightmare”

Sam tried Lautner but the computer screamed…which meant it was wrong. “Hey how many T’s are in Pattinson…that’s it, we’re in” Sam said and I turned around to look at the screen.

“Well?” I asked and Dean came over to us.

“Well, her inbox is full from some guy claiming to be a vampire”

“A real vampire?”

Well uhh I can only meet you at night, I don’t trust myself with you, the color of your blood is too strong…vampires fishing for victims?”

“Probably just a human mouth breather, right?” Dean questioned.

“On other hand, talk bout easy prey…I mean these chicks throw themselves at you and all ya gotta do is what? Write bad poetry?” I threw out there.

They seemed to agree with my theory. “This guy wanted to meet her at this place called Black Rose” Sam said.

“Give me a break” Dean grunted.

“I’m just reporting the news”

“It’s probably just your standard issued perv, right?”

“Well, I guess we’ll find out” I said, patting my hand on his chest and walked out the door as they followed.


I saw Dean in an alley and out of nowhere he got jumped by some guy. They fought some but then the guy friggin bit his wrist and shoved it to Dean’s mouth. The guy was a vampire…and he was turning Dean. Then, I saw Sam and Brit standing side by side at the end of the alley, watching this happen…smirking even….

I woke up quickly and felt the dampness on my forehead. I evened out my breathing as I saw I had fallen asleep on the couch. “Mel, you alright?” a voice called.

I spun my head to see Chris come around the corner. “Yea…yea, I’m fine…how long was I asleep?”

“Since 7, right after dinner” he chuckled.

I looked at the clock and saw it was 10:30. I sighed and rubbed my face. “Come on honey, I’ll take you to bed” Abbey came around the corner and helped me up the stairs.

We passed by Jesse’s room and I peeked my head in at him and saw he was sound asleep. Then, we got to my room. “You sure you okay, Mel?” Chris asked again. “Yea, I’m fine” I nodded.

Abbey looked at him, they had a silent conversation, he nodded and headed off to bed. Then, she looked back at him. “Mel…you being here isn’t healthy for you…it’s obvious how you miss Dean and you’re going through something that I just cant help you with…”

“I’m fine, Abbey. Really. I’ll see you in the morning” I said, kissing her cheek.

She nodded and then I just walked into my room, shutting the door behind me. I leaned my back against it and saw Maya was already passed out on my bed. I threw my shirt off and my jeans and threw on my pajama pants and my tank top…and then my phone began to vibrate on my side table. I raced to it and saw it was Dean. I didn’t wait to pick it up this time.

“Dean” I sighed with relief as I sat on the bed, beside Maya and got comfortable.

“Hey…if I wore glitter, would you be more turned on and willing to get me laid?” he asked

I laughed…it was a genuine laugh. “What? I’m already turned on all the time and I get you laid whenever you want” I pointed out.

“True…never mind, then. Screw the glitter”

“You truly are a strange one, Winchester”

“Well, it’s worse since you’re not with me. I have no one to be strange with

I could hear the suggestiveness and the seductiveness in his tone and I could just picture him wiggling his eyebrows at me. I laughed again, this time, under my breath. “Well, you’ll just have to finish up soon, then and come home to see me…maybe even pick me up…”

“You think Jesse will be okay if you leave again?” he asked and I heard concern for Jess but excitement for me.

“Yea, I do. He was just having a small relapse…where are you right now?”

“Eh some alley, hunting down some vampires…same old thing”

I shot to my feet and my heart started to accelerate. “Dean, you need to get out of that alley now” I said and tried to control the shakiness of my voice.

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“I had this dream and…a vampire was turning you…forcing his blood into your mouth and all…”

“Well, that doesn’t sound too pleasant”

“Dean, I’m serious…there was more to the dream though…”

“What?” he asked, waiting for me to continue.

“It was about Sam and Brittney…”

“What did you see?” His voice was now hard and serious. I opened my mouth to tell him. “Mel, I’ll call you back” he said quickly and hung up.

I sighed and tossed my phone in front of me as I put my face in my hands. I sat there for a few minutes but felt myself start to drift off so I put my cell phone back on my night stand, got under the blanket, shut the light off and I fell asleep.
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