Killing Me Slowly

To Believe Or Not To Believe Part 3

It got dark quickly and I headed outside to grab what we needed and then headed back inside to Dean and Melanie. “I texted Brit to let her and Sam know we had to hold up here and protect Melanie and that they should hurry the hell up” I said to Dean, kind of absent mindedly.

I didn’t even look at him as I said it and I tossed him the duffle bag I was holding and I started to move her couches out of the way. Melanie caught on and she started to help. I saw Dean was about to head into the kitchen.

“She doesn’t have any extra salt. I checked the first time I walked into the house. We’ll have to use what we have” I grunted as Melanie and I got one couch to the back corner of the living room.

When we straightened our backs, she gave me a weird look. “Sorry…part of my job is to be noisy…always gotta be prepared for anything” I said to her.

Then, I walked over to Dean to help him move the other couch and I signaled for Melanie to move the coffee table out of the way as well so now we had this whole open area in the center of the living room. I got out our big box of salt from our duffle bag and I got a hold of Melanie, telling her to stand in the center as I started to form a huge salt circle around her.

Dean got both shot guns from the bag, got inside the circle as I finished up and I set the box down. “And you’re sure that will work?” she asked us.

“It should hold her off long enough for Sam and Brittney to find the bones and burn them, hopefully” I said.

“Does it hurt them? When you burn their bones”

“I never really thought about it. Probably, yea” Dean answered. “Good” she replied. Dean and I just looked at each other and then…it was time to wait.

“So…where do we go from here?” Dean whispered to me.

“What do you mean?” I asked, keeping my eyes alert.

“I mean…you and me…” I snapped my eyes at him.

Excuse me? You’re seriously going to try and have this conversation with me now?” I looked away again.

“Now is as good a time as any”

“Well, sorry if I’m mistaken but last time I checked there wasn’t an us because you broke up with me so…”

“And if I admitted I was wrong?”

That made me look at him. “There might be a chance for you…two percent” I shrugged and looked away again.

Two percent?” he laughed.

“You expect higher than that?” I laughed too, looking at him.

“Maybe at least a five”

“You think too highly of yourself, Winchester” I smirked and Melanie snickered.

I felt him just smiling at me…and yea, I was smiling too, but whatever. His phone started to ring. He answered it. “Dean, it’s the pawn shop guy” I heard Sam say.

“How do you know?”

“He goose chased us to a friggin pregnant yoga class”

“Well figure out where he put the bones”

“We will”

Then, Melanie gasped. We looked and saw that creepy ass bitch, Margaret, looking through the window. “Fast, Sam” he finished and hung up, right as Margaret vanished.

We were all silent for, what seemed like, a long moment, anticipating some kind of attack. “Is she gone?” Melanie asked. “No…she’s close…” I said.

“What, can you feel her” Dean said and I could tell he was being sarcastic but I didn’t reply. I just tried to avoid his eyes…and that made him stare me down, slightly.

“But she can’t get passed the line, right?” Melanie asked and I could hear the panic in her voice.

“Right…” Dean said but he was still staring at me.

Then, the windows blew inward with glass scattering everywhere. Dean spun to cover us both with his arms. I saw the wind started to blow away the salt. “Damn it. I hate when they do that” Dean grunted. “Melanie, get the salt” I ordered.

She went to grab it, but then her eyes widened at something. “Dean!” she yelled. I spun to see Margaret swing her arm and fly Dean across the room.

She started to stalk toward us but I shot her and she vanished. But, then I felt my feet leave the floor and I flew into the wall. When I looked over at Melanie, I saw Margaret getting close to her, so I went to shoot at her again but that time I saw Dean had gotten up from his spot and he had shot his own round at her and she vanished again. I quickly got up and rushed over to both of them. I stood in front of Melanie to keep her back as Dean made a salt line in the doorway separating the kitchen and the living room, right as she appeared again.

“That’s as far as you go bitch” he spat.

But, then the room started to shake as the lights began to flicker and I saw the room started to split in the half…breaking the salt line. “Sorry handsome” she said and when he went to shoot her, he was out of rounds…but I knew so was I.

So, we had a problem when Margaret threw Dean all the way into the living room and that’s where out duffle bag was with the iron chains I had put in there.

I noticed Melanie was holding a fire poker so I took it from her and swung, so she vanished…but then, she appeared behind me, separating me and Melanie…she took the fire poker from me and stabbed me in the stomach.

“Melissa!” Melanie screamed.

No!” Dean yelled.

My breaths were shorter and it hurt like a mother as I fell to my knees but when I saw Margaret turn and put her hands on Melanie, I ripped the poker out of me and swung it at her so she vanished one last time. Then…when she appeared this time, she was disappearing into flames, screaming.

I dropped the poker and was holding my stomach, breathing deeply. Melanie dropped to my side as Dean ran and slid over to us. “Mel. Mel, hey look at me” he put my head in his hands. “I’ll call 911” Melanie said and went to get up.

“No. Don’t” I said and pulled her back down.

“We need to get you to a hospital, Melissa. I cant fix this” Dean said and I could see the tears filling his eyes. “I’m fine, Dean” I smiled.

“You are not fine! This is not fine” he said, showing me my blood that was on his hand.

Yes it is. See?” I said and lifted my hand, then my shirt to show them my wound had heeled all on its own.

“What the hell?” Dean muttered and absent mindedly ran a hand over my stomach.

But, then I grabbed his hand so he would look into my eyes. “I’m fine…and more importantly Melanie is fine…so lets get out of her hair. Will you be okay for the night?” I asked her, sincerely.

She just stared at me for a second. “Umm well now that I know for sure it’s over, yea”

“Good” I said and went to get up.

Dean spazzed and jumped to my aid to help me but I held up my hands to just stop him as I continued to smile and I got up myself. I looked at Melanie. “I’ll check on you tomorrow…sorry about your house” I said to her, smiling.

“No umm don’t worry about it…” she replied. So, then, I let myself out of her house and felt Dean and Melanie watching me as I left.

I went into Dean’s trunk and started going through his bag and I got out one of his shirts. I took off my bloody one and slipped on his dry one. I heard him come walking out to me. I shut the trunk and walked over to the passenger seat and went to open the door but he just came up behind me and shut it.

“We aren’t going anywhere until you tell me what the hell was that” he said, giving me his hard look.

I sighed, crossing my arms. “It was a spell” I told him.

“A spell” he repeated, skeptically.

“Yes. A spell. A rare spell that I shouldn’t have done because it can have some consequences to it since it deals with me getting help from spirits to keep me alive if I got hurt like I did tonight” I explained.

“That’s kind of a selfish spell, don’t you think?” he lowered his voice.

“I put it on you, Sam and Brit, too dickhead” I replied with a light voice, smiling.

He lightened up. “I knew that we were dealing with some pretty messed up stuff and I didn’t want anything to go wrong tonight…I couldn’t afford it”

“So you messed with spirits. Do you know how stupid that was?”

“Yea…but stupidity runs in the pact” I smirked.

He just stared at me for a moment…then he looked down. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if I lost you” he murmured, looking down. I looked at him sadly but still with a smile. I put a finger on his chin to make him look at me.

“Hey…after all these years, I am certainly not going to let a stupid ghost kill me…I’m not going anywhere…”

“You’re not invincible, Mel”

“And who says?” I smirked.

Then, I noticed he started to move his face closer to mine. “What are you doing?” I whispered.

“Just…stay still okay?” he said, so I did. And he kissed me.

It was simple…quick…and sweet. He backed away and stared at me. Then, I started to move in toward him. “What are you doing?” he whispered.

“Just…stay still okay?” I smiled.

Then, I kissed him…the same way…and I backed away. He came to kiss me again but this time I was teasing him, moving my lips away…then kissing him lightly…then backing away again. Finally, he got aggravated with me and put a hand on the back of my neck to pull me close to him and he kissed me hard.

He lifted me up, wrapping my legs around his waist as he also opened the door to the car at the same time and he slipped us both in. Then, he quickly shut the door and came back to my lips. He started to unbutton the buttons to his shirt as I laid under him across the backseat. We just made out for about a half hour in our underwear…and then he was about to get my bra off. But, that’s when I stopped him.

“I don’t think so, hon. You aren’t getting any of this tonight”

Oh really?” he inquired and then started to kiss my neck, down my chest.

“Really…because unlike you, I have self control” I grunted, pushing him off me and onto the floor, in between the seats.

He started laughing as I got my jeans on and then got in the passenger seat. Then, I put his shirt back on as he popped his head up front. “You’re serious” he said as I flipped my hair over the collar.

“Does this face look like I’m kidding?”

“You are a completely different person, you know that?” he said, getting on his jeans.

“I kind of have to be” I sighed.

He got to the front and just looked at me. “I can’t be who I’ve been this passed year and a half, Dean…I’ve made bad calls. It’s made me weaker as a person…”

I don’t think it’s made you weaker as a person…doesn’t that count for something?”

“Not really” I smiled at him.

“Can you put a shirt on please?” I laughed.

“Why? Am I distracting?” he smirked.

“Oh my goodness” I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled. “This is the Melissa I know…the one I’m able to joke with…not the one who came rolling into town with this bitch attitude”

“Yea, well…too bad. I’m a little low on my bi polar medication” I said, smugly.

“Well, then I’ll go rob the whole pharmacy if I have to if it means I keep you like this”

“Lets not have a repeat of last time, please” I joked.

He laughed. “Yea…your double was kind of hot though…there was just something about her…” he grunted. “Shut up” I rolled my eyes, tossing his shirt in his face. He chuckled as he put it on and started to drive.

We got to the motel we were staying at and Brit and Sam were talking outside the rooms at some vending machines. They turned when they saw us laughing together, walking to the rooms. But, we stopped laughing when my eyes met theirs and they looked me up and down. “Don’t judge me” was all I said as I simply walked into my room and shut the door behind me. I was sharing a room with Brit. At first it was just me by myself…but then she insisted on moving in so I wouldn’t be alone.

The next day, we went to the café in town and Sam and Brit told us what happened with the pawn guy…I had made Dean promise not to tell Brit and Sam about me using a spell though so that part was in the safe. They had just gotten done telling us about how they found Margaret’s bones in this guy’s bed.

“In the bed. In the bed?” Dean asked.

“Yea” Sam said.

“Ugh I cant believe he was boning her”

Dean” Brit laughed.

“Dean, come on, man” Sam said, covering his face because of the image.

“Ew that is so gross” I laughed as I leaned into him.

He looked at me and grinned and I smiled back at him. I felt Brit and Sam watching so I looked away and put some hair behind my ear. “Can I get you guys anything else?” the waiter asked us.

“Uhh just a refill…and if you affirmate me, I will punch you in the face” Dean said.

I furrowed my eyebrows and narrowed my eyes but I tried not to laugh as the waiter was exchanging looks with all of us and Brit and Sam just looked away, shaking their heads. “Alrighty then. Coffee. Coming up” he said and walked away.

“What was that about?” I asked all of them.

Brit just shook her head at me. “Nothing…I need to get out of this friggin fortune cookie” Dean said. I laughed lightly.

Then, I saw Melanie walk in and Sam got her attention. “Dean…” he said so he would look up at her. “Umm we’re going to go do something outside” Brit said. “Yea…right…” I smiled and we all got up and walked away.

I turned back to watch Melanie sit across from Dean…and he looked back at me, but right as our eyes met, I turned away and walked out.

As the three of us were waiting outside for Dean, I was just leaning on the Porche, looking down…but I could tell Brit and Sam were quietly arguing a few feet away. I just ignored them and looked away and I saw Melanie coming out. I smiled and walked over to her.

“Hey…I know you said you would check on me today but somehow I figured you say that to give people peace of mind and then you just take off”

“Well, usually…but with you, I would’ve checked up…how you doing?”

“Better…how about you?”


“You risked your life for me, Melissa…you almost died

“But, I didn’t…and that’s all that matters…I’m just sorry we couldn’t save your friend. I know what it’s like to lose a best friend…” I glanced back at Brit.

“But I also know what it’s like to get her back…I wish I could do the same for you” I said, sincerely.

“I’ll be okay…eventually…and so will you and Dean. I see a happy, long future for the two of you, spending the rest of your lives together” she winked at me.

“Happy? Maybe. Long? Not likely. Good try though. You should just stick to reading people” She laughed lightly.

“You’ll see…anyway…thank you” she said and hugged me tight. I hugged back and then I watched her walk off. I think I may have gotten a little too close to Melanie but I didn’t really care. I was glad I did. I liked her.

Dean’s POV

I walked over to Sam, Brit and Mel and I could see how distant Mel and Sam were from each other still both physically and mentally as she was deep in thought, leaning on the hood of the Dodge with her feet on the trunk of her Porche and Sam and Brit were at the trunk of the Dodge.

“That’s your stuff” I noted as Sam tossed his bag into the trunk.

“Yea, I figured we’d take one car” he said to me.

“Works for me. You still wanna break my face?”

“No not at this moment”

Then, there was a pause. “Umm Mel and I are gonna go…” Brit started. “Run in traffic” Mel finished and they walked off together.

I looked back at Sam. “Look. You were right about Amy. If she was like any other monster, I’m not sure I could’ve let her walk away. I don’t know”

“So what are you saying?”

“What I’m saying is, I get why you did it. You were just making sure no one else got hurt. But you cant just look me in the face and tell me you’re fine. You’re not sleeping, you drink for the record…”

“Oh here we go” I rolled my eyes.

“Whatever. I’m the last one to preach, I know. But be honest with me, how are those the actions of someone who knows they did the right thing?”

“You want me to be honest? I went with my gut” I said, blatantly and I saw he was a little taken back.

“I didn’t trust her, Sam. Ever since Cas, I’ve been having a hard time trusting anyone and as far as how I’ve been acting…I don’t know maybe it’s cause I don’t like lying to you. It doesn’t feel right”

“And maybe it’s because you miss Melissa…and the way things used to be between you two…it’s okay to admit it, Dean”

“She’s different, man”

“She’s still the same Mel you fell in love with, Dean…you just need to bring her back” I looked into those puppy dog eyes of hid and I had to end this chick flick moment right now.


One minute, the guys were having a dead serious conversation, the next they’re smiling with each other and laughing. I didn’t want to eavesdrop because they deserved privacy. Then, they called us over. “Everything okay over here?” Brit asked. They just nodded.

“Okay so…I guess I’ll just see you guys around then” I said and started to head over to my car. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, where you going?” Dean asked as he jumped forward, grabbing my wrist.

“Umm next town? To find a new case?”

“Without us?” Brit asked. “What, you guys can handle yourselves. You’re fine on your own” I joked, smiling.

“But, we don’t want to be” Dean said.

“You sure about that? I just don’t think it’s a good idea if there’s going to be tension”

Then, Brit saw that I was avoiding Sam’s eyes and she gave him a hard look. “Talk. Now” she ordered him and then her and Dean walked a few steps away. Sam looked up at me.

“Hey” he said. I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. “You don’t talk to me for two and a half weeks and the first thing you come up to say to me is hey?” I asked.

He chuckled half-heartedly. “How are you?” he tried. “Oh I’m swell, thanks for asking” He sighed and I faced him completely.

“I’m sorry” we said at the same time. “No, I’m sorry” we both said again. Then, we laughed. “Why are you sorry?” I asked.

“You were just trying to look out for me and look out for Dean at the same time…it’s not your fault he’s a dumb ass who got you in the middle of things”

“No, but I should’ve known better…”

“You love him, Mel. Love doesn’t let you think straight” That’s an understatement.

“I think it was worse with you because you and I never really fight…so I wasn’t really sure how things would go and everything got even more awkward…”

“Yea, I know…I don’t like fighting with you, Sammy…and I especially hate lying to you”

“Well, then don’t do it. I’m a big boy. I cant take care of myself. Especially when it comes to my brother” “I know” I sighed.

“So…are we okay?” I asked.

“Obviously” he chuckled lightly. I smiled.

“You wanna ride with me?” I jerked my thumb to the Porche.

“Can I drive?”

“Sure” I laughed, tossing him the keys.

“Okay, we can go now” I said to Dean and Brit as we got in the car.

“How’d you even get it?” he asked.

“Stole it off some woman who called me a whore while she was attending a grand ball” I said in my British accent.

“Oh of course” he laughed. “You know what I wanna know? How that Nicolai guy bent my spoon” he said to me.

“It’s Lily Dale, Sammy” I replied and he just smiled and then took off. Maybe things could be different now…better….
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