Killing Me Slowly


I felt eyes watching me sleep and I was a little creeped out at first…but I analyze the gaze I was feeling…and the presence I was feeling…it seemed different but still all the same. I slowly turned around and instead of me seeing the starry sky, through the window…I saw Dean standing there, keeping his distance but watching me carefully. I sat up in my spot, slowly and I analyzed him as I turned the lamp on. He cringed and squinted but tried to make it unnoticeable…he failed miserably. I saw Maya was still sleeping soundly. Yea, good watch dog, Maya. I just shook my head at her but put all my attention on Dean.

“Dean” I breathed out. “Hey” he said gently and sat at the foot of the bed.

I swung my legs around so we were side by side but not close enough to satisfy me. “You got me worried when you didn’t call back right away…” I murmured.

“I’m sorry…”

“And I wasn’t expecting you for a few more days at least”

“I know…but I wanted to see you” he said, honestly.

He managed to look up and when his eyes met mine, he seemed to be in less pain. “Dean…what happened? Are you okay?” I asked, even though I was pretty sure I already knew the answer.


“What’s going on?

“It doesn’t matter…but you need to know…you and Jesse…and Chris and Abbey…just tell them I said thanks…okay? For everything. And Mel…”

“Don’t finish whatever you want to say. You’re scaring me” I said, sternly as I went to get closer to him. But, he stood to his feet and walked away a few feet. I stood up quickly.

“Oh god, I’m Pattinson” I heard him mutter.

“Pattinson? What? Dean…”

“I have to go…”

He tried for the door but I grabbed his arm to stop him. “No. You cant just whoosh in, act weird, talk like that and then leave, I wont let you”

“Believe me, I wish it was different…”

“Just freakin tell me what’s going on, Dean…you got turned, didn’t you”

He didn’t respond though…he still hasn’t even turned to look at me…he just didn’t pull away either. “I cant bring this crap home to you, Mel…and I especially cant bring it home to Jesse, Abbey and Chris…my life is ugly and violent and I’m gonna die. Soon”

I made him turn around so I could put his face in my hands and have his green eyes stare into my blue ones.

“Since when does your life not include me?” He brought his hand up to mine, still squinting some. “Shut your eyes” I said, gently and he obeyed. “We’ll find a way to help you…there has to be something we can do”

“Melissa, unless there’s some kind of vamp cure you know about that I don’t, I don’t see how we can do anything about this”

“Well, I’m not just going to sit here and do nothing…”

Melissa!” he grunted and shoved me up against the wall and pinned me there.

I jumped slightly and felt my heart race slightly…but it wasn’t because I was scared…because I wasn’t scared…it was from the closeness of our faces. I glanced down at his lips but when back up to the eyes that get me every time…his lips were about to touch mine…but then he jumped away, with his back facing me. I heard some kind of noise…but I knew right away what it was. His retractable teeth were coming out.

“Dean…” I stepped forward. “I have to go” he said quickly and rushed out.

“Dean, hold on…” I tried to race after him but when I got out into the hallway, I saw Jesse came out of his room.


“Jesse, just stay there…” Dean tried to control himself.

“But, I thought I heard…”

“I said stay back”

Then, I jumped, honestly startled from Dean pushing Jesse to the wall and racing off. I stared down the hallway as I heard the front door slam shut. I stared, incredulous…and Jesse stared in the same direction, just as incredulous. Neither of us spoke a word…neither of us even moved an inch. Abbey rushed to Jesse though to see if he was okay and Chris got to her side as well. Jesse still didn’t move, though. He just continued to stare in front of him…just like I did.

I think the fact that I’ve never even thought Dean could act that way toward Jesse put me into shock…and it did the same to him. Abbey looked up at me and stood in front of Jesse as Chris was at his level, trying to get something out of him but he didn’t respond.

“I think you should go, Mel…for good” she spoke and I wasn’t sure if I quite heard her right.


“I really think you should leave…” she said but to me it sounded like she didn’t even know what she was saying. Was she serious? Was she really kicking me out?

“You’re kidding right?” I asked as I tried to smile like I was missing some kind of punch line.

“Originally, you put me in charge. Chris and I are still, technically, Jesse’s guardians and we’re the ones who need to make sure Jesse is safe and we need to do whatever is in his best interest…”

That made Jesse come back to reality and spin around quickly to look at me with panic in his eyes. “Abbey…don’t do this” I begged quietly as tears threatened my eyes.

“We have to, Melissa. With everything in your world always coming after you, it isn’t safe for Jesse or any of us” Chris spoke up and that made Abbey seem to have more confidence but I saw she was still resistant and about to go back on this…but she didn’t.

They stood their ground. I took one look at Jesse and saw tears were threatening his eyes as well but he didn’t speak up…and I knew why. He knew there was no way he would win an argument against Chris and Abbey since they really are his legal guardians and he was still just a minor so he knew he didn’t have much say…but he also knew he wasn’t exactly the safest child. I knew that too. I knew Abbey and Chris were right…I just didn’t want to admit it.

“Alright…I’ll get my stuff and leave tonight” I nodded, agreeing and I walked slowly back to my room.

I shut the door, got a small string bag of some extra clothes and other essentials since Dean still had most of my stuff in his suitcase. Maya jumped slightly when I slammed my drawer shut. She lifter her head and turned it to look at me. She got up lazily, got off the bed and came over to me. I pulled the strings on the bag so it shut and I bent to Maya’s level. I pet her head.

“We’ll see each other soon, girl” I murmured and kissed her head.

She licked my face and I smiled. I stood back to my feet and turned to see Jesse standing at the doorway. “Abbey and Chris are waiting downstairs…I asked them to give us a minute…” He stopped. “You aren’t really leaving…you cant be leaving”

He started to let the tears slip. “Hey, hey…Jesse…” I cooed gently as I rushed to him and bent to his level. “Abbey and Chris are right…you aren’t safe as long as Dean and I are in your life…right now…you will see me again…but right now, I need to go help Dean because that wasn’t him who pushed you…remember that”

“I know…I’m just nervous that I wont see either of you again”

“But you will…hold onto that…but for now, just be good for Chris and Abbey…”

“What if my powers start acting up again?”

“You’ll be able to control them…just remember what I told you…what I taught you…”

He nodded. I kissed his head and he hugged me tight. Maya rubbed her head against my leg as if asking me what was going on. I just smiled at her and patted her head. “Take care of him” I ordered.

Then, I stood back up, slung the backpack onto my back, I took Jesse’s hand and we all walked out and downstairs. I let go of Jesse’s hand and made sure he didn’t follow me to the door. Abbey opened her mouth to speak but I just shook my head so she stopped.

“I’ll see you guys later” I forced a smile and rushed out.

I rushed to the garage and got to my motorcycle that I had gotten back from Bobby’s place. I put my helmet on, started it up and raced out of the garage and down the street. I pulled out my cell phone, pressed speed dial 2 and stuck it up by my ear as it started to ring.


“Hey…where are you guys?”


“Okay, where is he?” I demanded as I barged into the room and threw my bag onto the closest bed.

I put my hands on my hips as I stared down Brit, Sam, George and Samuel. “Mel…” Sam said and it seemed like he was shocked to see me.

“I just got off the phone with you, how did you get here so fast?” Brit asked.

“I high tailed it, tell me where the bastard is, right now”

“Melissa, you need to calm down…he went to go find the alpha and see what we can accomplish with an inside source” George said.

“Well, you’re going after him, right?”

“We were just leaving” Samuel said. “Good. Lets go” I said as I went into my bag, pulled out a machete and stormed out as they all followed.

I got on my bike to follow all of them as they took the van. We got to an alley and when Samuel parked the van, I cut the engine of the bike and just looked up at the building. I took off my helmet and heard a quick motion and when I whipped my head around, I saw a crazy dude jump on top of the van. Then, he lunged at me as he hissed, I flew off my bike as he tackled me to the ground. I punched him in the face to get him off and saw Brit jumped out to come help me but another vampire jumped out and started to attack them. I quickly sliced off the head of the vampire that came at me and saw the others were distracted…and I took that distraction as an advantage for me to race inside the building.

I listened carefully and heard Dean’s grunts and I heard heads falling…I followed the sound up to the second floor and saw he was facing a vampire, ready to attack while another was behind him, waiting to do his sneak attack. Dean lunged at the vampire in front of him and sliced off his head. The vampire behind him was about to attack but he spun around to face me instead but I quickly sliced his head off too.

“Melissa…what-what are you doing here?” Dean said in pure shock. “What? You couldn’t hear my blood?” I sneered slightly.

“Yea, I could but I thought it was just my ears fooling myself…you shouldn’t be here…”

“If anyone is killing you, it’s going to be me” I glared.

I heard quick footsteps but I spun quickly to slice off the vamps head. Then, another came at me, kicking me in the stomach and flying me down the hallway. My eye sight was a little blurry but I managed to see Dean quickly grab the vamp by the throat so throw him to the floor and slice off his head. I got to my feet quickly, ready to fight but there were no more. Dean got to me.

“Are you alright?”

“I’m fine…” I said. “Doesn’t my blood want you to drink?” I eyed him.

“More than anything…your blood is different to me, it’s stronger…it makes me want to even more…but I wont…”

“Ya know, you just pulled a major Edward Cullen moment right there” I murmured and crossed my arms. “Shut up” he rolled his eyes at me but cracked a smile.

“I’m still annoyed and angry with you so don’t try…” I started but stopped when I heard extremely quiet footsteps. I started to slowly head down the steps.

“Melissa, stay behind me” Dean hissed at me and got in front of me. I guess he heard too. “Stay here” he put a hand out to me so I stopped walking.

Then, he pulled off this very superhero-like move where he jumped over the banister and landed on his feet, barely crouching down to keep his balance…it was almost delicate and graceful…for lack of better terms to describe Dean Winchester.

“You brought me a snack, huh? You really shouldn’t have” a voice said and then from behind a hall, a man walked out.

He had dirty, bushy hair and he was a bit overweight. Dean didn’t respond to him. “You stop at nothing ya know that? This is much bigger than you and me” his scruffy voice continued.

Dean still didn’t respond, he just spun his knife around, meaning he was ready to take this guys’ ass down.


By the time Samuel, Sam and Brit made it inside, I was still standing on the staircase just staring at Dean as he sat on a box with one foot on the vamps head. But, after that, we got back to the motel room and George was putting together a cure that apparently changed a vamp back into a human if they didn’t drink yet.

“If this works…it’s not gonna be a kiddy ride, you know that” Samuel warned. “That’s great, light her up” Dean grunted in response, cringing to everything around him.

I stood my distance away from him to try and give him space. I noticed he glanced at me and cringed even more. “So, what did you see in there?” Sam asked.


“In the nest, what did you see?”

“Sam, I cant hear you, your blood is so friggin loud, just back okay” he snapped and Sam did what he asked. “Give me the damn cure”

So, then, George handed a cup of some kind of gross mixture. Dean smelled it first but then downed it all, some of it missing his mouth. Then, he slammed the cup back onto the table and was breathing hard and grunting from the nasty taste. He calmed down a little.

“I don’t think it…” he started to say but then he threw it all back up into a bucket.

“Is it working?” I asked, quickly, wanting to get to his side but Brit held me back. “Either that or he’s dying” George said.

He fell to his knees and hung his head back as I saw his eyes were blood shot and his retractable teeth were out and he yelled out a little in pain. He fell onto his back, still cringing and whatnot but his eyes were wide as if he was seeing something…but then he just stopped and froze in his spot…and then he blinked once…then twice…and I raced to his side so he could focus on my face. I helped him sit up as the others all raced to us as well. Brit and Sam put on relieved faces but I just kept my eyes on Dean as he was acting weird toward them….


The next morning, I was just leaning against the wall while the others were packing and then Dean came out of the bathroom. “Hey…” Sam said first as I got off the wall to face him. “So, what did you see?” Brit asked.

“What?” he tensed up.

“In the nest…what did you see?”

“Umm well, I’m still trying to work through it but I’m pretty sure they’re not doing it on their own. They’re getting orders from the top, where to go next and everything…”

“Top as in?” Samuel asked.

“Their alpha. At least that’s what I think it is. They got some psychic thing sending them some messages…?”

“Saying what?” Sam asked.

“Honestly? Recruitment drive. The alpha’s building an army”

“Well, that’s a comforting thought” George commented.

“That’s not the worst of it”

“Then, what is?” I asked, monotone.

He glanced at me but he couldn’t even keep eye contact with me. “We don’t scare them anymore” Well, that’s wonderful.

We said our goodbyes to George and Samuel and headed outside to the Impala and the bike. I noticed Dean was on the phone and I leaned my back against the Impala, crossing my arms as I heard she was trying to call Abbey and Chris

“They wont answer…” I murmured.

“But, if I can get in touch with them and explain, then maybe they’ll let you…”

But, I started to shake my head so he stopped. “They were dead set against me staying there any longer…you should’ve seen their faces…”

The memory made my insides twist. “But, she’s your sister…she cant just kick you out”

“She can and she did” I pushed myself off the Impala.

“How’d it go with Abbey and Chris? You call them?” Brit asked as her and Sam walked over to us. “Tried…wont answer” I answered. “I’m sorry guys” Sam said.

“Yea…at least you guys got our backs, no matter what happens, we can always count you, right, Sammy…Brit?” Dean asked.

I eyed him…then I eyed Sam and Brit. “Of course, Dean” Sam said, sincerely. “You know you can” Brit smiled.

I analyzed Dean, though…he was unconvinced…and to be honest…so was I.
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