Killing Me Slowly

Serial Killers Don't Make Good Demons Part 2

Brit’s POV

Sam and I were still keeping an eye on this girl who was clearly in no danger…especially after we just saw her and this guy pretty much have sex in the aisle of the library…those poor books. But the worst part? Lucifer was here. And he wouldn’t leave. He just kept coming back. I felt schizophrenic sitting here with the friggin Devil in my face…and he’s so annoying. He doesn’t shut up!

“I'm pretty sure this guy's the boring sort of chubby chaser” he commented about the guy who was still with our target. Sam dialed Dean but I could hear his voicemail come through.

Leave your name, number and nightmare at the tone

“Dean, where are you? Brit and I are scoping zero out here” he said and hung up.

“I’ll try Mel” I sighed, dialing her number.

“Yes because if you can’t get a hold of Dean, you can always get a hold of Melissa…maybe they finally made up and they’re…you know…” he smirked.

Sam and I looked at each other but then I focused on the phone when it went straight to voicemail. “If I’m not saving your life right now then it’s probably what you’re calling about anyway so you know what to do

I didn’t bother though. I just hung up. “Not a good sign” Lucifer sand but we just ignored him. He could be right…they could just be together…but they’re supposed to be watching Jeffery, they wouldn’t just leave him…. I had to focus.

“Hmm. Surprised neither of you have picked up on that yet. It's right…there in the coroner's report” Lucifer’s eyes went down to our research and I started flipping through papers. My eyes widened.

“Yeah. Uh-huh. In this latest round of killings, our big girls had traces of heavy tranquilizers in their blood. Yeah? But our demon's strong enough to make fat Betty do whatever he wants to, right? So, why does he need the tranqs? Think he's got a bad back? Yeah, whatever is going on here, you know that demon's not coming back to kill anybody”

So then Sam and I both began to call Dean and Mel again as he was still talking. “This is Special Agent Smith. Please leave your name, number and a detailed…” both of their voicemails said. We hung up.

“Oh, no. That's every cell phone they’ve got. One of them should've picked up, right? Big brother and sister are probably dead” “Shut up” Sam and I both hissed at him as we got up and left him there.

We went back to Jeffery’s apartment and no one was there. “That's what I'm talking about, guys, real interaction again. I miss that. The rapier wit, the wittier rape. Come on. I'll be good. I'll even help you solve your little Nancy Drew mystery or whatever” Lucifer insisted as we ransacked the place, looking for anything we could find. I began to look through the drawers and pulled out a box.

“No note but hmm a cell phone scrambler. But, Luci, those are illegal. Think, guys. Maybe this has something to do with Dean and Melissa’s telephone blackout” he continued.

“Sam, help me” I spoke and got him to help me take out one of the drawers.

We began to tape on the bottom of it and opened it up, finding a metal box with pieces of paper inside. “Hmm. Latin. Not suspicious at all”

“I've never seen this spell before” Sam said.

“Me either” I sighed.

We walked out and down the alleyway. “But you've seen this type” Lucifer said to us. “A demon summoning, why?” Sam asked.

“Why? To summon a demon, jackass. Start looking at who”

“Okay, what do you mean?” I asked.

“Look at the page”

We both looked at it and right as Lucifer said, “You know this handwriting” we both looked at each other and said, “We know this handwriting. I felt almost…dirty using Lucifer’s help. I mean…I don’t even know how it worked. Was it Lucifer? Or was it just a figment of mine and Sam’s imagination?


When I started to come to I felt incredibly light headed but I was able to make out everything. Dean and I were tied to chairs now, beside Nora’s son and Jeffery was feet away from us. “Hey…you okay?” Dean whispered to me.

“Yea…” I whispered back.

“Jeffrey…what happened? What’s going on?” Dean demanded.

“No one asked you to get involved, to save me, to save anyone” he said and sounded pretty angry.


“Did you ever think that maybe I loved being possessed? Did you? I loved the connection, the power. And I loved him. Love of my life actually” he said, pulling a cart of ingredients forward.

“You’ve got to be kidding me” I groaned.

“He liberated me. Started me on my true life mission”

“So you're the one with the thing for all those women. Aren't you, Jeffrey? You're a serial killer”

That would explain why I couldn’t tell if I trusted him or not…I can do demons, ghosts, real monsters…but not wanna-be ones. This is why I hate people.

“I was nothing before he found me: shadow too scared to do what I was brought here to do. Too timid to live up to my true potential”

He threw a lit match into the bowl he had just put some stuff into and it burst into flames. He was doing a demon summoning spell. “So, what happened, redheaded mommy make you stuff birds, put on dresses?” Dean asked him.

“You shouldn't trivialize other people's pain”

“So, demon comes along, rides co-pilot in your skull…teaches you how to kill. The list…that's yours” I stated.

“For years, it was just a game I would play. Every time I'd walk by one of them in the street or see one on my mail route…there's a sound that comes from their brains. You know that? Only I can hear it, like an evil, little steam whistle. Every time I saw one, I'd follow her, take down her address”

He picked up our knife from the table. “But I was never gonna do anything, not till he came along. He's the one who saved me. And you sent him to Hell”

“So you’re bringing him back…and you need my blood, is that it? To complete the spell. Since I was the one who actually sent him back” I assumed and Dean’s eyes widened at me.

“It’s nothing personal…actually, it kind of is” he said and started to come toward me.

“Wait…can I just ask, why am I still here then? If you just need Mel’s blood?”

“Well, I don’t just need her blood…I need her dead…so I just want you to watch when I do it” he smiled in such a way that made my stomach churn.

I snapped my eyes at Dean. “Man, you owe me that dinner

So…he started to slice into me. It was random and the cuts weren’t actually deep…but they definitely stung. He cut into my legs, my arms, my neck, my face…I did my best to refuse to yell out in pain as he went deeper and deeper and Dean was yelling his head off, grunting, trying to just break free of the ropes restraining him. I hung my head as Jeffery finally got the blood he needed and he actually took a lot.

“I like to think I know you two pretty well” he spoke to us.

“Yeah, how do you figure?” Dean asked but I felt his eyes were on me as I could barely lift my head.

“I watched you torture an innocent man to get out a demon. Pretty charged situation…revealing. You guys talked about a lot, showed a lot of character. God…you were both so desperate to fix the world back then. It kills you that people keep getting hurt and you just can't stop it. Or I should say it's killed you, shouldn't I, Dean?”

“You know what? Screw you”

“Hey. I was there. I was depressed, Dean, because he was gone”

“I was a wreck, an emotional shell, a drunk. I was suicidal”

“I don't usually endorse suicide, but, man, what stopped you?” I breathed out as I lifted my head to glare at him.

“It was Alan. At the house” he meant his landlord.

“You're kidding me” Dean said.

“He's a really good rehab therapist. Really helped me focus on my goals, my attitude. I have to say, I really benefited from the whole program…a life well-lived comes from the structured pursuit of meaningful happiness”

“I realized I was nothing without my demon. Then I decided I have to get him back…” He came toward me with the knife again, I’m guessing to finish…and then he paused.

“I'll be right back…hey, there, honey. Come on…it's a bitch of a recipe, I must admit” he said, picking up the dog. It's a bitch of a recipe, I must admit” he said and began to walk away.

“No” Dean said in disbelief. “Awe, are you serious?” I complained as tears formed in my eyes and I wasn’t sure if it was from the pain or from missing Maya. I could see Jeffrey go behind a wall so we could just see his shadow.

“Mel, don’t listen” Dean said but it was too late. I heard the slice and the dog whimper and it made my insides ache. I was so tired, so I just hung my head again.

“Mel…Melissa…come on, Mel, you need to stay with me. Talk to me” Dean pleaded.

He was a good five feet away but he seemed much further. “How is it…” I began but needed to draw in a deeper breath. “That we are always the ones who get into messes like this” I breathed out and smiled but kept my head down.

I could tell he smiled back but his was sad. “You always hang out with the wrong people”

“Yea” I let out an airy laugh.

“Mel…you need to do you thing to get out of the ropes and get us out of here” he whispered to me.

I started to shake my head. “I can’t…”

“Why not?”

That’s when I lifted my head to look at him. “That’s the whole reason why Roman wants me in the first place…because I’m strong…I started to notice that when I don’t do my thing for a period of time, I get weaker and so maybe then Dick will just leave me alone…even the smallest ounce of power release will cause me to get stronger and…I just don’t want it…I don’t want to be who I am anymore. I don’t want this…”

“But Mel, this can save you…”

“Even if it does, Dean…I’m still not safe…not from psychotic serial killers…not from Dick Roman…none of us are…” I hung my head again.

“Look at me…you are not giving up on me. I will not let you. I know things seem hard right now but it doesn’t mean you can just give up. Please Melissa…I can only give this speech so many times…I need you” he said to me and all I could do was stare at him as I felt my eyes glaze over.

Then Jeffrey came back, placed everything together, said the Latin and then everything started to shake. But then everything stopped…and there was silence. But then Nora’s son suddenly broke free of his chains, ripped off the rape from his mouth and stood to his feet. “Hello, Jeffrey” he smiled.

He looked over at me and Dean. “Dean Winchester and Melissa Stern. As I live and breathe…again” His eyes went black for a second. Then he went to Jeffery and hugged him. “Wha-what are you doing?” he asked, obviously in shock.

“I'm thanking you, Jeffrey” he said, delicately.

Then the two of them began to dance together around the room. Dean and I made faces at each other. “What are you doing with this half-dead piece of crap? Come into me”

“We had a very special time together, didn't we, Jeffrey? It warms my heart to see you haven't forgotten what I taught you. You built on it” he said and then let him go, straightening him up.

“You captured a Winchester and a Stern. You, Jeffrey…my pupil”

“I don't want to be your pupil. I want to be yours”

“But I'm done with you. My work is finished. You can do everything now, all on your beautiful own”



Jeffrey shook his head and so then the demon back handed him so hard Jeffery fell to the floor. “We don't do "no." Remember, Jeffrey?” he said to him and snapped around to us. “Keep sawing away at your ropes, Penelope Pitstop. We can dance standing up if you want” he said to Dean. I looked over at him. I hadn’t even noticed him trying to break free….

“So, is this what you do…find postal workers, make 'em go postal?” Dean quipped.

“I talent scout. That's all. Looking for the next generation of superstars…before they get to Hell, like Jeffrey here. He had all the raw material…just bubbling in there. All I had to do was loosen the lid on his jar, show him some practical know-how”

“Yeah, what about the kid?” I asked.

“This one? I don't think. Not much to work with. No natural gift. I'll probably burn this meat off on my way to Vegas”

And then…Sam came out of no where, hitting him square in the face and the two of them started to fight as Brit came over to us and started to work on my ropes while Dean got out on his own. Then the demon walked right under a devil’s trap.

“You've got to be kidding me!” he grunted.

Then Nora walked in. “You let go of my son!” she yelled.

Brit helped me walk over to them as I felt Dean’s eyes on me every step over there. “Where do you keep coming from?” the demon laughed.

I saw Jeffrey get up with a knife and he was heading toward the demon with determination but I quickly whipped out Dean’s gun and shot the bastard three times so he fell to the floor, dead and then Nora started to recite the Latin.

“He'll be back, you know. Back in black” the demon growled.

“Go to Hell” Dean and I both grunted.

The demon groaned as Nora continued and then he dropped to his knees and exited the boy so Nora ran to her son, hugging him tight. “Okay…I’m done here” I said and started to walk away and Brit quickly kept my arm around her shoulders and led me out.


“Ow, Dean, that hurts!” I yelped as he pretty much just poured a whole bottle of alcohol over my body and he began to use Q-tips and what not.

“Don’t be such a girl about it” he rolled his eyes.

“Well you could be a little gentler” I ripped my arm away from him to blow on my cut.

In some of them I needed stitches but it wasn’t too bad, pretty much just needed band aids all over my body. “Geez, toughen up a little”

“Yea, coming from the guy who couldn’t take a couple splinters”

“Hey, you can get so many diseases from splinters” he argued.

“Mmhmm” I smirked.

He started to wash his hands and I continued to sit on the counter beside him. “Umm thank you” I said.

“It was just a few stitches, Mel…no big deal”

“Not just for that…for everything…for what you said back there…for always being there for me in general…just thanks” He just stared at me for a moment.

“Yea, of course…” He cleared his throat. “But umm…I think I owe you dinner” he smirked.

“I didn’t die though”

“No but you came close to it and that counts”

“Dean, if you were to get me dinner every time one of us came close to dying…”

“Just shut up and follow me” he said, simply and walked out.

I furrowed my eyebrows but did so anyway. Dean Winchester: the charmer. As Dean walked out the door, Sam and Brit watched him, then they watched me follow in pursuit with questionable looks and I just shrugged, confused.

I followed him to the car and he opened the back seat door for me. I got in and then so did he. Then he pulled up containers of Chinese food. I started laughing. “Our first real date” I realized.

“Yea…we were sixteen and it’s not my baby but the seats are somewhat the same…”

“You wanted to take me to Mountain Creek where all the couples go to make out but on the way there the car broke down because you forgot to put gas in it” I grinned at the memory.

“I was so in shock that you had actually brought food with you…and that you had actually remembered me telling you what my favorite kind of take out meal was”

You have no idea what it was like to actually have memories of us together and feel like we didn’t actually experience them…but yet at the same time it felt like they were experienced…ya know?

He handed me a container and I began eating right away. I was starving. “So…this isn’t just some scheme of yours to get me in bed, is it?” I asked.

“What if it was? Would that be so bad?”

“I guess not…but considering you’re using a replica of our first date as an in, I’d say that’s pretty wrong” I said and he laughed.

“Yea, I suppose”

We were both silent for a moment. “So that’s why you haven’t been…” he started but he didn’t need to finish for me to know what he was talking about.

“Yea” I said right away. I just stared down at my food.


“It’s not just dangerous for me, Dean…Dick Roman is ruthless…he’ll come after any one of you to get what he wants and if he does actually want me …I’m doing what I can to veer him away from that option”

“But you’re getting weaker than you think…and when they do strike…I need to make sure you’ll be up for a fight” he stressed.

“I will be…”

“See, I’m not too sure…”

“I thought you didn’t like it when I did extraneous power lifting” I tried to joke.

“It’s not that I didn’t like it…”

“You thought it was weird…”

“That’s not true either…” He lifted my chin to get me to look at him. “If it’ll keep you on your toes and keep you safe…then I’m okay with it…”

And there it was…his vulnerability. He hasn’t shown it to me in a while…and I guess it was a good thing…but I kind of missed the moments when we were able to be vulnerable with each other. “I need to know you’re safe” he finished, holding my hand.

“I’ve missed you” I admitted in a whisper, trying to keep my sobs from escaping…now my vulnerability was showing.

He moved all the food to the floor and pulled me closer to him so he could hold me. “I’ve missed you too” he whispered back and kissed my head.

I gripped onto his jacket tightly as tears flowed silently down my cheeks and I just needed to feel him with me. “So…is this the part where we stare into each other’s eyes and then we get it in?” he asked me.

I scoffed and smacked his chest. “Jack ass” I shook my head but he just held me tighter as he chuckled.

Brit’s POV

I was spying on Mel and Dean through the curtains and I could see the two of them laughing and smiling together…it was such a long time since we saw the two of them do such a thing. “Sam, Sam, come quick” I said and he hurried to my side, grinning.

“Well it’s about time” he commented. I looked up at him and smiled.

“Yea, I’ll say” Lucifer said and we both turned to look at him. But I tried to get rid of him as Sam tried to do the same. “Oh, come on, don't do that. Let's talk, guys. I always enjoyed our special little chats. Don't you want to talk?” he asked us.

So we started to press harder on our scars. But nothing was happening. He wasn’t even fading. “Yeah, look at that. Something's definitely different now, isn't it? You both let me in. You wanted me, partners. So you think you can use your little tricks to banish me again, like that? No. I do believe I've got you, bunk buddies. Got my finger wiggling around in your brainpans” He wiggled his finger at us. Suddenly flames started to leap all around the room.

I flinched and grimaced and got closer to Sam but as soon as we touched it felt like I had a really bad sun burn so I jumped away again and my scared eyes met his. “Come on, Sammy and Brit! Come on! Say it with me now. Good morning, Vietnam!” he shouted and began to laugh maniacally.

I didn’t know what to do or where to go. All I did know was that everything was so hot. And I wasn’t sure what was going to happen to us. It felt like we were trapped inside a sauna…and we just couldn’t get out.
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