Killing Me Slowly

Honesty Is Honestly The Hardest Thing For Me Right Now…No, Just Kidding, I'm Cursed

Dean and I have been trying to distant ourselves from Sam and Brittney without making it so noticeable. We called Bobby to let him know how worried we were. I was trying to keep cool because Dean was freaking out enough for the both of us. Sam and Brittney were not the same Sam and Brittney that fell into the pit and we needed to find out just exactly what they were. Dean and I didn’t want to be driving in the same vehicle with them let alone work on a case with them…but we had to suck it up and get it done. I got my truck from Bobby’s and I was so excited to see my baby again, you should’ve seen my face. But, I’ve been very uneasy and almost uncomfortable by just having Brittney in the passenger seat, next to me…and I never felt that way with her before.

But, anyway, apparently there have been four out of no where suicides in the past couple weeks and we decided to visit the sister of the most recent victim. She explained to us how she was the last to talk to her sister and told her to try and get through it and whatever. I knew she was lying…but Sam and Brittney called her out on it so quickly, I couldn’t even open my mouth to speak…and they grilled her, being cruel and bitchy and demanding…but it still got the job done and she confessed that she told her sister to just kill herself. It was strange but we didn’t have enough to go out on a limb and look into it some more…until Sam and Brittney came walking into the motel room where Dean and I were chilling out.

“Hey, there was another one. Dentist drills a guy to death” Sam said and I saw he was smiling a little…is it too crazy for me to think he might be smiling at the thought of drilling someone to death?

“You mean the non sexy kind of drilling right?” Dean quipped but I heard in his voice that he only said it to keep Brittney and Sam thinking we were perfectly fine.

“Fifty bucks says he’s mixed up in all the crazy” Brittney grinned, putting her hands on her hips.

“Ya think?”

“Lets go talk to him” she waved us on to follow them out the door. “Umm okay why don’t you two go, we’ll catch up after we do a little research” Dean said, gesturing to me and himself.

“You need Mel to do research with you?”

“Well, you know me, I always get sidetracked” he shrugged. “I wont doubt that Mel will sidetrack you” Sam chuckled

“Well, she helps me focus sometimes”

“You sure?”

“Yea, go ahead. We have to know what we’re up against, right?” I finally spoke up, forcing a pathetic smile to my face as I tossed Brittney the keys to the truck.

They both eyed us. “Yea, that’s a good idea” Brittney nodded. “We’ll call you” Sam added and they headed out.

“Dean, I could’ve at least went with them” I murmured, crossing my arms. “Yea, right. Like I’m going to trust them around you” he replied and headed over to the laptop at the table.

I sighed and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck from behind and just watched the screen as we began researching for something to help us with the Sam and Brittney problem. I started to pace a little as I got a little restless and I tried calling Abbey, Chris and Jesse for the thousandth time…and of course, no shock…no one answered. I was even hoping that maybe they would, maybe, call me…but, Sam and Brittney called instead. They told us how they talked to the assistant and that the dentist killed his patient because of how he was freakin perving on his daughter and then he hung himself before anyone could question him. It lead us to believing this was involving a curse.

Dean and I agreed to checking out the dentist office and see what we could find so we got there, walked under the yellow police tape and walked around the bloody dentist cubicle and got to the office to look around. I bent over to look through some files…and I felt eyes on my ass.

“Dean, can you at least try and control your hormones when we’re working?” I questioned, not even looking up.

“You make it so hard, though” I heard him smirk.

I just rolled my eyes at him. Then, I shut the drawer, looked up at him and reply to his comment but my eyes went to the bulletin board behind him and my eyes narrowed in on it.

“See, you’re undressing me with your eyes as we speak” he chuckled.

“Hold on, look at this” I said and walked over to the bulletin as he moved to the side. I pulled off a flier for Harry’s House of Blues. “Remember seeing the same exact flier at Jane’s house?” I showed it to him.

“You think it could mean something?”

“Don’t you? It’s something

“You’re right. Lets go check it out”

I nodded and we headed out. We got to Harry’s House of Blues but there was nothing that we could find out from Harry about the two vics…but then he mentioned a stolen horn. A museum horn, about a thousand years old that was swiped two weeks ago…the same day Jane died. We went back to the motel and this time I was the one on the laptop doing research on this horn while I was on the bed. I found something that could’ve been it: Gabriel’s Horn of Truth. I sighed as I was about to down some scotch but stopped myself so I could just stare at the liquid. Then, I just set it back down on the side table.

“Hello, Castiel? There’s a possible nuke down here. This is kind of your department” I muttered, completely annoyed. “Hear that, Cas?” Dean grunted, from the kitchen, just as annoyed.

But, then I felt a strong, familiar presence coming…and when I looked up in front of me, there stood Cas. “Hello, Melissa…” Dean walked over to us with quick strides. “Dean”

I stood up quickly, setting the laptop to the side and staring Cas down the best way I knew how. “You’re kidding, right?” I spat. “We’ve been on red alert on Sam and Brittney and you come for some stupid horn?!” Dean grunted.

“You asked me to be here and I came”

“We’ve been asking you to be here for days, you dick!”

He looked down slightly before looking back up at us. “I didn’t come about Sam and Brittney because I have nothing to offer about Sam and Brittney”

“Well for all we know they’re just gift wrap for Lucifer”

“He’s not Lucifer”

“How do you know?” I asked, lightly, trying to keep my cool as best as I could.

“If Lucifer escaped the cage, we’d feel it”

“What’s wrong with them, then?” I murmured, not focusing on my anger toward him anymore.

“I don’t know, Melissa. I’m sorry”

“What happened to you, Cas?” I narrowed my eyes and shook my head. “You used to be human, or at least like one” Dean added.

He sighed and turned away to look out the window. “I’m at war. There are certain, regrettable things that are now required of me”

“Gabriel’s horn of truth…is that real?” I asked. “You’ve seen it?” he asked quickly as he spun to look at me.

"We think it’s in town. Something’s forcing people to…” I started but he just vanished. “Oh, okay, then. You’re welcome” I huffed and crossed my arms.

But, then he came back, standing behind us. “It isn’t the horn of truth”

“What are you talking about? You were gone for two seconds. Where’d you look?” Dean asked with an incredulous tone. “Everywhere” he replied simply, like it was most obvious.

“Right…” I said, slowly. “Well it was nice seeing you anyway” Dean said, sarcastically.

“Dean…Melissa…about your brother and sister…I don’t know what’s wrong with them but I do want to help. I’ll make inquires” he said and disappeared again.

We were silent for a moment. “I need a drink” I said, putting my hands in my pockets as I headed out and Dean followed.

We got to the closest bar and ordered some drinks. I couldn’t manage to bring the glass to my lips though…I just stared down at it, with my hand wrapped around it. I just internally groaned and pushed it away from me as I rubbed my face. Dean was about to open his mouth and most likely ask me what was wrong but then his cell started to ring and I knew it was Sam but I wasn’t that much in a mood to listen. The bartender approached me with a sweet smile as she was putting away glasses.

“Everything okay?” she asked me.

“Yea…just not sure if I should drink this. Kind of on the job” I half lied as I also gestured to Dean. “I’ll have hers” he said, hanging up.

“Thought you were working” she smirked, getting him a glass.

"I’m working up to it”

“You both seem really stressed. You sure you’re alright?”

“Not really” we both said.

“Here, on the house” she said, pouring him one and pouring me another even though my first one was still untouched. He downed his right away and I just hope he didn’t notice me not moving. “Is there anything else I can get you two?”

“Well, I’d just like the friggin truth…but I’ll settle for another one” he smiled up at her.

But, something changed slightly about her as she stared right at him. “Sometimes I think I cant get pregnant because God knows my marriage is a shame” My eyes widened slightly. “Why’d I say that?…I mean I’ve been snorting Noxie all day…why’d I say that?”

Oh crap. “I’m pretty sure I know” I sighed as Dean and I shared a look. We both stood up. “We’ve gotta go. Thank you” he put money on the counter and went to walk by a woman sitting at a table, leaning forward slightly.

“I’m sitting like this so you’ll look at my breasts. I just bought them. I need a lot of attention…and I’m hoping that’s not your girlfriend because then that’ll just be awkward…unless you roll that way of course” she said.

“Good luck with that” was my reply and we both went to walk out.

I felt Dean about to step back and check out the chicks breasts again but I grabbed his ear and dragged him out. “Oh come on, babe, you know I only have eyes for you” he smirked.

“Yea, I know but whenever I see a girl checking you out, I just want to beat the shit out of them and have sex with you right then and there so they see just what it is that they cant have” I said.

But, then I spun around, quickly, covering my mouth as my eyes widened. He chuckled. “I could get a kick out of this”

I pointed at him and was about to open my mouth and threaten him but I kept it tightly shut. He laughed as we walked to the Impala and pulled out his cell phone.

I leaned my back against the car as I crossed my arms as he dialed Bobby. “Hey, is there anything that you’re itching to tell me?”

“Not really. Sorry to disappoint” I heard his reply.

“That’s alright, just testing a theory”

“Well I’m here hittin the books, drinkin an ice glass of milk and watching Tory and Dean”

Who and Dean?” I asked, getting closer to Dean so Bobby could hear me.

“Tory Spelling. I’m a huge fan. The girls got real talent”

“I guess it does work over phone” Dean said. “Ya know what else? I get a pedicure once and a while”

I raised my eyebrows. “Okay, okay, please stop” Dean requested, making a face.

“There’s one gal there, her name means svelte with phoenix. A tiny thing but the grip of her hands on my toes…” he grunted. “I’m feeling like I…”

“Whoa, okay, there!” I stopped him, shaking my head, closing my eyes, turning away. “Yea, come on, now I’m scarred for life, thank you” Dean said, just as grossed out.

“I never told anyone that. I wonder why I’m telling you two…maybe cause you two are my favorite…Sam and Brittney are the better hunters, though…” I made a face, mocking him and Dean did the same as we both rolled our eyes at Bobby. “…lately anyway. Why the hell am I telling you this?”

“Cause Dean’s cursed” I voiced.


“Yea” Dean sighed.

“How is it that half the time you clean a mess, you end up dirty?”

“Actually it might be the best thing that’s happened to me in a while” he said and I noticed he was eyeing me.

I just glared up at him, keeping my mouth shut, tight. “What do you mean? Dean? What damn fool move are you bout to…”

“I gotta go" he said, quickly, still eyeing me.

“Okay okay…but did you know my first girlfriend turned out to be a…"

Whoa. No, no, no” I said and quickly shut his phone. “Oh, ew. No” Dean added, shaking the thought off and I walked around to the passenger side and we both got in.

We drove and parked outside a big house where Sam and Brit told us to meet them but when I got out, I just leaned my back against the car. I felt myself itching to open my mouth and tell Dean how I was really feeling at that moment…but I was trying so hard to fight it…and then his phone started to ring. I didn’t look up as he quickly got to my side but he nudged me so I looked up at the caller ID. I saw Abbey was calling. I froze and I noticed so did he but then we both quickly got back in the car, he answered it and put her on speaker.

“You both there?” her voice came through.

“Yea…” I voiced. “Hey, Abbey” Dean sighed slightly.

“I saw you both called”

“Yea…it’s been crazy”

She didn’t respond at first. “Jesse wont even talk about it…he wont talk to anybody

“Abbey, I’m sorry but this is actually the worst time to talk…” he said and I noticed he was eyeing me but I was just staring at the phone.

It was Abbey’s voice that I was so focused in on. I never heard her talk this way before…so stern…so scared and nervous…so angry and annoyed…. “…can we do this later?”

“You shoved my kid, Dean. How about we do this, now” she snapped.

“First of all, he isn’t []your
kid” he snapped back.

“Not yet, he’s not”

“It wasn’t like that, Abbey” I said quickly before Dean could retort.

There was sadness and pleading in my tone and I noticed Dean kept glancing at me but I just kept staring at the phone. “Then how was it, Mel?” I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. “We cant really explain” Dean said for me.

“Do you want to know the truth?”

“Probably not” he sighed.

“You two have got so much buried in there and you push it down and push it down…do you really think you can live like that? Drink half of fifth the night and you’re both good?”

“Hey, you know what you signed up for” Dean tried to defend but I heard his voice crack slightly.

“But I wasn’t expecting Sam and Brittney to come back and I am so glad that they are both okay, really, I am…” she said. For a split second, I heard the loving, nurturing tone of her voice that I was so used to….

“But the minute they both walked through that door, I knew it was over. You four have the most unhealthy, tangled up, craziest thing I’ve ever seen and as long as they’re in your lives, then you’re never gonna be happy…Mel, you used to be the happiest girl in the world growing up…the two of you together were the best couple, you had fights, you had special moments but you always had that something in between you guys, weather it was a huge fight at school or one of you almost dying or having Jesse and your memories being taken away…" She paused.

"Melissa, did you ever think that maybe you’re in such a mess because you stick around for Dean? And did either of you ever consider that you weren’t meant to be together or weren’t meant to be Jesse’s real parents?” she said with much more feeling behind her voice. I felt my heart sink.

“Wow…that came out so much harsher than I meant” she said, apologetically.

“It’s not your fault” I murmured.

I didn’t even have to look up at Dean to know he looked like he was just shot. “I’m not saying don’t be close to Sam and Brittney, I still remember what it was like when you and I were close, Mel…and I’m so close to Chris’ sister, you know that…but if she died, I wouldn’t bring her back from the dead…and as for Jesse, I’m not saying you guys haven’t been great to him but he doesn’t need this right now…I feel terrible enough to have thought that it was a good idea to even tell Chris about everything that you do…”

“Abbey, I’m not gonna lie to you, me, Sam, Brittney and Mel…we’ve all got out issues, no doubt but for me and Mel…you, Chris and Jesse…”

“Me, Chris and Jesse cant be in this with you guys…I’m sorry” she murmured and then the line went dead.
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first part of title goes to lyrics by Kris Allen :)
