Status: Completed

Love Song


When Tommy got home, it was a wreck. No one had cleaned up the mess. Not even his overcompensating mother. His father was passed out on the couch, snoring louder than he’d ever heard before. He paused to look at his father, but then kept moving.
He walked upstairs to his room and threw himself onto his bed. He stared at his ceiling and started to smile. Last night was one of the most peaceful sleeps that’s he’s ever had since Tanya disappeared.
He was disturbed by his mother, who came roaring into his room and just started to yell.
“Where in the fuck have you been! I have been looking for you everywhere!”
She pulled him off of his bed, grabbed him by his t-shirt and started to shake him.
“Do you have any fucking idea how much I was worried about you!”
“Mom! Mom!” Tommy yelled over her, but she began to cry and be hysterical.
“Don’t you ever, ever do you that again! Do you hear me?”
She let go of his t-shirt and embraced him.
“It’s okay, mom. I’m okay.”
He felt her tears soak through his t-shirt and when she was done, she said no more. She let go of him and walked out.
She froze at the door and slowly turned around. Her eyes were red and still damp. Her hair was frazzled.
“What is it?” She asked as calmly as she could.
“I have an idea.”
“What is it?”

* * *

“You want me to do what?” June asked Tommy and Mrs. Brooks in disbelief of what they wanted her to do.
“We want you to pose as my daughter,” said Mrs. Brooks. Her shock of how much June actually looked like Tanya has mostly worn off.
“Why exactly?” June was very weary of accepting such a job.
“My husband, you see, feels very guilty about her disappearance. He feels that since he’s the one who gave her permission to stay in the city longer, then he’s the one who is responsible for her being gone.”
“My dad’s a wreck right now,” said Tommy. “He drinks whiskey all day and doesn’t eat anything. We’re afraid that he’s going to get sick, if he isn’t already. We need your help June.”
June felt sympathy for the Tommy and his mother, but she wasn’t sure if she should accept this offer.
“Please, June. I will pay you,” pleaded Mrs. Brooks.
June sighed,” Okay…I’ll do it.”