Status: Completed

Love Song


Tommy met a bunch of his baseball teammates at the local diner for a soda and fry fest right after going to Matthew’s to tell him about the party that his family is having for “Tanya”.
They sat around the table. Some of them had brought their girlfriends. Mark Pierce had brought girlfriend Anna Winters from the Cheer Squad and David Marquez had his girlfriend Lindsay Peterson. Along with those two, Steven Parker brought his fling Hanna. They hadn’t decided to be exclusive yet, but everyone knows it’s inevitable. The other two guys, Brian and Josh were the only other ones, besides Tommy, who were alone.
“Tommy, why didn’t you bring Jasmine? I heard you two weren’t spending a lot of time together,” said Mark. He was the captain, so he was the natural leader of the group.
“What business is it of yours?” Tommy asked. He wasn’t really ready to tell them that he was having doubts about their relationship, because then he would ask why.
“I even heard that you’re gonna break up with her,” said Josh.
“Where do you guys even hear these things?” Tommy asked.
“We have out sources,” said Mark with a smirk.
“Well, you guys should mind your own business.”
“Speaking of the devil…” said Lindsay
“Hey Anna,” said Jasmine, who walked up to the table. She looked down at Tommy. “Can we talk?” She asked him.
“Sure,” he said.
He got up from his chair and walked her out of the restaurant. They started to walk the promenade that the restaurant was in. People around them were talking and laughing, most just walking around, some sitting in outdoor patios of different restaurants and shops.
“Do you even like me?” Jasmine finally spit out.
Tommy looked at her and then looked down. “I-Of course I like you,” he said.
“Well, do you want to be with me or not?”
Tommy knew the answer, but was too afraid to say anything. So instead of hurting anyone, Tommy stayed silent, but Jasmine knew what that meant.
“You know, I don’t know what’s up with you, Tommy.”
“I don’t know either.”
“When you figure it out and you still want to be with me, give me a call.”
Jasmine walked away in frustration. Tommy watched her walk away until she got into her car which wasn’t far from where they were at. Even after Jasmine drove off, Tommy just sort of stood there, until he felt a tap on his shoulder.
He turned to see June. “Hey June,” he said with a melancholy look.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? You don’t look so good.”
“I’m fine. I’m just having a problem with my girlfriend.”
“Why do you sound so shocked?” Tommy asked.
“I just thought…never mind.” June shook her head.
“Are you gonna be at practice to see Matthew again?”
“I don’t know. Is it going to go late?”
“It probably is. Matthew finally wrote lyrics to his song. But he changed the main instrument from guitar to piano.”
“I probably won’t make it. I have to be home for dinner soon.”
“Oh, okay, then. See you Saturday.” June started to walk away.
“Oh June.”
She turned to look at Tommy.
“Tell Matthew I said hi.”
June smiled. “Okay. I will.”

* * *

The Brooks house was decorated and lit up to look the most festive anyone has ever seen it. Lights and streamers, confetti and anything else you could think of to make the party a real celebration. Everyone the Brooks family ever knew was there, of course including their family.
Tommy was hoping that family would focus on June, thinking that she’s really Tanya, but they didn’t. They kept asking him question about his life. He didn’t mind the questions about school and baseball, but once they started asking him if he had a girlfriend or not was when he started to get uncomfortable, especially with The August band playing in the background and Matthew’s voice coming through the amps.
Suddenly the band stopped and everyone was quiet again. Matthew whispered something to the rest of the band members and they all nodded in agreement.
“Our next song is new,” said Matthew to the microphone. “We’ve never played it anywhere before. This party will be our first time.”
Everyone lightly clapped. Tommy walked up to the band, curious as to what the song was about. June stood next to him. He looked at her, she looked back, and they both smiled. Matthew walked to the keyboard.
Everyone stood, silently watching as Matthew played the keyboard gently and the sound coming out of the amps was the sound of love. When Matthew started to sing, the words coming out of his mouth were words of love and being in love.
A fluttering feeling at the pit of Tommy’s stomach started to get to him. It felt, to him, like nervousness, but when Matthew smiled at him, he knew that it was just happiness. Was it true after all? Was what he has with Matthew not just friendship, but love?
June picked up on the looks that Matthew and Tommy were giving each other during the song. She looked back and forth between the both of them and smiled. Her suspicions were absolutely true.