Status: Completed

Love Song


When Tommy woke up the next morning, he realized that no one was home. He woke up late, so he didn’t have time to be calling everyone to find out where they’re at. He needed to get ready for school before first period started. So, without showering, he put on his school uniform, ran out of the house, and sped to school.
He got there just in time for first period to start. He went through classes all day very depressed. He didn’t want to talk to anyone. He couldn’t pay attentions. When lunch came around, he spent it alone behind the bleachers of the football field. He couldn’t stop thinking of Matthew.
He wanted to be alone, but his best friend found him. With all of the time that he spends with the baseball team, he needed a friend that was outside of that group. That’s who Logan was for Tommy. He hadn’t seen a lot of Logan lately because he’s been spending all of his times either with the team, with Matthew, or with his family. He never really thought about it, but Logan actually reminded Tommy a lot of Matthew.
“Hey Tommy,” said Logan as he walked up and sat next to Tommy on the grass.
“Hey,” said Tommy.
“Why are you alone?”
“I haven’t been really having the best day.”
“The entire school is talking about you.”
“What? Why?”
“They’re saying that you’re gay and from the look on your face it’s true.”
“It’s not true!”
“It’s not?”
Tommy paused. “No-I don’t know.” Tommy started to pull out the grass beneath him.
“Look, Tommy, I’m here. Just tell me.”
“There’s this guy; Matthew. I’ve known him ever since I was twelve.”
“Well, I moved…when my sister disappeared. I ran into him again a few weeks ago and we started to spend a lot of time together. I mean, we were best friends before. He was like a brother to me.”
“So, what’s the problem with that? That doesn’t mean you’re gay.”
“But I fell in love with him, Logan. I don’t know how, but I did.”
“So…You’re in love. You should be happy.”
“Yeah, I guess, but my mom knows. I didn’t tell her. I don’t know how she found out, but she scared Matthew away.”
“Well, make things right, Tommy. Explain it all to him.”
“I’ve tried. He won’t accept my calls and whenever I go to his house, his aunt tells me he’s not home.”
“If you really love him, you’ll find a way to explain.”
“To be honest, Logan, I’m not sure what I want.”
“You shouldn’t be at school today. Do you want me to take you home?”
“I think I can handle it.”
“Hang in there Tommy. Love is what you make of it. Trust me, I know.”
Logan has been with his girlfriend for almost a year and has already professed his love to her. He knew what it was like to be in love and Tommy took his advice seriously.
At the end of the day, Tommy drove back home. He planned to change and then go to Matthew’s house and demand to see him. Once he got home, however, he realized that still, no one was home. He was confused and forgot about Matthew and decided to call his mom.
“Shit,” she said when she answered. “I forgot to call you.”
“Mom, why aren’t you home?”
“I’m at the hospital. It’s your father. His liver is failing.”
Usually a liver failure means death and his mother didn’t seem the least bit upset. But, then again, his mother had always been the one to keep it together. His mother was always the cool and collected one. His dad was always the more dramatic one of the family; a lot like Tanya was.
Tommy didn’t have time to react. He hung up on his mother and raced back to his car to get to the hospital. He scrambled the hospital, looking for someone who could tell him where his father was. Someone finally told him that his father was on the fifth floor.
When he got to the fifth floor, he saw his mother sitting on a chair in the hallway. He walked slowly up to her and then sat next to her. They sat in silence for a moment until Tommy finally asked his question.
“How is he?”
His mother took a deep breath. “He’s not good, Tommy.”
“What do you mean? What did the doctors say?”
“He doesn’t know this yet because he hasn’t woken up, but…he only has about a day left.”
Tommy could feel the tears well up in his eyes. “What do you mean a day left?”
“Your father’s dying, Thomas.”
Tommy couldn’t take the news. He ran out of the hospital.