Status: Completed

Love Song


Matthew sat in his room. He finally decided that he would, after all, play the Christmas festival. He heard car breaks outside of his window, a car door open and shut and then yelling. It was Tommy.
“Matthew! Matthew please let me up! I need you!”
Matthew could tell that Tommy was crying. He’d never seen Tommy cry before. He just didn’t seem like the type to cry. It took him a little while, but he decided that he just couldn’t let Tommy go on like that, so he rushed downstairs as fast as he could and opened the front door.
Tommy had a surprised look on his face when Matthew opened the door. Time stopped for a moment as they looked each other in the eyes. Tommy slowly inched towards the door, towards Matthew. When they were only inches apart, Tommy finally broke down and wrapped his arms around him. Matthew hugged him back tightly. He hugged back as tightly as he could. He missed Tommy with all of his heart. It may have only been a few days, but he missed him.
He whispered into Tommy’s ear. “Let’s go inside.”
Matthew took Tommy’s hand and led him upstairs. They quietly went into Matthew’s room and closed the door. Matthew sat Tommy on his bed and Matthew saw on his chair facing Tommy.
“What happened?”
“It’s my dad,” said Tommy, as he sniffled and wiped his tears.
“It’s my dad. He’s dying.”
Matthew got up from his chair and sat next to Tommy on his bed. He put his arms around him again.
“Oh my god, Tommy, I’m so sorry.” He didn’t really know what else to say. “Is there anything that I can do?”
“Be with me, Matthew. I love you. Be with me. Right now, just be with me.”
Tommy lay down on Matthew’s bed and then gently pulled Matthew onto the bed, too. Matthew put his arm around Tommy and Tommy cuddled into him.
“Just be with me,” Tommy whispered.
“I’m here, Tommy,” Matthew whispered back. “I’m here for you and I love you, too.”
Tommy turned his head up and tried to kiss Matthew, but Matthew stopped him.
“Tommy, don’t. Not right now. I don’t want to do this while you’re feeling so sad. Just close your eyes. I’m here for you.”
The two of them, once again, slept. Of course it was early for sleep, but a nap never hurt anyone. They slept for about half an hour before Matthew’s aunt came knocking on the door. They didn’t wake up from the knock and she didn’t get an answer, so she walked into the room. When she saw the two of them cuddling on the bed, her first reaction was shock, but then she smiled.
Angela, Matthew’s aunt, left the room quietly to not wake them up. She smiled for a few reasons. The first reason is that now she knew what was going on with Matthew. The second reason was because Matthew looked at peace for the first time since his grandmother passed away. Of course, the last thing that she ever expected was for Matthew to be gay, but if he’s with Tommy then he’s okay with it and happy with himself.

* * *

Tommy and Matthew woke up from their nap when Tommy’s mother called his cell phone. Matthew sat and watched as Tommy talked calmly to his mom and lied about where he was.
“My mom is having a panic attack because she can’t find me,” said Tommy.
“Why don’t you go to her?” Matthew asked.
“No…No I wanna stay here with you.”
“Tommy, you have to go be with your dad,” said Matthew.
“Come with me, then?”
“I-I can’t.”
“Don’t worry about my mom,” said Tommy. “I’ll take care of my mom.”
“No. I don’t want you to have to take care of your mom because of me. Just go. I want you to go and I’ll be here for you whenever you need me. I promise.”
Tommy smiled and pecked Matthew on the lips. “I love you,” he said.
Matthew blushed. “I love you, too.”