Status: Completed

Love Song


Matthew has always felt different. He always felt like there was something about him that set him apart from other boys, but he could never figure out what. That difference set a void inside of him, inside of his heart. Music usually filled that void. After that afternoon with his grandmother at the piano, music always lifted him up and he took to it quite easily.
Matthew especially liked to sing and write songs. His grandmother bought him a guitar the year before she died. It’s his most prized possession. Ever since then, when he needs to let emotions out, he’ll pick up the guitar and just start strumming until it starts to make sense. Then, he’ll take one of the poems he’s written and rewrite it so it has a chorus and so that it fits the melody. That’s how he writes songs.
After Tommy left, Matthew never made any more friends. He wasn’t really considered friend material at his school. But he did make friends outside of school. He met a kid that does to Jefferson High named Andy August while he was playing his guitar and singing in the shopping square one night. Andy wanted Matthew to sing for his band “The August Band”. Matthew eagerly accepted, because he’d never been offered anything like that before and was excited to meet new people.
Soon, Matthew became the star lyricist for the band. He wrote such passionate and meaningful lyrics that the band just unanimously decided that he would be their writer. His latest task was to write a love song. They had many songs about friendship and having fun, but none about love.
Matthew was very stressed out about his task. He’s never been in love. How is he ever supposed to write about love when he doesn’t know what it feels like or what it looks like. After his grandmother died, his aunt Deena moved in. She’s single. She never goes on dates and she eats copious amounts of potato chips while sitting in front of the television watching reality shows. He didn’t grow up with his parents, so how is he supposed to know anything about love?
After school, he decided to take his pen and journal and walk to the shopping center. That’s where all the young lovers go to spend time together and go on their, what Matthew likes to call, “everyday dates”. It’s not a special date where you go to dinner or an amusement park or the movies. It’s just spending time together in the shopping center window shopping and maybe buying each other small presents.
He sat in the exact middle of the shopping center. It is a busy, loud, outdoor complex full of all different varieties of people. It has shops and venders, and some small fast food restaurants as well as one full on restaurant which is called: Vincenzo’s. As he sat, he observed the people around him. Every now and then, he would spot a couple. He would carefully watch how they looked at each other and how they touched each other. Sometimes he didn’t like what he saw. Sometimes he would see a couple in which only one of the two seemed really interested in the relationship. He didn’t want to write about that, but mostly he saw couples who were very much in love.
He heard his name in a very peculiar way. He’d never heard it called in that tone. He looked around to see who was calling him. He saw this tall guy with dirty blonde hair and an athletic figure coming his way. As he got closer, he knew exactly who the figure was. It was Tommy.
His heart jumped up and down and he got a nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach. His palms started to sweat and his entire body started to tremble. This was the first time he’d seen Tommy since he left five years ago. He had a girl beside him and she walked beside him proudly.
“H-Hey, Tommy,” Matthew let out nervously.
“Man, I haven’t seen you in years,” Tommy exclaimed with a smile.
“Babe, this is Matthew. We used to be really good friends in the sixth grade before I moved to downtown.”
“Hey,” she said in a very feminine tone. She was blonde and had a delicate facial structure. Her body was thin and she was tall for a girl, but not as tall as Tommy who had to be above six feet. No match for the small and tiny Matthew.
“Matthew this is my girlfriend Jasmine.” He put his arm around her as he introduced her as if to confirm what he was saying.
Jasmine: a perfectly delicate name for a perfectly delicate looking girl.
“We have to get together some time,” said Tommy.
“Sh-Sure,” stuttered Matthew.
Tommy smiled the way only Tommy could smile: with complete confidence. He shook Matthew’s hand, wrote his phone number on it, and then walked away. What an odd place to put a phone number, Matthew thought.
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