Status: Completed

Love Song


Walking back home after seeing Tommy again for the first time was a surreal experience. He had to call the number that Tommy gave him just to make sure the number was real. Relief set in when Matthew realized that Tommy wasn’t like the others. He wasn’t cruel. He was just like the Tommy he knew when he was twelve years old.
As he walked down his street, he saw Donna Miller, sitting on her porch with a sour face. Donna and her family moved into the Brook’s house about six months after they moved out. About three months ago, Donna started to cling to Matthew. Matthew didn’t exactly know why. He thought it was kind of odd, but didn’t read much into it. He walked over to her.
“Hey Donna, what’s wrong?” He asked as he sat next to her on her porch bench.
“My parents are being assholes again,” she said, pouting.
“What did you do now?”
“I didn’t do anything,” she exclaimed. “I just wanted to go out with my friends to dinner but they just can’t have that, can they?” Sarcasm described her dislike of the situation.
Not really knowing what to say, Matthew just shook his head.
“Well, I’ll see you later.”
“Uh-Wait, Matthew! Can I come over – just for a little while?”
Matthew thought about it. She’s kind of annoying, but he felt sorry for her. He smiled at her.
“Sure, come on.”
They walked into Matthew’s room. The walls were nearly full with framed photographs; mainly of family and some photographs of him and Tommy when they were younger at a pool.
“Who’s this?” She asked, referring to Tommy.
“It’s my friend Tommy. He used to live in your house before his family moved.”
“You two look close,” she mentioned, still looking at the photo.
“We were.”
Matthew put his guitar down below his window. Donna, with her long hair down just passed her shoulders, walked over to it and picked it up. She sat on his bed.
“Careful with that,” said Matthew, sitting at his computer desk, facing her.
“Teach me how to play something,” she said.
“I can’t. I have a paper due tomorrow and I haven’t even started.”
“Oh…Well…Maybe I’ll just go then.”
“It’s okay,” said Matthew. “You can stay.”

* * *

On the weekend, Matthew has practice with his band, the August Band. When he got to Andy’s garage, where they practice, there was a woman there who bore a striking resemblance to a girl that he once knew. Andy smiled when Matthew walked in.
“Hey man,” Andy said, walking over to Matthew and putting his arm around Matthew’s shoulders. “You finally made it. I have someone I want you to meet.” He pointed to the woman, maybe just over twenty years old. “This is June Clark. She’s gonna be our new manager.”
She was tall and beautiful with long blonde hair like sand and chestnut colored eyes. Her skin has a natural tint to it; the result of sun bathing no doubt. She smiled at Matthew, making the entire room glow.
“Hey,” she said, extending her hand.
Matthew shook her hand, still in shock of what he was seeing.
“So, Matt,” Andy interjected, “have you written that song yet?”
“I have some of the music down, but no lyrics so far.”
“Great,” smiled Andy. “Wanna play it for us?”
“Sure,” said Matthew.
As soon as he got his acoustic guitar out of its case, his cell phone rang. It was Tommy.
“Hey…Can I invite my friend Tommy to practice?” Matthew asked Andy.
“Sure, you know everyone’s welcome. To an extent of course,” Andy laughed. “You can’t invite everyone you know.”
Matthew smiled, “Thanks,” he said. He answered the phone. Everyone listened while he gave Tommy the directions to Andy’s house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments would be lovely :D

also, I changed Matthew's character pic in case any of you were interested.

thanks for reading, there will be more soon.