"No, You Know It Will Always Just Be Me."

Chapter Thirteen

Beki's Point Of View

“Yay! A bed I can’t fall out of!” I yelled excitedly and dove at one of the many double beds. Pete, Joe, Andy and Patrick were playing a show so it was just Panic, Beth, Bella and I in the hotel room for now.

“You’ll still manage to fall out of it Beki.” Beth said with a smirk before grabbing Bella and throwing her onto the bed playfully whilst the little girl squealed excitedly and yelled ‘again’ repeatedly until Beth repeated the action.

“So who’s sleeping where?” Ryan asked after checking out the bathroom.

“Well there are six double beds, so one person will get a bed to themselves and everyone else has to share with someone,” Jon said and sat down on one of the beds.

“Well I’m not fussed who I share with but let me warn you, I’m not moving from this spot,” I said with a grin and then turned over and buried my face into the soft quishy pillow.

“I’ll share with you,” Beth said and plonked down next to me. I looked at her and glared, trying to give her the hint but she never got it and just smiled at me.

“Well can I have a bed to myself?” Spencer asked and the guys nodded. I looked over at him and he gave me a slight nod so I buried my head into my pillow with a huge smile on my face. I couldn't help it as I knew what that small gesture meant.
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A very short update but I promise i'll update tomorrow =]. I need sleep right now and i'm physically drained that much that i can't bring myself to type anymore xD.
Comments would be appreciated =].