"No, You Know It Will Always Just Be Me."

Chapter Eighteen

Brendon’s point of view

Jon, Pete, Andy, Joe, Patrick and I were in hysterics due to the fact that Ryan was trying to teach Beth how to play guitar.

“No, like this,” Ryan said and sat behind and then moved his fingers across the strings for her to copy. I could hear the frustration in his voice and that’s what was cracking us all up.

“How dare you say that?” I heard Beki yell from the backroom. Yeah, these walls are thin.

“Well it wouldn’t surprise me if you were fucking around with one of the guys!” I heard Spencer’s voice yell. Oh god, that can’t be too good. We all looked at each other and Ry put his guitar down.

“So is that what you think of me Spencer? Am I just a cheap little groupie to you? Do you not even care that I said I love you?” Beki had screamed at him and then I heard doors slamming and Spencer entered the quiet room we were in. He was fuming, I could tell by the look on his face and considering Spencer rarely got angry, it must have been bad.

“What happened?” Andy dared to ask and we all looked at Spencer, waiting for his answer. However, Beth just shot a glare at him before jumping up and running into the bunks.

“I asked her if she was cheating on me,” He muttered and paced slightly.

“Why the hell did you say that?” I asked with my voice raised in disbelief. He just glared slightly in Ryan's direction before shrugging stiffly.

“You had a perfect thing going for you and you just ruined it!” Pete yelled in annoyance before getting up and going into the bunks to see Beki presumably.

No one’s point of view

When Pete stepped into the bunks quietly, he saw Beth with her arms around Beki whilst she sobbed loudly. Beth looked quite shocked to see that Pete had entered the room but motioned for him to come over anyway. He quietly crouched down and put his hand on her knee causing Beki to look at him with her eyes red and puffy.

“What happened?” Pete asked softly.

“He accused me of cheating on him with Ryan,” She said and choked back her tears.

“He said I was having ‘eye sex’ with him,” She sobbed and Beth let go of her and stood up.

“I’ll be back in a minute, I’m going to go kick his ass,” Beth muttered angrily before leaving the room so Pete took her place and wrapped his arms around her.

“I’m sure he didn’t mean to say that,” Pete said softly as Beki buried her head further into his shoulder.

“He’s just had some bad experiences in the past with girlfriends using him because of the band, I guess he just got a little too paranoid as he doesn’t want to lose you. Even if he doesn't show it well,” His face contorted slightly and Beki never said anything, she just carried on sobbing.

“He does love you, I’ve never seen him so content before,” Pete added just as screaming and yelling erupted from main room. Beki’s and Pete’s eye's widened and then they heard a huge crash.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wala! Just a small update, sorry it's uneventful...
Comments would be amazing though =] <3
And i'll update tomorrow, I promise =].