"No, You Know It Will Always Just Be Me."

Chapter Nineteen

Andy’s Point Of View

“Shit!” I yelped as Joe’s head connected with the edge of the table causing everything to go flying and crash to the floor with him. He sat up dazed with a huge cut across his forehead. Brendon grabbed a cloth and passed it to me whilst Beth stood there with her mouth agape.

“What the hell happened?” Pete asked shocked as he and a very messed up looking Beki entered the room looking shocked.

“I went to grab Beth before she jumped and kicked the shit out of Spence but I missed and fell and cut my head,” Joe mumbled as I wiped the cloth over the deep cut causing him to scowl at me because of the stinging sensation.

“Well if we lose him, I’m blaming you Beth,” Pete said playfully. After I had finished cleaning the cut, Jon thought it’d be a good idea to wrap a bandage around the top of his head in case it carried on bleeding. So that’s what we did… except the bandages also managed to get all over us. Beki and Spencer had stayed silent however whilst we were all in hysterics.

“Guys, we’re at a truck stop,” Spencer muttered.

Beki’s Point Of View

Once we’d arrived at the truck stop, Joe went off to check out his cut in the toilets whilst the rest of us went into the small diner so that we could get something to eat. I silently watched Brendon trying to comfort Bella as she’d gotten a little scared from all of the yelling on the bus. I looked up when someone’s hand clasped around my own and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I smiled gratefully at Beth as a woman came over to take our orders.
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Thank you to everyone that it reading this, subscribing and commenting =]. I love you guys so much ^_^.

Sorry about the crappyness of this chapter but it had to be written so that it can lead to other things ^_^. Trust me ^_^.

Comments are oxygen <3.