"No, You Know It Will Always Just Be Me."

Chapter Two

“Oh my god I’m so excited!” Beki screamed out before jumping up and down excitedly.

“Woah bitch, heal!” Beth exclaimed with her brown hair tumbling in front of her face.

“Oh come on, you can’t say that you’re not excited!” Beki said as Beth sat on the floor cross-legged.

“I am excited, I feel like I’m about to explode from holding it in for so long… Argh!” Beth then screamed out dramatically and collapsed back on the stone floor of Beki’s kitchen.
They’d decided to get picked up from Beki’s because Beth’s street wasn’t big enough for a tour bus to get down.
When the doorbell rang, they both looked at each other and then the clock.

“It can’t be them, we still have half an hour to wait.” Beki said and set off towards the door whilst Beth still lay there on the floor, humming to herself.
She bent her knees slightly and could hear faint voices from the front door and soon the voices were growing closer and closer.
She looked up surprised when Beki walked back into the kitchen and was followed by Brendon, Spencer, Jon and Ryan.

“Don’t get up on our account.” Brendon said with a smile as Beth pulled herself up quickly and blushed.

“Um, right, I’m Beth.” She introduced nervously whilst in her head she was screaming ‘holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit’ repeatedly and having a miner teeny moment.

“Beki and Beth, we’ll remember that.” Spencer said with a smile as Ryan glanced around the large kitchen they were stood in.

“Well if you two are ready, we’ll get you settled on the bus and go pick up Pete, Joe, Andy and Trick.” Jon said with a grin before both girls nodded and followed Panic out of Beki’s house.
She locked up before stepping onto the tour bus along side Beth.

“It’s different to what I expected.” Beki uttered as Beth looked in awe at all the video games and Barbie’s on the floor… Barbies?!
Spencer noticed them staring at the box of Barbies and chuckled to himself.

“Brendon’s daughter is with us, she didn’t have anywhere to go.” Both girls made an ‘o’ shape with their mouths.
They’d seen maybe two pictures in total of Brendon’s little girl, but the pictures where too fuzzy to make anything out.
They sat down awkwardly on the sofa with Spencer, Jon and Ryan. Beki was feeling a bit strange because Ryan hadn’t said a word to them yet, he’d been completely silent.
The bus started to move and Brendon walked out from the bunks with a little girl attached to his hand.
She smiled a delicate smile and her long brunette plaits fell down her shoulders.

“This is my daughter Bella.” Brendon said with a proud smile, which was adorable… if I don’t say so myself.

“Aw, hello, how old are you?” Beth asked the little girl in a smiley voice.
She shyly held up five fingers up to the two older girls and then Brendon whispered something in her ear and she smiled.

“Will you play Barbie’s with me?” She asked Beth sweetly.

“Sure, I love Barbies.” Beth replied and stood up. Bella immediately dropped her dad’s hand and latched onto Beth’s before walking over to the Barbies and sitting cross-legged.

“Well at least she’s got some one to play with now.” Beki said with a laugh.

“Who? Bella?” Spencer asked and Beki laughed again.

“No, I meant Beth.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, hopefully should start to actually get interesting in the next chapter, shock shock horror i know.