"No, You Know It Will Always Just Be Me."

Chapter Twenty-Three

Beki’s Point Of View
I sat on top of my bathroom counter, thoughts racing through my mind as I shakily opened the cold, hard packaging of the small white box that I had purchased earlier that day. Hands trembling, I reached inside to pull out the diminutive white stick and pamphlet that seemed to be folded so precisely within the layers of cardboard that lay before me. As I followed the instructions, being careful to follow every word the pamphlet read, I carried out the procedure word by word.

God, please don’t let this be positive. Please. This can’t be positive. Not yet, not now, I’m only eighteen. Please don’t let it come out positive.

After what felt like hours, I hazily looked over at the pregnancy test that I had laid on the edge of the basin. It’s now or never. I slowly scooped up the white stick only to be faced with the dreaded blue line that I only hoped would have remained white.

I’m pregnant. I can’t be pregnant. I can’t. It must be wrong, blue line, no, no, that must mean it’s negative. I must have gotten it wrong, blue is negative, white is positive.

I snatched furiously for the pamphlet, reading the instructions over and over again until they were printed firmly into my already flooded mind, just looking for one line telling me it was all wrong, that blue meant the test was negative, telling me I wasn’t pregnant. With no luck, I perched on the end of my bath, eyes brimming with tears, I pulled out my mobile phone from my back pocket. Scrolling through the endless list of names I finally came to Beth’s.

“Be-th?” I choked down the device trying to contain my sobs.

“Yeah, Beki is that you? Are you alright? What’s happened?”

“I need you to come over – it’s, it’s…” my voice trailed off into broken sobs, “urgent.”

“Erm, okay then, hold on. I’ll be there as soon as possible,”

“Kay…” I whispered down the phone just as it went dead.

Shortly after the phone call ended, I heard the latch on the front door click, soon to be followed by Beth’s concerned calls.

“Beki? You upstairs?”


“What happened...” her voice trailed off as she eyed the test that remained opposite my sobbing figure. “No…”

I lifted my head and gave a slight nod before breaking down into an uncontrollable fit of tears.

“Shh, it’ll be okay. I promise.” She reassured me before pulling me into her arms,

“Who’s is it?”


“Spence’s? But when? You were hardly left alone.”

“The night you all had that meal at the hotel, and we stayed in. That’s when it happened,” I managed to spit out before lifting my head up off of Beth’s damp shoulder to wipe my eyes with the edge of my hand.

“Oh. Are you going to tell him?”

A slight whimper left my lips, shortly followed by a small nod, “I’ll have to.”

“Well before you do anything, do you want me to try and talk to Bren and then we can think of how we can tell Spence?” She said softly as she grasped my tear stained hand, “we’ll get through this.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was written by Beki due to myself having writers block. Beki and I managed to get some ideas together though in art so i'll be updating soon again hopefully =].

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