"No, You Know It Will Always Just Be Me."

Chapter Three

Two hours later and Beth was still sat playing Barbies happily with the five year old.
However, Fall Out Boy had also joined the bus in this time and Beki was sat alone in the bunks.

“Hey, what you doing back here?” She looked up to see Andy stood there.

“Just thinking.”


“It just feels like Ryan has a problem with Beth and I being here.”

“He hasn’t mentioned anything, why’d you think that?” He asked in confusion.

“He hasn’t said a word to either of us and like I’ll smile at him but instead of smiling back, he’ll just look away.”

“Oh right, he’s just not good with living around people he doesn’t know well, so don’t worry about it, he’ll warm up to you guys soon enough.” Andy said with a small smile and patted her shoulder.

“We’re stopping at the supermarket to buy food for the bus, want to come help?” Beki looked up and grinned.


Beki grinned widely as she ran down the food aisle towards their trolley with ten bags of sugar in her arms.

“CHAMPION!” She screamed out, getting several disturbed glances from customers around her.
Pete ran towards the trolley next and dropped in the stuff he had in his hands.

“Damn, I never lose that game!” He complained then Brendon, Bella, Ryan and Beth were the next to appear in aisle 20.
Pete and Beki watched in amusement as Brendon and Ryan tried to push each other out of the way, only causing Beth to come third, Bella fourth, Ryan fifth and Brendon last.
They were beaten by a five year old… A FIVE YEAR OLD!

“Where are the others?” Beki asked as they all stopped at the trolley.

“Well I saw Spence and Trick fighting over which ice cream to get and then I saw Jon flirting with some girl.” Brendon said out of breath.

“Typical male.” Beth uttered and picked Bella up.

“Hey!” Pete and Brendon exclaimed, whilst Ryan stayed silent.

“Okay, fine... typical Jon.”

“That’s better. Why do we have 10 bags of sugar?” Brendon asked in disbelief.

“I didn’t know what type you guys would want so I got a bag of each… good idea ay!” Beki said with a triumphant smile.

“I wouldn’t have been able to think of a better one! Now let’s go find the others.” Pete said happily and pushed the trolley down towards the frozen aisle to find Spencer and Patrick still arguing.
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