"No, You Know It Will Always Just Be Me."

Chapter Nine

General Point Of View

In the end, Brendon, Bella and Beth headed off to the kiddie rides whilst Spencer, Beki, Ryan and Pete headed off in the opposite direction and Andy, Jon, Joe and Patrick headed towards Space Mountain.

“Again!” Beki screamed excitedly and ran out of the exit for the Pirates Of The Caribbean ride.

“No!” Pete yelled and grabbed her arm and forcefully pulled her back to them when she tried to run to the entrance again.

“Can’t we go on something else, we’ve been on that ride 9 times already?” Ryan exclaimed.

“Yeah, I want to go on the Tower Of Terror,” Spencer whined and the other two nodded in agreement.

“Tough- Ah put me down!” Beki screamed as Spencer picked her up so that she was lying over his shoulder.

“Nope, now off to the tower of terror,” He said with a big grin and to Beki’s protest, they left the Pirates Of The Caribbean ride.

Beki’s point of view

“If I die, i'm gonna haunt your ass,” I glared at Spencer as we walked through the ghostly building.

"I'll make sure you don't die then," He said with a wink and laughed slightly.

"Guys..." Ryan said and pointed out that we had gotten to the 'elevator'. A host that was stood near us smiled briefly as we got on and told us to fasten the belts provided. We were the only people on the ride so we were sat with Pete at the end, Ryan, me and then Spencer.

"Do you mind if I grip onto your hand for dear life?" I asked Spencer and moved closer to him in my seat.

"Have a blast," He said with a grin and held his hand out for me to take. The lift slowly started moving up the shaft and then the drop came sooner than I had planned.

"Holy shit!" I yelped and literally wrapped myself around Spencers arm whilst I could hear the other guys laughing at my reaction. My eyes were clenched shut and I had brought my legs up to my stomach and then it was finally over. I breathed a sigh of relief as the elevator doors opened and the same host laughed at the way I was curled up on the seat, nearly on Spencer's lap.

"Did you like it?" Ryan asked with a smirk as we got off; at least he had opened up to me more in the last few hours.

"Fuck you," I grumbled, still clinging onto Spencer.

"Ooo ooo! Pictures!" Pete exclaimed and ran off to look for ours on the digital screan and then I heard laughter. Ryan rang to his side and burst out laughing also so Spencer and I both quickly ran to their sides and looked at the picture.

"Haha we so have to get it!" Pete exclaimed as Spencer blushed. In the picture, I was gripping onto Spencer's arm and he was looking down and smiling at me whilst Pete was laughing and Ryan looked like a giraffe on ecstasy.