Status: hp time

The Daughter of Darkness Loves a Blood Traitor

shy little redhead

The flash of green light didn't affect me. My dad was gonna get hit, but he needed his new body so I blocked him. The dumb wizard left thinking he had killed my dad. Hmm Sirius Black he's been a nuisance lately probably to prove to the Order his worth. What filth he is Dumbledore just had to save him. Good thing I'm half vampire or I would be dead by now without my dad being Voldemort or Tom Riddle. I just call him Daddy. I'm his little daddy's girl and daughter of the dark marks. His followers have practically raised me especially my friend's parents, Draco when my dad was gone, but now he has risen. My name is Sora it means star. I've saved my dad often, but the Order has been getting better lately probably cause of Potter. He's such a jackass and he prevented my dad from stopping mud bloods. Let's rewind to when I was seven years old. It was Valentine's Day tha day that Dumbledore killed my mom in front of me years back. He's such a dictator like Hitler. I've helped the death eaters ever since. Mr. Malfoy was taking me and Draco to Diagon Alley to get some candy. Me and Draco were playing hide-and-seek. When I saw a red head boy crying on the street I went up to him and gave him a Choclate Frog. "Hi! I'm Sora. What's your name?" I asked "Ron. Ron Weasley," he said. "Ron why are you crying?" I asked. "I lost me mum," Ron said. "If I help you find her will you not cry?" I asked and he nodded which made me smile till he said, "Why do you care?" "Cause your my sweetheart Ron, I don't want to see you sad," I said. We held hands and walked till we found a lady with had Ron's hair she was freaking out really well. I pulled Ron's sleeve and said, "is she your mom?" He nodded shyly so I said, "Come on silly." We got to the lady and I pulled the hem of her dress she looked really natural since she had a lot of earthy colors. She saw Ron and lifted him giving him such a bear squeeze hug. I wish my mom could still do that I wrapped my jacket around me a little tighter. I heard Draco say, "It's time to go." So I said, "Bye Ron.!" I was about to go when the shy little boy gave me a kiss on the cheek. I turned around gave him a hug and ran to Draco.
Fast Forward 10 years
I am now 17 and am starting Hogwarts late. Since I've been busy traveling the world, partying, and helping my dad. I am one of the laziest people so I have to pack now. I just love the Bermudas. Everyone thinks they're such trouble, but it's just wizards. Draco had to leave early so I have to get to the train station alone. I'm gonna meet Draco on the train and go to Hogwarts. Nothing could ruin this. "Oops! I'm so sorry," said a red head.....
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i kno small but necessary so 1 question that you're all thinking
>is voldemort a cool dad?
you may also ask questions in the comments area.