Status: hp time

The Daughter of Darkness Loves a Blood Traitor

i smell like potter

"Oops I'm so sorry," said a red head girl. I helped her get her things and when I looked up she looked like my sweetheart Ron Weasley. "Hey are you a Weasely?" I asked. "Ya why?" the girl asked. "Well I'm looking for Ron.." I started until I was interrupted by my friend Draco. "Sora I thought you would be looking for me better, but I guess you were stuck with some Weasley blood traitor scum," said Draco while he was pulling me away from the girl and all I could mutter was, "Blood traitor."
[Ron's POV]
I was in the compartment with Harry and Hermione when Ginny walked in her hair as red as my hair and she said,"Some slytherin filthy girl was looking for you till she was dragged away by Malfoy the bloody git made her drop all my papers all over again." "Who was she Ginny?" asked Hermionie. "No clue, but Malfoy kept calling her Sora," said Ginny. "Bet she's one of malfoys," said Harry. "I'm going to the bathroom," I announced before they start bickering. This might be my Sora they're talking about. I got out of the compartment and went to an empty one and started thinking of how to find Sora without having to get her infront of Malfoy when I was shoved into the wall by a random person entering. "Sorry," she said and she quickly put an invisibility spell over us. When the blimey git Malfoy bopped his head in and yelled Sora. I was about to yell at him, when the girl shook her head telling me to shut up. As soon as he left she took off the spell. "What the hell was that for?" I yelled when this random girl gave me a big hug. I pushed her away quickly standing up and blushing. I bet my face matches my hair i thought. "You don't remember me Ronny sweetheart," the girl said. I suddenly realized I didn't have to find Sora she found me. I took her hand and we sat down on the chair and started talking about nothings.
[Sora's POV]
Me and Ron were having a blast talking about nothing I could just pretend that he was a pureblood like me and malfoy and not a blood traitor when this loud sound came on. We have finally made it to Hogwarts. I left Ron and went to the compartment the Slytherin were sharing when I got tackled by my best buds Draco and Blaise. They may not look like it, but they were the worst over protective friends and I might have to marry Draco for my dad to continue the pureblood line. Ew imagine dating your brother. The boys helped me with my bags and we hauled our stuff when Draco stayed behind to take care of something. Me and Blaise left with Parkinson usually the pug can be a bitch, but unless she marries a death eater or a to be death eater she will never be one so she's been sucking up since I got here, but I like it a bit having a personal slave to show me around. We were on the station waiting for Draco and when he finally came out he smelled like something I had smelled in my dad's memory. I was getting slightly closer trying to figure it out when I heard Draco say in my head, "I smell like Potter." "Why are you telling me I haven't ever smelled him I might not have figured it out," I said pouting I sort of liked a challenge. He chuckled in his head and said," Sorry to spoil your fun, but now the bastard will be going back to Britain." "You'll be stopped," I smirked. "Such a nice friend," he started till he saw in Blaise's mirror Luna Lovegood coming with Potter out of the train. "Dumb blood traitors," sneered Draco. I started laughing at him and said, "This way it will be more fun for the both of us." We had to put our stuff in this long hill of baggage to be checked.The school taking so much precaution of my dad coming back in power it's really not that scary for pureblood unless they try to get in his way. I got in the carriage with the slytherin as we headed to the Great Hall I got chosen to be a Slytherin during the summer. I was walking to the Slytherin table when I got tripped by something. All Slytherin turned and looked at a brown haired mudblood, must be Potter's friend Granger only they knew I was Voldemort's daughter. I got up and dusted myself off. Mudblood I whispered in her head you're in for hell. I walked over to the table calm and everyone went back to talking, but only few knew I wasn't done no one gets a freebie screwing with me. I used my wandless magic to make Granger yell all her secrets out during Dumbledore's speech. "I'm a mudblood. I'm a nerd. I first thought that Professor Remus Lupin was attractive in a wolf way and I am indoubtfully in love with," Hermionie started when the red head from earlier covered her mouth. "Thank you Miss Granger for showing us that now you are in Hogwart's walls you may do magic," said Dumbledore, but that didn't quiet all the tables laughing at her. Gryffindorks can't be a loyal to their own when they can get a good laugh. I made another chant making all Gryffindors hair and some annoying Slytherin like Parkinson have nasty rainbow mohawked hair. Clippers flew everywhere cutting hair and dye spilling all over the victims. Most of the Slytherin table was having a blast when Dumbledore yelled,"Enough. It is time to eat and welcome home new and old students report to your common rooms after
everything." The selection of houses was boring why couldn't they do it in the summer like me. We finally ate and I was tired I just trudged to the common room when Professor Snape said I was called to the headmaster. "So Godfather did you have fun at dinner today?" I asked. "Oh yes my goddaughter was messing with Gryffindors yet somehow slipped through the cracks the hair was impressive, but why not Slytherin colors?" Snape asked. And yes he is my god father my dad trusts him completely. "Becuase they'd know it was a Slytherin," i said when we bumped into Harry, Ron, and Hermionie. Ron's hair was back to normal I wasnt that mean to him, but the other two looked hilarious. The gryffindors led up the stairs and i wondered after all why I was willingly going up the stairs I really wanted to kill Dumbledore would the proximity threaten my year here...
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welcome to hogwarts! we have a hidden swimming pool
>will dumbledore find out sora's voldemort's daughter?
>why did dumbledore kill sora's mom?
send pics if you have a rainbow mohawk