Status: hp time

The Daughter of Darkness Loves a Blood Traitor

draco is my reality

[Sora POV] Me and Ron finished kissing when I raised my hand to my lips when Ron got up all tensed I looked up and asked, “Ron what’s wrong?” “Sora I’m a Gryffindor and I can’t date a Slytherin,” he muttered. “Ron,” I said getting up, “Please date me in secret or whatever just don’t leave me Ron.” I felt all vulnerable when Ron grabbed me suddenly knocking us in the lake. I started swimming and playing around as we were in the water when something pulled Ron down I fought off the animal and jumped up with Ron in my arms onto a rock. I did CPR on Ron and started to cry when Ron pulled me into his arms. “Our secret world happens whenever I’m in your arms,” I said, “Can I stay with you tonight Ron?” I looked up at him, but I saw he wouldn’t say yes I used a spell to dry us off. I started walking to the dungeons when Ron said, “Come with me.” We hurried up to the Gryffindor room when Ron pulled me close to him and covered my ears. I guess he said the password ‘cause the portrait swung out. We walked in I said, “Don’t trust me now.” “No,” Ron said, “I just want our secret world to be entered together.” “You’re such a fool Ronald Weasley,” I said grinning. We went up to his room and told stories, played wizard games, and we finally fell asleep. I was woken up by the twins, Ron’s brothers, Fred and George. Everyone knows about them with their store. “Hello young Miss Sora your heart made of gold-a,” said the twins. “You know Sora?” asked Ron. “Of course they’re the trouble making twins and I seek trouble Ronny,” I said. “She’s hung out at our shop taking tours and hanging out,” said Fred. “We tend to have friends you don’t know about and more than you,” George said. The twins and I laughed as Ron got angry. “Well I’ve got to be getting dressed have fun you guys,” I said. I walked down all the stairs to the dungeon and found out that it was still dark guess the boys woke us up pretty early. I got in my bed and a few hours later a certain blonde woke me up by jumping on my bed. “Dracolantern, what the hell are you by doing?” I yelled. We both started laughing as I got up and have started jumping up on my bed. “We’re playing with quidditch wanna practice with us?” Draco asked. I nodded ‘cause I’m Draco’s favorite chaser and he got us lying on the bed. He’s such an overweight panda I thought which got me to start laughing until I realized he was so close that I noticed his long blonde hair and his grey eyes reflecting on me. He is so beautiful. We did a small peck and it was turning into a make-out session until Blaise came in stopping us. “Can anyone come into our room? Have you guys never heard of a term called knocking?” I yelled. “Do you and Malfoy own this room?” Blaise asked, “I leave you alone with her for five minutes she better still be pure.” We all started laughing, I got some clothes and ran into the bathroom leaving the boys banging on my door. I thought I was alone until I turned around and realized Draco teleported in. “Not fair,” I said as he smirked at me and said, “Want some help with that.” I would love some,” I said. I started taking off my shoes when Draco came over and unbuttoned my shirt. I let him keep going as I untangled my hair. I undid the rest of my shirt as he undid my buttons on my jeans. He slid ‘em off after my nod and kissed me on forehead, neck, hands, hips, arms, knee caps, and finally my lips. It was a passionate and quick as Draco pulled away from me with so much control. I was having to put clothes on was all that was keeping me from going to the other wall and snogging with Draco. After I finished putting all my clothes on I noticed Draco was next to me and said, “Mustn’t you be pure for your suitor.” “I am Draco and he is standing right in front of me I am ready to give him all my being. I chose you in the dark room Draco,” I said passionately leaning into him so no air could pass between us and we stared into each other’s eyes.


“Death Eaters, you have been summoned here today to choose a suitor for my daughter so all of you will write a white paper. You will offer one of your fellow death eaters or soon-to-be-Death Eaters. Choose wisely,” My dad said (recap he is Voldemort). I wrote on my sheet of yellow paper. Two words. My vote on yellow as it mattered most of all. The dungeon walls were dimly lit in my dad’s sanctuary, but I enjoyed it unlike all the nervous Death Eaters. They only get one vote to select their leader. I wrote down two words: Draco Malfoy.

“I voted for you, Draco and I think you won,” I said. I got bombarded on the wall by Draco. I kept returning his kisses maybe I’ll love the secret world, but a world with Draco is my reality.
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dumbledore: granger no one studies at hogwarts except you...snape is kindest, sexiest, bravest man i've ever met.
>does sora love draco?
a little but she prefers ron
>can ron swim?
>what movie is this?
harry potter 6
hope you enjoyed answers for once