Status: hp time

The Daughter of Darkness Loves a Blood Traitor

ehh i already sucked her blood

>>>>FF to the next morning>>
[Sora’s POV] I woke up in some silver and green sheets. I realized I was placed in my room. I was going to go back to sleep when Pansy ran in my room and shrieked, “Why are you still sleeping today is the first day of school?” I dropped my jaw. Today was the first day of school and no one told me?! I am going to kill Blaise and Draco. I got dressed in my cloaks quickly and went to the Dining Hall with Pansy following after me practically running to keep up. I was about to sit in the Slytherin section when I was dragged away by Ms. McConagall. “Is there a problem Ms.?” I tensed staring at the Slytherins that were looking at me weirdly. “You are to see the headmaster in his office,” Ms. McConagall. “I can go alone,” I glared removing my arm from her tight grasp. “I will take her Minerva,” Severus said coming up before I could get myself in more trouble. We left the Dining Hall and began our walk. Severus gave me a paper and said, “You have all clases with Draco and he is your suitor don’t make a habit of missing meetings like that or your father may change his mind on the arrangement and all the other members are too old for you I believe. Just watch out for that Weasley.” I nodded my head and followed him when we got there. We walked off the stairs and I saw all the teachers and Lupin and Sirius in the room as if conferencing about me. “Sora we have discussed many things and have decided it’s in your best interest to become a Gryffindor and that may enhance you making new friends and having a fresh start here,” Dumbledore said. I glared at him and looked at all the teachers as most of them looked away terrified. “But headmaster the hat put me in Slytherin plus isn’t it too late for me to change I have already gotten used to my surroundings,” I said. Some teachers nodded along as I smirker to Lupin when he boomed at me, “You careless bitch classes start today anyway and why not have Hermionie show you around she is one of our best students and a Gryffindor.” “Ehh!” I joked truthfully, “I already sucked her blood.” I made Sirius spit his drink of Mr. Slughorn. Everyone was trying to hold their laughter in when Dumbledore ended saying, “It is final you are now a Gryffindor Sora.” He changed my cloak to match a Gryffindor cloak and I felt my temper rise. Severus took me and dragged me to my classes in my newly changed classes. When we made a few turns on the stairs, I took my hand and punched the wall breaking it and leaving the stone to crumble. I stopped outside past the gargoyles waiting for Severus and he said, “They are going to be watching you Sora please be careful you may not be seeing Draco in classes but after hours you can come in my room and we will plan what to do next. Your dad will not like this though you can probably gain new information in your new area.” I nodded my head as my temper was still rising. How dare Dumbledore do something like this? He will definitely be killed by my hands. “I will do it all Severus I will squash this school and make my dad proud,” I said. I took my new schedule as it changed in front of my eyes changing my family’s name to Gryffindor. I almost fumed the paper to pieces when I realized I was going to be late to my classes. I went in my new Advanced Potions Class. I’m not going to learn anything. “Okay class we will be making ________________,” Slughorn said. As I entered the classroom Slughorn seated me next to Hermione. Great the mudblood! I started making my chemical perfectly, but of course as I am Voldemort’s Daughter, Slughorn was too scared to even walk in my presence. Harry was announced the winner and as I rushed out of the finished class. I crushed into a group of Slytherin that yelled, “Haha Gryffindors leaving class early to stupid to be here. Hey Sora what are you doing here?” I tried hiding my Gryffindor robes when everyone went silent. I saw Draco step in front of me and move my hand. He looked at my colors and I saw him freeze. We all stood still until the Golden Trio turned ‘round and they started pulling me away. “Come one Sora we have to be getting you to our next class,” Hermione said acting as if we are friends. I just nodded my head turning back around trying to see Draco all I saw was his head drop and him walk away from his group. My poor prince.

[Harry’s POV] I sensed all the emotions wiring near me. Hermionie and her jealousy and Ron’s too; the worst part was that Sora had the least annoying: sadness, her betrayal. I was seeing in her feelings when I felt everything go to abrupt halt. She looked me right in the eyes and I looked in hers as we continued walking. She nodded and looked back at the ground as Ron grasped her maybe this is the line of jealousy. As his thumb runned up her back hand. I felt a twinge of it. Was it all because she was a Gryffindor?
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harry potter: cho chang is super mega foxy awsome hot
>what will voldemort do about having his daughter in gryffindor?
>will sora sit with the slytherins?
continue reading guys