Nineteen Stars


There were once two sisters, of no ordinary kind, they shared a bond that was too hard to find.
They would play in the field behind they’re grandmothers doublewide, from the time the sun was at its highest, to catching the fireflies, to counting the stars on their backs. The older sister always lead, the younger fallowing every move made.

As the years went by the older sister found herself a boy. The Boy was demanding, and threatening which scared the younger sister, but as soon as the oldest sister turned eighteen she moved out of the doublewide and into his house.
They soon had plans to wed, against the wishes of the younger sister and their grandmother. The older sister and The Boy were planning a family.
Just as soon as the older sisters family started to form, it began to fall apart, she lost her unborn baby, and just as easily cut off all ties with the younger sister and the grandmother.
That is until the grandmother fell sick. With a guilty heart the older sister made visits to the house once a week, not as often yearned for by The Grandmother and Sister. In the safety and privacy of their home The Boy threw fits of rage, and soon after visits became every other week.
On one of those other weeks The Grandmother died. The Older Sister had to move back into the double wide with The Younger Sister because she was not of legal age to live on her own. The Older Sister yelled and blamed her sister for this. She even managed to blame her sister for the failure that was her family.
The Younger Sister decided to run away, emptying her savings and telling herself that she was relieving The Older Sister of the burden that was herself.
The Younger Sister never made it past the town limits.
As she was turning at the main roads intersection the Grandmothers Chevy pickup truck, inherited by The Younger Sister, was T-boned by a drunk driver.
Back in the quit that was home to three, the phone rang awakening The Older Sister in the middle of the silent night.
The Older Sister was called down to the morgue to identify The Younger Sisters body, the body that shared the same strawberry blonde hair, the same full lips, the same big doe eyes, and many more features.
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comments? suggestions for improvement?? thanks guys! :)