May Her Soul Be at Peace

Eternal Peace

"Maybe one day we will know,
What it's like to see the snow.
And when the sun sets at night,
We won't feel the fright,
Because together,
The world will stop forever."
In that moment, in that short poem, something was felt. A feeling known long ago, but that lay forgotten in the deepest pit of a locked heart. And as she looked up at the night sky, tears came to her eyes, for she knew that she would  feel it  again soon. The feeling of being loved, of having someone to hold. She swore she would live her life, and let nothing bring her down. But as the first snow fell on that cold October night, she had to rethink what was once a dull life since the night the news came. The news that, as some would say, made her go insane. And as she stood on the edge of the island, looking down at the water, she felt some what whole again, and a smile graced her pale features. This smile grew as arms wrapped around her, and someone kissed her neck softly. Turning in the arms, she embraced the man holding her, letting out a sob of joy. And as they embraced, color seemed to come to her once pale features as she disappeared slowly into the night. Leaving behind the crying people gathered around a newly dug grave. Leaving behind no one but friends, and a preacher ending the service with these last words:
"May her soul be at peace, and may she be reunited with the one she loved. Amen"
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