Status: On hiatus - don't know if it'll ever be finished tbh


Tuesday February 13

I woke up at 10am this morning, feeling drained and disoriented. Mother was sitting beside me, reading something for work, I assume. I coughed slightly to get her attention and she looked up and gave me a small smile. 

She said, "How do you feel, Caleb?"
I just shrugged. I wasn't feeling too good, but it wasn't really any worse than I felt yesterday. 

"Caleb...who was that boy yesterday? I came home from work to find you in bed and this strange boy in your room. He was lying next to you on your bed... Who was he?"

Oh my gosh. Lucas was on my bed, in my room? The thought terrifies me. Why would someone so perfect want to be in my room, and even worse, sit on my bed, and even worse again, sit on my bed while I was sleeping in it? Nothing in my house could ever be perfect enough for Lucas. I could never be perfect enough. Why would he care so much to drive me home and wait with me until Mother got home? It just doesn't make sense. 


"U-um. That was...that was Lucas" I stuttered and prayed that she couldn't see the embarrassment burning on my face. 

"Hmm... Okay..." she said weirdly. "He's a nice boy. I'm glad you've made a friend, Caleb. Now come on, sit up and I'll bring you something to eat"

I started to protest but she told me to stop bring silly. "You haven't eaten for over 24 hours, Caleb, you're looking very skinny..."


I pretended to be asleep again when she came back into my room a short while later, with a plate of bacon and eggs.
She sighed, but didn't disturb me.

I'm glad she didn't.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of a fail of a chapter, but I did write it at 7am so that's probably why haha. But I hope you liked it anyway :) oh, and if there are mistakes or anything, it's probably because I typed it up on my iPod. I'll fix it up tomorrow or something.


Thank you to the readers, subs and these people for commeting on the last chapter:
