Status: On hiatus - don't know if it'll ever be finished tbh


Sunday 1 April

I’m being moved into the ward today. This afternoon actually; at 2pm. Lucas is sitting next to me now and is going to go with me to help me settle in, since Mother had to leave to get ready for a doctor’s appointment. I think Mother might suspect something between me and Lucas. She keeps looking at us strangely when we’re together, even if we’re just sitting and talking or whatever. I swear her eyebrows disappeared into her hair when Lucas said he’d help me this afternoon and she gave me a weird look like she was trying to read my mind. She didn’t say anything, though, so maybe I’m just being paranoid.

I’m definitely paranoid about today. I’ve always been paranoid of April Fool’s Day, and this year, for good reason. I still don’t know if Mother was fooling me this morning. She told me she’s going to the doctors this afternoon. But it’s not just any doctor. It’s a…wait for it…obstetrician. Mother told me she’s pregnant. Pregnant! I don’t even want to think about Mother and Father having…sex. That’s just disgusting. So I hope she just told me that as an April Fool’s joke, but since it’s now…11:59 and she’s not here…maybe she wasn’t joking. She didn’t look like she was joking. Oh gosh.

Does that mean I’ll have a baby brother or sister soon?

I just asked Lucas that.

He said, “Well, your mum isn’t going to give birth to puppies, is she?” and rolled his eyes. But he was smiling. He was joking. I laughed. He always is sarcastic, but he doesn’t do it to be mean. That’s one of the reasons I like him. He’s funny, but not cruel. I kissed him. He kisses so well. (Not that I have anything to compare it to.) Now he’s trying to read what I’m writing and I just hit him because I’m not ever showing anyone what I write on here. He’s pretending he’s hurt, but I know he’s not. He’s silly, but he makes me laugh.

It’s 12:03 now. I guess Mother wasn’t trying to fool me. I’m going to be a big brother!

I’m going to stop writing now, because I want to spend as much time as I can alone with Lucas. Usually Jake would be here too but Jake’s out at some girl’s house today. He won’t tell me who it is, but I think he likes her. Oh well, he’ll tell me when he’s ready. I don’t mind that he’s not here. I get quality time with Lucas. I’m definitely not complaining about that!
♠ ♠ ♠
Another short one, but...yeah. No explanation for that. That's just the way it happened haha.
Cale's gonna be a big brothererrrrr!

Tell me what you think about that? Will he have a brother or a sister?

Thank you to the readers & subs & these people for commenting:
flesh and blood ;
