Status: On hiatus - don't know if it'll ever be finished tbh


Sunday 29 April

In 2 hours, I’m free of this place. Finally. I’ve been here way too long. My bags are all packed and I’ve been sitting on the bed that I’d claimed for a month for a full hour just staring at the door, waiting for Lucas to appear. Mother told me that her and Father were going to go out to dinner and a movie tonight, and probably will be each week, or at least each fortnight, since when the baby comes, they won’t have much time to go anywhere. She was acting kind of suspicious when she said that Lucas was going to pick me up though, and I have no idea why. She wouldn’t answer me when I asked what was going on, either. I’m so confused beyond belief. Why is everyone keeping secrets from me? I hate it so much.


Anyway, Lucas is here (finally). He practically ran through the door and now he’s grinning at me like an idiot.

“Are you ready to leave, baby?” he just asked me.

“Definitely” I said, and he leaned over to me and kissed me. I put my arms around his neck, but he took them away and told me that I’d have to wait for more and to “stop pouting, because it’s so cute and I won’t be able to control myself.” I don’t want him to control himself. Oh my gosh, did I just write that? It’s true, though. Shut up, mind.

Lucas is making me get off the computer now, so we can leave.

Hallelujah! I’m free!
♠ ♠ ♠
I keep losing subscribers :( I know it's been pretty sucky lately, but well...ah, nevermind. I'm just whinging.

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