Status: On hiatus - don't know if it'll ever be finished tbh


Sunday May 13

Wow. Lucas’ family is amazing. They really are. I didn’t really have any idea what to expect when Lucas came and picked me up yesterday afternoon, even though Lucas told me not to worry; that his family will love me. Even so, I was crazily scared. I think he could tell, too. I was shaking slightly as I sat in the passenger seat of his car while he drove, and he reached over and took my hand and started rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. Somehow, it managed to calm me down a bit for the rest of the drive, but I started shaking again almost instantly when he pulled into the driveway. After we both got out of the car, Lucas came around my side and took hold of my shoulders and looked me in the eye.

He said, “Honey, you’ll be fine, okay? They’ll absolutely love you” before he kissed me gently on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened it a bit. His kisses reassure me, and I certainly needed reassuring last night. I could kiss him forever.

But I guess that wasn’t meant to be. After a few minutes, we heard a loud female voice yelling from inside Lucas’ house, saying, “Lucas! You’re supposed to bring him in here and let everyone approve of him before you make out with him! Now bring your boyfriend’s gluteus maximus in here now. Dinner’s almost ready”

Lucas sighed. “That’s Bridgett. She’s a loud mouth. Come on, baby, we should go in” he said, and took my hand as he started walking up the driveway.

We walked into his house and immediately into the kitchen/dining area. Lucas’ dad was sitting at the table along with his 3 siblings, while his mum was standing at the stove stirring something in a large pot.

Lucas’ dad stood up straight away and came over to us, holding out his hand to shake mine.

“You must be Caleb. Lucas hasn’t stopped talking about you since he first met you; isn’t that right, Luke?”

Lucas went bright red, but mumbled a ‘yes’. It made me smile to see him embarrassed. It’s cute.

After I shook his dad’s hand and he asked me to call him Gary, Lucas’ siblings stood up and came over to greet me as well.

Both his sisters, Martina (who’s 22 and a model like Lucas) and Bridgett (who’s 16 and really smart) are both taller than me, thinner than me, and exceptionally beautiful. And his brother, Nathan (who’s 11), is well on the way to becoming as incredibly sexy as his brother. And Lucas’ parents are really good looking for old people too. Suffice to say, I was definitely the ugliest and fattest person in the house, which made me feel really uncomfortable for a while until everyone sat down at the table and began eating the fettuccini carbonara Lucas’ mum, Nina, made (Lucas told her it was my favourite meal, which was really sweet) and talking, I started to relax around his family. They treated me like one of their own and didn’t ask any embarrassing questions or grill me about my intensions with their son or anything like that. It was like I’ve known them for years, instead of just the short amount of time I shared dinner and dessert with them.

The dessert was berry cheesecake – I only ate a tiny slice so that I didn’t offend Nina. I wanted to be sick after it, though. I know I’m going to put on about 10 kilos after the creamy fettuccini carbonara. I can feel it making me fatter again, even though I ate it yesterday evening and not this morning. I’m not going to try and throw it up though. I made a promise to Lucas that I wouldn’t. I’ll keep my word to him as long as he’s by my side. I’m not going to make him hate me because I broke my promise. I love him… and he told me last night that he loves me too, before I allowed him to undress me for the very first time and touch me gently almost anywhere he wanted (I wasn’t ready for him to touch me down there just yet), and let me do the same to him. It was embarrassing being naked in front of him – I still feel and look so disgusting, but he said I was beautiful. But I am nothing compared to him. He is just flawless, with, and especially without, clothes on. His skin and body are just… akdjhkunde. Amazing.

I’ve grown to love him so much in such a short amount of time it’s kinda scary, but incredible at the same time.

I can’t keep him out of my mind. I’ve been in a complete daze since Lucas dropped me home last night after our… intimate situation.

Oh gosh.
♠ ♠ ♠
There you are, all you impatient people who wanted a bit of Caleb + Lucas sexytime. Enjoy :P

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Thank you to all readers & subs & these people for commenting:
call me by your name

Nathan (just imagine him without the piercings)
Nina & Gary
And for those of you who might be wondering about what Caleb's parents look like: