Status: On hiatus - don't know if it'll ever be finished tbh


Friday May 18

It took Lucas about 20 minutes to drive from my house to the studio where he would be doing the photo shoot, but that was okay. We just talked and listened to music on the radio for the duration of the trip. He also held my hand with his left hand while he steered with his right. His kept running his thumb over my knuckles and it felt really nice, and occasionally he would look over at me with a soft smile on his face. I think it’s crazy to say but I think he really does like me, and isn’t pretending like I once thought he was.

He kind of proved that as well, when, after he pulled up outside a big brick building with a massive sign reading KALEIDOSCOPE PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO on the front, he put the car in park, took off his seatbelt (and unbuckled mine as well) and pulled me gently towards him. He then kissed me softly, and mumbled “love you, baby” against my lips and then pulled away. I went bright red and I couldn’t talk because I’m so damn awkward.

Then he chuckled under his breath, said “Well, this is it. Are you coming?” and then got out of the car. I did the same and caught up to him as he began to slowly walk towards the building.

When we went through the automatic doors, the room we entered was very bright, and had white marble flooring. There was a big desk in the middle with a brown-haired lady sitting behind it, who smiled at Lucas as he approached.

“Hey, I’m Lucas Truscott, here to see Miranda (that’s how I thought it was spelled until I saw her badge and it was spelled ‘Myrandah’) from FRM” he said to the lady, just as another lady came out from one of the doors off the main entrance.

“Ah, Lucas! You’re here! This way” she said, sounding really, really enthusiastic but also really professional. Lucas thanked the lady at the desk anyway and then we followed Myrandah (I saw her badge right before she turned around) through the door she came from. (I asked Lucas as we walked what FRM stands for: Fashion Results Models Model Management)

The room we entered still had a lot of white and marble, but it had a more… ‘homely’ feeling than the main entrance did. There were large leather couches and chairs, a mini bar in one corner, a big stereo with enormous speakers (which wasn’t on) and a lot more people around. I shrunk into Lucas a bit because I don’t like crowds…and especially not crowds of exceptionally gorgeous, skinny people, which they all were, except for one fat guy holding a professional looking camera.

“Lucas!” a girl’s voice cried, and we turned around at the same time to see a young blonde wearing only a bra and a very, very short skirt running towards us.

“Shell! Hey bitch!” Lucas said, and let go of my hand so he could hug her.

That was fine until she kissed him on the lips.

My mouth fell open and I started choking on my own spit.

I couldn’t believe that he would let her do that in front of me and not even care!

I was making a bit of a racket and both Lucas and “Shell” looked over at me. Lucas patted me on the back to unclog my lungs and chuckled when I was breathing normally again.

I glared at him. He looked startled for a few seconds before he seemed to realise why I was upset.

“Oh my God! Cale, I’m sorry, baby, I forgot to tell you. This is Seychelle. She’s like my best friend in the entire world. And she’s gay, too.”

He emphasised that last sentence pretty clearly, making Seychelle giggle and me relax.

“Shell, this is Caleb. My boyfriend.”

“Aww, he’s so cute! And he got jealous! Look at him. Naww, he’s just adorable. And Lucas, you dick, why didn’t you warn him I was going to molest you when you got here? You’re a terrible boyfriend!”
she said (really loudly, I might add), and punched Lucas in the arm before turning to me. “Don’t worry, sweetie, I’ll kick his ass for you!”

Lucas said.
“Yes, dear one?”
“F*ck off. You’re scaring him. Go off and compare bra sizes or whatever it is you girls do while you’re waiting around for shoots”

Seychelle snorted, and flounced off with her nose exaggeratedly in the air.

Lucas laughed.

“Sorry about that, baby. She’s insane”
“It’s okay”
I said softly.

Then he kissed me and wrapped his arms around my waist to hold me there. It felt so nice.

I could kiss Lucas forever… if I was allowed… which I wasn’t, because we were rudely interrupted about 5 minutes later by Myrandah telling Lucas he needed to change into his outfit because the photographer was ready and handed him a pair of slightly ripped blue jeans.

Lucas (seemingly reluctantly) let go of me and took the jeans, and then, as if it was completely normal to just strip in front of a billion people, just pulled his own shirt and pants off, handed them to Myrandah who took them away, and pulled the other jeans on. He wasn’t wearing underwear either. Oh my god. I could only stare at him like an idiot.

“Alright! Ready!” he called.
“Okay!” Myrandah called back. “Seychelle, Sam, are you ready too?”

I hadn’t noticed Sammy there before, but I did when he yelled back saying that he was ready too. He looked almost as sexy as Lucas did in the jeans he was wearing.

Then, the three of them stood around and talked to a woman in a black coat for a few minutes, and then began posing and having photos taken and all that stuff. It was fascinating to watch. They were all so professional when they were in front of the camera, but when they were waiting for the others (because they weren’t all needed at once for all of the time) they were all goofy and silly.

I couldn’t help but feel jealous when Seychelle was posing with Lucas and getting really close to him and that. I swear once she licked his face, but maybe I was imagining things.

And I also swear I saw Sammy flirting with Lucas when they were off camera…

But maybe I’m being silly…

I don’t know.

But it made me really mad at the time. I’m okay now, though.

And it was really an exciting thing to watch…how the models knew how to pose, watching the photographer take the shots, watching the models change their clothes from time to time.

It was really fun.

And dinner at Lucas’ house last night was amazing, too. It felt just as natural as it did the first time. I love his family. But I love Lucas more.

We’re going out on a date tomorrow night. He won’t tell me where though. He said it’s a surprise, but I’m sure I’ll love it.

Now Mother’s calling me for dinner. I should stop writing, even though I don’t want dinner.

I’ve gained another kilogram. I’m 51 kilos now.

It’s too much.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to all readers, subscribers & these people for commenting:
call me by your name
prickly vines

You are the best! <3

Oh, and imagine some of the shots looking a bit like this but focussing more on the jeans :P