Status: On hiatus - don't know if it'll ever be finished tbh


Saturday May 19

Lucas and I went out to dinner tonight. He took me to this nice little café about half an hour away with a name that I couldn’t pronounce because it was in another language and I’m not very good with languages. Lucas said it though, when we arrived. I can’t even spell it. I know it started with an ‘n’ though, so I told Lucas that I’m just going to call it Café N when I write about it here.

He just chuckled, kissed me quickly on the mouth, said “you’re so cute, Caleb” and took my hand and led me through the door of the café.

It was really nice inside. The tablecloths were pristine white and the chairs were covered in black fabric so it had a nice contrast. The waiters and waitresses were wearing black and white as well.

Lucas gave his name to one of them and they led us to a table for two in a nice, quiet corner of the café. Then, they gave us menus, and left us alone for a few minutes so we could choose our meals in peace.

The menu at Café N was very diverse. I chose to have calamari rings with mashed potato and vegetables (because I didn’t want to risk having chips and salad cause the chips would have been very fattening and I’m already getting too big again) and Lucas ordered a supreme pizza and an entrée of garlic bread for us to share. I also had a glass of lemonade and Lucas had a massive iced chocolate with a mountain of whipped cream and chocolate flakes on the top.

I wish I knew his secret on how to stay skinny. If I had even one spoonful of the cream on top of that drink I’d gain a kilo. I’m glad I chose a lemonade instead (even though it’s still full of sugar), because I was actually considering getting an iced chocolate too until I saw one going to another table and snapped out of my temporary memory failure – I forgot that I’m already too fat – and decided against it.

When the food came out, it was really, really nice and Lucas and I had a nice conversation. And he explained why he took me out to this nice restaurant:

Because on Thursday (the 24th) it’s going to be our three month anniversary and Thursday isn’t really a good time to go out and have dinner, especially since we have school the next day and also, Lucas said his parents are getting a little bit stricter about his studying since he’s got his final exams this year and he hasn’t done very much towards them since he’s been working and spending his time with me.

So that’s why he chose tonight to take me out instead of the actual date of our anniversary. I still can’t really believe that I get to type that word. Especially in relation to Lucas and I. I mean, it still seems so surreal to me that someone like him would want to stick with someone like me for so long.

Not that I’m complaining. I’ve been loving the time I’ve been able to spend with him.

He’s just so perfect, and so nice and caring and loving. Just amazing…

But, although I could ramble about how amazing Lucas is for another thousand years, I really have to get this out before I die of … something.

I don’t even know what I’d die of. Embarrassment, maybe?

Lust? LOVE?

Oh gosh, I don’t know, but I do know that I’m going to die of something if I don’t get this out.
And I don’t really know how to say it, but I’ll give it a go…

I have a feeling that Lucas’ and my relationship is going much better that I really anticipated before and is going to be more… physical… after what happened tonight.

Oh god.

I’m still shaking, and Lucas left about an hour ago.

You see… when Lucas dropped me off home, Mother and Father weren’t home because they went to the theatre to see some Shakespeare play.

So I invited him inside.


We started making out.

And then, he…um….

He… god!

He put his hand down my pants and took hold of my… ‘thing’ and…

He… well, he made me swear a lot. And I hate swearing. But what he did made me swear A LOT, and I didn't even care.

And then I felt something weird in my tummy…

And I’m not going to write any more.

It’s too embarrassing.

But it felt so good.

Oh gosh.

I can’t write anymore.

♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry I've taken so long. Life's been pretty hectic lately.
strangers in bars. said that Caleb and Lucas should do something for Chapter 69, so..there you go! Haha, hope you enjoyed, even though Cale is so awkward about it :P I know it's not that good...
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And thank you to all readers, subs and these people for commenting:
prickly vines
