I Don't Like You, I Like Your Brother... I Think?

New Year, new luck?

“Can you believe it?! We are actually juniors!” My best friend and twin sister, Jade, said as we walked through the school doors on our first day.

“Chill Jade.” I said shaking my head and smiling to myself. Jade usually got over excited about things, but even I couldn’t stop myself from being a tad bit excited about this.

“Kelly, this is your last chance to date Kyle before he goes to college!” She whispered excitedly. Kyle is the school’s basketball captain. I’ve had a crush on him since seventh grade when him and his annoying brother, Zane moved here.

Zane was a year younger than Kyle and in my grade. He’s been a complete jackass towards me since he moved here. But Kyle is so different. He’s really nice and hot. All the girls like him. Unlike his brother though, he doesn’t use them for sex and dump them the next day. The only other person that knows about my crush is Jade.

“He wouldn’t go out with a girl like me.” I told her shaking my head.

“Why not? You’re cute, and funny, and smart. He would be so lucky to have you.” She said.

“You have to say that because-“ I didn’t get to finish my sentence because I ran into someone.

“I am so sorry. I wasn’t-”

“God Kelly. You could have just said you liked me.” I heard the most annoying voice ever. I looked up and glared at Zane.

“Oh. It’s you. On second thought I’m not sorry. And I do not like you.” I said.

“Sure you don’t.” He smirked.

“You know what Zane? You are the most annoying, conceited, asshole I ever knew.”

“It just makes me all the more irresistible.”

“God Zane. Why do you always get the hot girls?” Kyle asked walking up to his brother. My eyes got wide and I shook my head, blushing. He just called me hot!

“No. I do not like Zane.” I said. He smiled at me.

“Not that I would go out with her anyways.” Zane said rolling his eyes. Kyle rolled his eyes back.

“I’m Kyle.” He smiled at me.

“I’m Kelly.”

“I know who you are. I see you and Zane fighting all the time. It’s kind of funny seeing my little brother get turned down so many times.” He smirked at Zane. Zane just glared at him.

“Don’t you have a class to get to?” He asked. Before Kyle could say anything Liz, the cheerleading captain ran over to us. He smiled at her and wrapped an arm around her.

“Hey babe.” Kyle said. My smile was quickly wiped off. Of course they were dating.

“Hi Kyle. Hey Zane.” She stopped when she got to me and Jade.

“Who are you?” She asked smiling at us. That’s the thing about Liz. She isn’t a stuck up, bitchy, cheerleader. She’s actually really nice.

“This is Kelly and-” Kyle started to say but stopped when he realized he didn’t know my sister’s name.

“That’s my sister Jade.” I finished.

“Oh hi. I’m Liz.” She said.

“I’ve got to go to class.” Zane mumbled walking away.

“We’re going to go too. Hey we’re having a party on Saturday. It’s sort of a back to school thing that we have every year. Why don’t you guys come?” Kyle asked.

“We’d love to.” Jade said excitedly.

“Great.” He gave us the address and walked away.

“See? I told you this was going to be your lucky year!” Jade whispered excitedly.

“He called me hot!” I said in the same tone. We walked to our first class. When we got there I was glad to see that Zane wasn’t in this class. I sighed and sat down beside Jade.

“Alright class. This is English 11. I am Mrs. Kwan.” The teacher said. At that moment the door opened and in walked Zane. I groaned and hit my head on the desk.

“Ahh Mr. Silver. How nice of you to join us.” The teacher said glaring at Zane.

“Yea. I know.” Zane smirked at the teacher.

“You can sit beside Kelly Collins.” She rolled her eyes. Zane turned his smirk to me.

“Why me?” I complained to Jade who was sitting on the other side of me. She just gave me an apologetic smile.

“Hello Kels.” Zane said using his nickname for me that he knew I hated. He sat down beside me.

“Leave me alone.” I glared at him.

“Miss Collins, Mr. Silver, is the seating arrangement going to be a problem?” Mrs. Kwan asked.

“No ma’m.” Zane spoke up. She turned back around before I could say anything.

“so you like my brother?” Zane whispered.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I whispered back. But I could feel my cheeks heat up.

“Please. You’re cheeks say it all.” He chuckled quietly.

“So what if I do? You going to tell him? I don’t care.” I said.

“I know how you can get him.”

“Mr. Silver!” Mrs. Kwan yelled.

“Sorry.” He mumbled. She turned back to the board.

“Meet me outside for lunch.” He whispered to me.

“That’s it! Office! Now!” Mrs. Kwan yelled pointing to the door. Zane got up, took his stuff and walked out of the classroom.

“What was that all about?” Jade whispered after Mrs. Kwan began speaking again.

“Later.” I mumbled.
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Ok first chapter. I'm really excited about this story, I absolutely love it! It might seem a little boring this first chapter, but believe me it gets better and you guys will be begging me to update faster! Yes I know I sounded cocky, but that's just how much faith I have in this story! Oh! And I would like at least one comment before I post the next chapter. :D Comment/subscribe <3VampirePrincess15<3